Reviews for Nightingale
Rainbow Breathh chapter 5 . 9/11/2013
Jessica chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
This chapter was definitely my favorite so far, and they're all so good! Gave me chills. :)
Keira-House M.D chapter 5 . 9/9/2013
Wow, dramatic chapter. A lot going on and some new info. Hermione kissing Tom was interesting, and I liked how you gave Snape Phineas' line from Order of the Phoenix, telling Hermione (rather than Harry in the book) to stay put. It's good to see the girls standing up for Hermione, as well as the introduction of Luna. Looking forward to more.
Beserked2 chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
Ah, but I liked this one. Order of the Phoenix was one of my favourites, as far as the books went so I suppose it'd make sense that I liked this chapter. The way you've run every chapter along the timeline of every book is quite clever - I suppose that's why you had Sirius re-captured in this chapter, which is in some ways WORSE than him being killed. I know it's necessary but it still sucks major balls, love Sirius. The 'Stay Where you are' warning was a nice little touch.
I was so sure it was Umbridge who tried to drown Hermione last chapter, there's nothing to prove me wrong... So far. Lol.
Hermione was very...Harry in this chapter. Replacing him with her, though, it's bound to happen. She's a bit freer in this Fic, more like the grown up version of her, which has actually turned out quite well.
The kiss was pretty impulsive and so very satisfying.
Oh - oh - lightbulb! Are we going to see Dumbledore in the next chapter?!
Brilliant chapter as usual - eagerly awaiting the next :)-
CottonKey chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
Oh damn, it just got more serious with Tom and Hermione. And shit, Black was captured?
Skcnsoxnxiandjc chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
Awesome chapter, as always :) 3
Mechanical Orange chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
Whoa Hermione gets a lot of action this chapter! I like how she's using 1984 as a template for the future (sort of). I can't wait to see how her and Tom's relationship develops as it seems they're both set on betraying each other. And what about Sirius? I can't wait for the next update!
ohmyfish chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
I must say, I love these time travel fics. I almost dropped my phone when Hermione kissed Tom, and it took me four minutes to get over my giggle-fit. Good job, and update soon :)
Cellar chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
I love to hate Umbridge. :D And the kiss... Wow. I'm so curious what future you plan for Hermione and if there will be Tom in it. Can't wait for more!
Sqidly chapter 4 . 9/7/2013
Amaze balls so far! Lol, can't wait for more :)
krook chapter 4 . 9/3/2013
What I really liked in this chapter was the scene in the lab. I loved the conflict between Riddle and Hermione in that scene, wherein Tom is focused on the products of the research (not caring about the immorality of the process itself) while Hermione immediately fights against any sort of cruelty to others as a means to an end. (did that make any sense? it sounds muddled.)
Also, it's always wonderful to see the male lead starting to care about Hermione despite his best efforts :D And in the case of Riddle especially, I enjoy seeing Hermione struggling not to fall for him.
'I know your secret'. On the whole, Tom Riddle is darker and more evil and therefore sometimes sexier than Draco Malfoy. This was one of those moments. Kudos on capturing that really well. Yet again :P
I think I like Gemma Farley.
This story may be too smart for me. I tried to follow all of the science bits but I'm afraid I don't know that much about the subjects at hand. I'll do my best to follow along anyway!
If you don't end up being a famous, published author, I will be confused/angry. Because I think if anyone on this site should, it's probably you. If you would like that. (Jk I know you would I'm just trying (and failing) to be cute. Have a good evening!
Alaia chapter 3 . 8/31/2013
Man this just keeps getting better and better, it's simply a fantastic idea, so different but all the characters are made perfect even in this no magical but eerily similar world :D
Loving the development with Herminoe being 'Nightingale' and all the stuff that's gotten her in with Black.
Also loved the shock of Malfoy when she snaked him, it was great! But her running off to riddle and the comments about cancer and everything are great, can't wait for there relationship to develop! Can't wait for more :D
Classical Deconstruction chapter 4 . 9/2/2013
The way you've managed to weave the elements of J.K. Rowling's world into your universe is simply ingenious! And I really appreciate how you wrote the characters. You've injected your own flair into them while avoiding going out of character. Although admittedly, I was a bit conflicted with how Hermione behaved in this chapter. While I can see her going all out with her feminist ideals, I'm not too certain on whether she'd go so far as to almost shave off her hair. She did, after all, put on quite the effort to look good at the Yule Ball.

And I'm astounded and a little envious at the scientific discussions you've put out. I had to reread some of their conversations to slightly understand all those concepts. And if those were "utter nonsense", then kudos to making them sound realistic. (I never was that much interested in science, except for genetics. And even then, I'd rather take on math or English.)

I'm quite glad to have stumbled upon this piece. Looking forward to what happens next!
Delusional Darcy chapter 4 . 9/1/2013
My only issue with this chapter is Hermione's involvement with S.P.E.W. It doesn't make any sense. Hermione's actions are contradicting her words. By forming SPEW, she's choosing to do something that could directly affect the future, just because she doesn't agree with the way women lived during the era. It's not her place to start women's lib. Hermione knows how history plays out, so it amazes me that she feels the need risk the future, because she could, with her self-righteous actions.

I literally sighed during the Ball section of this story. I loved the romance. It was written just right.
Mechanical Orange chapter 4 . 9/1/2013
Great chapter! Things are slowly starting to come together and it's awesome. Love the tension between Tom and Hermione and I can't wait to see how things progress! I love how Snape is P and Hermione has founded SPEW (it wouldn't be Hermione without it!). Can't wait for your next update!

P.S. Does Tom need some cashmere sweaters?
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