Reviews for Nightingale
maximumtrouble10 chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
So excited for another Tomione fic by you! As I'm sure you know, I love your characterizations of Tom and Hermione-her curiosity as a result of Harry and Ron although she still innately adheres to the rules was excellently incorporated, as was the brief mention of Cedric. I'm very interested to see how the non-magic aspect will affect how Tom can have power over his followers (such as how he can substantiate that he's a descendant of someone powerful), or if that will even come into play at all (and I do love how Hermione matched Tom's scores). I'm also curious about Hermione's technology-the guard mentioned that the time travel machine would disable electronic devices, so I'm not sure what Dippet thinks they are/if they are worth Hermione trying to reactivate. Either way, I can't wait for the rest of the story!
Yeobo chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
You have created such a beautiful and absolutely mindblowingly AWESOME AU I'm struggling to stop myself from jumping down in glee. I love Tomione AU's and the way you have incorporated so many different parts of the books so seamlessly is perfect. You HAVE TO update every week; it's seriously addictive.

Still fangirling over that last line.
renyun chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
Great intro. I haven't read an AU quite like this so I am very interested in
finding out how you are going to continue the story. Hermione and Tom sound like quite a pair in this story. I'm looking to reading more. :)
krook chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
Okay what are you even made of I don't know how you come up with this stuff it's amazing. You've got me shipping our Hermione with literally EVERYONE you write her with.
I am fascinated with the technology aspect of this, and I love the parallels you're drawing to the canon. Really, they're so clever, especially the way you've replaced the Death Eaters with this antagonistic company. It's wholly realistic as something that could happen in the Muggle world, while maintaining that other-worldly feel that J. K. Rowling is such an expert at creating. Tom is flawless and frightening as ever, dark and awesome and perfect. That last line evoked this weird sound from me. It wasn't charming. And to use the potion thing from PS as a collegiate initiation! Cool! For some reason I prefer this Riddle even to the one in OAaF, and I think he's a lot more like the one in Walpurgis, who was gorgeous. I can't wait to see more of him. Also, getting to hear his thoughts now and then was awesome. What a stupendous chapter you've written. It's like being allowed to read long excerpts from a very very good book.
StalkingMalfoy chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
Sinnara chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
Love it. I simply love it. I can't wait for updates.
Speechwriter chapter 1 . 8/12/2013

So this AU is brilliant and well-realized and so deftly handled anD I JUST. Okay, firstly, before I get (too) carried away, can I say how much I appreciate the fact that it's Hufflepuff that gets a spotlight rather than the usual Gryffindor/Slytherin dichotomy? I feel like Hufflepuff is 1) vastly underappreciated as a general rule, bless their hearts and 2) a perfect vehicle to explore the oppression of the women of the time, because Hufflepuffs are kind of demure and passive by nature. Yay history! Yay all the things! Yay actually appropriate parallels!

Also, yay SCIENCE! I love reading convincing technobabble. Delightful. [rubs hands together] I'm hugely looking forward to seeing how the technology thread develops, because sciencetimes are always apropos and because I'm super intrigued to see how the hell Riddle got a hold of that instrument that is definitely not 1940s chic.

Back to the actually appropriate parallels, though. Equating veteran honor with blood status is a genius stroke for the postwar world. And the moment where Tom saved her from that particular trap was too much fun. And the nod to the logic puzzle in Sorcerer's Stone! And the transformation of events like Cedric's death that perfectly align with the worldbuilding! And just all of it! AIN'T NOTHING LIKE AUs, MAN.

Also, I love the Tomione chemistry in general here. In school settings, the well-drawn, soft-spoken, handsome, manipulative Tom is so much more eerie and captivating than the ones that are like "I shall unveil myself as a huge dickwad immediately!" He's fantastically, wildly sinister here. And hot. What. Yeah. Uh.

I am so, so excited to see where you take this. The twists and turns and possibilities are endless ... plus, I'm fully hoping for the Umbridgy problems that are minorly foreshadowed here. She's so delightfully despicable, always fun to read. And ha, before I forget, your writing - of course, as always, but *especially* so here - is absolutely beautiful. I feel like it has this stately quality that just lends itself to being inside Tom's mind and doubly so in a historical setting. Wheeeeee.

weekly updates!? you spoil us. can't wait for more though! not to, you know, pressure you! but really!


Also: edna st. vincent millay a sobs deeply

Also also: "...whenever he caught her looking and offered her a deferential smile she had to fight down a hysterical burst of laughter." did you mean: me around every attractive person i've ever met
ConNopales chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
I love AU fics. this is by far thr most brilliant because ive never seenone done in our time frame. its always victorian, medieval, or regency era Britain. Ive alwasy wanted a plain world war ii or modern era fic. its no war fic but i really like where its going. the closest ive gotten to modern, is The Scientist. good luck. you can viunt in one follower right here. cant wait for more.
Beserked2 chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
Well that's something different, hey?

Quite liked this. Was a nice little bite. I've missed Tomione.

Appreciate the fact that you've acknowledged that Hermione has actually travelled to the past. Things are kept in period- the sexism, simpering girls, the fashion - even mention of WWII. Good stuff. Doesn't happen often, I tell you.

I couldn't help but cackle at Hermione joining MI5. It's just such a funny sentence to read. Completely believable though, if she were a Muggle. I could see her Q-ing it up.

Brilliant last line of dialogue. Very Swoony. Or Hollywood. Or novelistic. Whichever. I liked it.

GinnyRules - yeah you do!
Cellar chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
This is crazy and I love it! I'm so curious how Tom has this technology. Maybe Hermione wasn't the first one to travel back in time? Or this is all some sort of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.
I like her self-confidence in these circumstances. It's not typical for Hermione, but it's justified - not only she's well-educated, but she probably has some science knowledge they can't have. And I'm really curious how you'll draw Tom's darker side. Can't wait for more! :)
Zhenzhen87 chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
So excited by your new story! It's great so far!
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