Reviews for Avatar
OscuraCat chapter 4 . 1/8
Just finished the 4th chapter and I’m absolutely loving this story so far! Can’t wait to finish reading it!
FusionCoreReactor chapter 1 . 12/20/2024
Disregard these negative comments who have nothing constructive to say. Keep up the good work.

It’s usually the ignorant who speak the loudest, all they do is yap, yap, yap, yap. Not providing anything worthwile in terms of adding to the story. Take what they say with a grain of salt since your fanfic got them worked up enough that they had to write a comment.

Also, take note that despite their apparent dislike, they still kept on reading. If they hated it so much they should have just left. Instead they kept reading.

Anyways I hope this is still in progress or hiatus, either way I’ll still be looking forward to potential updates. I’m hyped to see how you incorporate the 2nd and upcoming 3rd movie into the story.
FusionCoreReactor chapter 1 . 12/20/2024
A planetary scale Fidelius Charm would be possible, given how energy rich pandora is. Maybe cast it at a pandora equivalent of a layline?

Loving the world building, I’m getting more info on Pandora from the movies. But not much when it comes to Earths current state. Your interpretation regarding the crisis they’re facing is very Interesting. I also like the fact that Harry is very active when it comes to working with other groups to help rejuvenate Earth. My favourite chapters involved Harry travelling and discussing potential solutions and innovations. I’m looking forward to future updates. If you still plan on continuing this, which I hope you do.
Bronze chapter 2 . 9/7/2024
Well, the Unspeakables DID want him to outlast them and protect the magical world. It seems they were too good at their jobs as Harry outlived the entire magical world as well. So, unless there're magicals hiding somewhere he's not only the last but also alone. Not something I'd wish on almost anyone. Now stranding someone like Voldemort on far side of the moon where he'll never see Earth again, yes, him I'd do it to. Maybe even Good Ole Fumblemort as well. It's what he deserves.
Bronze chapter 1 . 8/28/2024
In some respects, this is no surprise. Good Ole Fumblemort was never a Light sided wizard. He was the True Dark Lord. He never intended for anyone else to have power over all the world, only himself. So, of course he had Harry abused by his so-called family. Then manipulated all through school. And the Unspeakables being dumb little sycophants as well as suck-ups believed everything he told them about Harry. Thus, they followed his orders to " Protect " Harry by locking him away till some future need arose. If that isn't Dark, then I don't know what is!
datscringebro chapter 28 . 8/5/2024
You know, for a rape apologist you can actually write a decent story when the rapists are no longer part of it. Made it to this point and can only think how good of a godsend those monsters aren't in the story anymore. Them coming back in the future though will kill the story.

Although seems it's already dead currently. Probably for the best. Wouldn't want a author who thinks getting someone drunk while your sober and having sex with them is consent continuing such a story. That's just sick on multiple levels. The fact you made harry ok with it even worse. It was a massive slap the the face and middle finger to real life sexual abuse/rape victims and you just went "Oh who cares since they're just young and dumb". By your logic if you drug a child or teenager and have sex with them it's ok? Because it's the same thing and if you really think like that you deserve a jail cell to spend your life in to protect others from yourself. So again it's probably for the best this died before you can glorify those monsters anymore then you already did.

Good riddance.
Guest chapter 19 . 8/5/2024
Jesus fuck just in the first part of the chapter you made a rape victim actually reward his rapists. You're a monster if you truly thing thats remotely ok.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/5/2024
Jesus christ! Are you seriously trying to give his manipulative rapists MORALS? Screw that. They deserve death so I hope mia dies and her boy toy have to live with the results of their actions
datscringebro chapter 17 . 8/5/2024
It was rape no matter how you spin it. The fact you claim someone alcohal or drug impaired can consent at all should have your local police put you on a watchlist for obvious reasons anyone with a working brain can see.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/5/2024
This chapter basically ruined the story so guess it's for the best this mess died before it could get worse. Would of been way better without the forced feeling sex scenes to say the least
CMdkelley chapter 15 . 8/4/2024
You said this as a Gen fic... You know no relationships? Instead, you have Harry willingly go to a party, where he gets drugged and raped by a couple who are trying to take advantage of his kindness and weath. Sure, they have horrible lives and the boy is trying to provide for his sister... But seriously, this was a gen story. Harry wakes up and is like oh I lost my virginity and one of them as a dude... Oh well I cant remember it and whatever but I guess ill role with it... Even if this had just been a girl date raping him, only for Harry to start dating them I would be over the story... That is not how gen stories work...
CMdkelley chapter 14 . 8/4/2024
Welp date raped by a bisexual male prostitute... If Harry continues a relationship with this dude im done reading.
Seph chapter 28 . 6/24/2024
A genuinely good time, being able to follow the ups and downs of our intrepid wizard from the lows of absolute isolation, into the highs both metaphorical and literal as he both regains and finds purpose anew is an absolute treat. That you can feel the mental pollution of the Great Mother as she screams for her herald to fix her at any cost, and the heart of gold that pushes back against the tide as much as it can to preserve our hero's morality is an utter delight.

My only lament is that I have reached the end of what has been written, and must hope that there is more to come.
Charice Fourre chapter 28 . 3/5/2024
this is a really good story hope you are still working on it, the way earth was discribed was super interesting to read. hopw to see more of the story.
amerikhan786 chapter 1 . 3/3/2024
This Story is absolutely amazing, the quality of Writing is stellar and even tho there are some things I disliked it had nothing to do with the Quality of the Fiction but more so of the Flaws of Harry. Yet it is so Accurate when it comes to Harry Potters Character, his ups and downs are not Random they make sense considering the life he lived the Story takes account of his mind and everyone else around him. Lastly the Fic is more Human, Real when it describes the World, of Earth and how people live on a Dying World, the Ugliness of it is just Raw and Tragic but not apologetic, people die and suffer and they do what they can do to reach their Happiness. There is no dismissal just acceptance of the Situation. I recommend this Gem to everyone.
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