Reviews for Avatar
Elymes chapter 28 . 2/25/2024
wonderfull story sofar thank you and nice ideears and conzepts
robert32514 chapter 28 . 1/23/2024
Hoping for more.
david6029 chapter 28 . 1/6/2024
For a guy who keeps saying he's gonna drop this story I keep seeing you reviewing cgapter after chapter.
Grow up.
Soul Sendant chapter 7 . 12/23/2023
Seriously fucking retarded author has fucking pandora and the Navi and Harry Potter suped up with magic and he wants to glorify corrupt trash humans and the bullshit useless technology that comes with it. This could have been more than slave minded trash. I like the idea it has potential just not in this authors hands.
Soul Sendant chapter 6 . 12/23/2023
wow this harry is a pathetic loser piece of slave shit definitely dropping this garbage these trash are gonna sing koombya and pretend to be good guys and harry is gonna continue being the good little bitch dumbest door created him to be
Soul Sendant chapter 6 . 12/23/2023
yup im dropping this completely retarded fucking trash nothing intelligent no common sense and nothing worth reading about just a bunch of ignorant slave bullshit
Soul Sendant chapter 5 . 12/23/2023
yeah a dying earth and its trash humans are more interesting thn pandora and the navi no sorry your a fucking idiot which is clearly why this is slave minded garbage
Soul Sendant chapter 5 . 12/23/2023
does this author have no brains at all yeah let the computer his new enemies control scan all his books and info. retard level trash
Soul Sendant chapter 4 . 12/23/2023
This harry is a pathetic weak minded bitch so far. Man up stop being a pathetic slave and crying over the trash magical community that used you and locked you up to keep their experimental tool at the ready for whenever its masters deemed it necessary them being gone is a nothing to be sad about. I mean the animals sure and maybe a few people, but nothing that should cripple him with grief after the way he was raised and treated.
Soul Sendant chapter 4 . 12/23/2023
The most pathetic bulllshit ever that's what letter hermione left him was filled with. Ok so letter confirms he had zero true allies in anyone, and regular muggle folk have always been trash and not worth wasting time on.
Soul Sendant chapter 3 . 12/23/2023
Fucking pathetic trash Hermione was in on it bro and these trash humans are not worth staying around. This story needs a real mc it is already suffering from im weak cry baby bitch who was abused used then kidnapped and drugged into sleep by evil trash to be woken up by ignorant trash and be alone with no other wizards which is a plus because those trash could not be trusted after what happened at the beginning of this story. Betrayed and surrounded by enemies and he just acts like a big bleeding pussy. There's nothing interesting yet. Hopefully, the story changes in the next chapter if not, I will leave you kids to it.
Soul Sendant chapter 3 . 12/23/2023
Skipped most of this chapter. wondering when this slave harry is going to act like a real human being and not these dumb faggots new property. maybe getting whatever stuff they allow him to have back will kick start his fucking brain and he will start acting like hes not a slave minded sheep.
Soul Sendant chapter 2 . 12/23/2023
Man, I really hope this plays out differently than it feels like it will. I dont want to read about a good little bitch Harry after the intro this had he wouldnt be a good servant and hang around these obviously trash people and the information he did obtain so far would reinforce needing to get all his shit back and get the fuck away from these garbage people.
EnderReaper12 chapter 28 . 12/20/2023
please continue this amazing story, like seriously I am in love with this idea I can almost feel where your going with the antennas on harrys head, and why exactly humanity would NEVER fall out of gaias watch again, she let us go and evolve freely, but in the process we lost our ears with which to hear her, this time she ain't making the same mistake. I can also see some parallels between Gaia and eywa, whereas eywa is contente to lay back and simply watch her children go about there lives perfectly content with what they have, Gaia wants her children to WIN, to strive for more and greater, to strive to be better every single day, to live life in defiance of all odds and never give up, Gaia wants a be the best, as do all her children, the problem was that Gaia lost touch with her children thus they began to grow rampantly without direction, harming themselves and everything around them, while eywa is happy with what life gave her, as are her children, Gaia is an ever expanding wifi network, while eywa is content to build her fiberoptic network in her backyard, with no desire to expand farther
EnderReaper12 chapter 28 . 12/20/2023
please continue this amazing story
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