Reviews for Avatar
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2023
i would distroy that old wrinkly fag dumbledore and his merry men of mistrints
Noelia Patio Flores chapter 28 . 12/8/2023
Hermosa historia narrativa excelente lo ame
Argent345 chapter 28 . 11/5/2023
This is amazing! Will we see more?
HanLaw0086 chapter 19 . 10/26/2023
Wow just wow this chapter has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever read. Just amazing stuff on humanity and robots philosophy.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us all.
GChemical chapter 24 . 10/14/2023
This chapter has ME absently itching my head until it pointed out that Norm was unknowingly doing the same thing
RavensBloodstone chapter 22 . 9/7/2023
I'd like to see Harry do it with a Na'vi
Ketom chapter 1 . 9/5/2023
so by the AN from the end of chap 1 I can understand that this is not an Avatar crossover since the Avatars are the bodies the jump into. He doesn't Evan leave Earth than its just Harry in a shitty futre
Phailen chapter 14 . 7/10/2023
When I first started reading your story I hesitated over spending 20 or so chapters on Earth in a story about Pandora/Avatar but you made each one of those chapters interesting. The story pulled me in, the characters were well written and Harry was believable. You have an incredible talent for writing. Even things as small as Mike and 'Mags' interacting, stuff you didn't have to do but scenes that lent depth to your characters. I really wanted to see Harry find a way to help Mike because you're damned talented at writing relatable, likeable characters. I really, truly mean that - your characters are incredible and the fact that you built them from the ground up makes them even more impressive.

And then this. The Wild was just straight up uncomfortable and awkward to read from start to finish. You mentioned Harry's resistance against the Imperius and, for a moment, I had thought you might make him back out of whatever he'd do in his drug-addled state. It would've been a moment for character growth and a way to contrast old-Earth against new-Earth. Maybe even a way to bring to light the plot hinted at by Buddy and Mia at the end of the chapter (I had hoped that they'd join him somehow on his journey to Pandora). But instead he lost his inhibition and his discipline, and I found myself half-heartedly clicking through chapters until I realized I didn't want to read any further. This was a Harry I didn't know, a Harry I'd never seen in the story and a Harry I didn't like.

I wish you the best, all the same. My opinion is one in a sea of many and your fic is certainly an incredible work!

emmabean78 chapter 28 . 6/22/2023
this is so interesting, ive never read a fic like this before. im always so interested in what happens next!
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 7 . 6/20/2023
At least he has something to occupy his time now. I forgot to ask: where is his wand?
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 5 . 6/19/2023
Which is Harry going to decide to become, a scientist or a grunt?
Apostle chapter 28 . 6/18/2023
Gaia’s will be done. The great mother will rise again, and all those who stand between her and that which must come to pass shall be bathed in her holy fire.
a fine mess098 chapter 28 . 6/18/2023
Love your story, really nails the idea of someone young and desperate to help at any cost. Also like the angle your going with Harry being subsumed by Gaia's will. Having a different system than Pandora is great world building. Looking forward to the direction this goes.
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 3 . 6/16/2023
I knew one of them would have written him a letter. So sad that they’re all gone.
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 2 . 6/15/2023
How will he find another wizard? Why is Michael really guarding there? I found it really ironic that the United Kingdom is now on the third rule of the United States. Centuries ago, it was the other way around.
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