Reviews for Go Not Gently
A shade chapter 14 . 6/21/2024
Every so often I come back to read this story and it rearranges my brain, shifts my perspective when I feel caught in the doldrums of life. I cry and appreciate Eiko’s tremendous love and sacrifice, and reset. I remember how impatient I was waiting for the last chapter and not understanding *any* of these themes, but still feeling something horrendous and molten in my chest over Rain, but hating Viví. And I was only in my young teens back then. Now, much older, the sense of loss is so much more nuanced, Vivi’s characterization is so well done, his insanity almost understandable. When you come to almost root for the villain over the loss of children, I wonder what that says about life, the shared values we have, without ever having met, and the nature of stories told in Final Fantasy worlds…

I hope this story will always be available online to read. To quiet my mind and take me back to a simpler time when waiting for chapters was the only thing that mattered.
Blank hh chapter 14 . 6/12/2023
This is essentially if we just got mason from bops slapped Vivi's name and appearance on him and called it a day 1/10
Guest chapter 14 . 6/12/2023
Honestly shit basically what I expected for something written at 2002
Cezille07 chapter 14 . 2/12/2019
I laughed, I cried, I felt love and hate and wonder reading this beautiful tale.

I discovered this from Spotify; saw a podfic with this title in progress but decided to read the finished version.

I love the wit in each sentence; I can feel the characters in their words and in their actions. The drama is intense; I couldn't stop reading once I started. I had a half-written review which I threw out after the gut-wrenching twist about midway. It was so, so difficult to weigh life and meaning amid the tragedy that was unfolding, but it was equally difficult to pause and heave a sigh at the realizations that Eiko had. So many adjectives to describe the hurricane of emotions I went through. The words were like magic; I was brought back into the world of my youth, and I really must play this game again, but now believing in the wildly colorful, wistful future you painted. There wasn't a chapter where my eyes remained dry.

Dear author, I see that this fic is almost two decades old, but I would just like to say THANK YOU for enriching my life with this gem. I hope you are well and still writing. Cheers!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/8/2018
Caution, spoilers ahead:
Does this story ever explain WHY Vivi couldn’t just make more “flesh children” by growing them the way he himself was grown, in a Petri dish or something? They would live as long as he had, and clearly have souls. I feel like this was kind of skipped over as Vivi noticing that the petri-grown children looked like him/Kuja, and would therefore grow up to be just as insane as him/Kuja, and there’s a whole nature-nurture debate screaming to come out of that (both Vivi and Kuja had a crapton happen to them to make them lose it without genetics being involved, and the other Black Waltzes were literally groomed by Kuja to be nothing more than instruments of war — how would a normally-raised Black Waltz behave?); but tbh it’s too big of a copout that we don’t see Vivi go with this option and actually carry it to term before deciding it’s a lost cause. Made it seem way too obvious that the end goal was to see Vivi go insane rather than giving him legit reasons to do so. Especially when at the end, Vivi’s children basically all end up “hatching” in “flesh bodies” anyway — like, smart Vivi, you could’ve gotten there in 1/15th of the drama and a good 15 years sooner to boot if you’d actually let the petri-dish kids grow.
Reader chapter 14 . 4/23/2018
I didn't know what I was getting into. I didn't think it would be THIS bad. And when I mean bad, I mean dark, deep, depressing but brilliant. A lot of times I just go "DOUSHITE?!", sometimes I have to stop for a while, walk around the room, and sit through it again with this rollercoaster-of-feels ride.

Admittedly, I like fanfics that sticks close to canon as much as possible- or at least close to the feel/theme of the game or in-character personalities (which you did for the most part but have taken liberties on that certain someone. Not going to spoil it for those reading these reviews). With that being said, I have mixed feelings with this one. However, this has taken me to reconsideration on my views towards my taste when reading fanfics.

Anyway, this is a great read overall! Not my favorite FFIX fanfic or the best one in my opinion, but I'll definitely give this 10/10!
vitriol candy chapter 14 . 12/21/2017
Well, I'm a bloody mess of tears. Thank you so much for blessing me with this!
Butterlillies chapter 3 . 12/20/2017
No idea if you are still around, or if you even check anymore but I thought I would let you know that even though I just finished chapter 3 my heart is pounding with possibilities. This story is already one of my favorites and I have ways to go before I finish. Something is creeping up on me like by the end of it I will be blown away. I mean, you are a fantastic writer so I wouldn't doubt it. I will read more soon and I'll leave a review every few chapters or so just to let you know what I'm thinking if you are still out there.
NotebookPaper chapter 13 . 9/3/2016
Where do you live and can /I/ make /you/ cake?

Thank you again all these years later. If you're writing anywhere else I would love to read it. I can't bring myself to contemplate that you are anything but alive and kicking somewhere.
Phoenix chapter 14 . 4/30/2016
I first read this about 10 years ago. I'm rereading it again. I hope you check your reviews again someday, wherever you are. This fic fucking changed my life and is still the best thing I've ever read, 10 years later. I hope you still write.
Kibetha chapter 14 . 2/16/2016
Wow. Erm. I'm not sure I have words right now. But this fic deserves words. I'll attempt words.

Well you've just managed to take two of the most innocent characters in the entire FF series and throw them headlong down the darkest possible storyline I could conceive of. And it was realistic, believable, and bizarrely beautiful. Even if it also hurt like hell. Not to mention you write an insane mind so well that I felt my own sanity slipping just a little there at the end from sheer empathy. Next time I try to write for someone who's crazy and completely comfortable with this fact, I'll be coming back to this fic for inspiration.

So yes, that was utterly incredible. Thank you so much for writing this, even if it was a while ago - it has taken my perceptions of FFIX and stretched them so far that my heart aches. This is wonderful, wonderful work, and every reason on earth that I love great fanfiction. Amazing.
puntas abiertas chapter 14 . 12/1/2014
Loved this story. Thank you for writing it.
Silver and Gold Angels chapter 1 . 4/23/2014
Yo, Uh. Word. Adjective. Pronoun. Adverb.
Run on and on and on.
Where my gerunds at?
Parenthetical, uh.

Shit motherfucker ass tits cunt cock motherfucker shit ass tits motherfucker shit
Come on
Fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Shit motherfucker ass tits cunt cock motherfucker shit ass tits motherfucker shit
Come on
Fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fickity-fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

You take some shit, put it up on the wall, check it out for a while.
You take that shit up off of the wall, put it down on the floor in a glass bowl.
You take some fuck, put it up on the wall where the shit used to be.
You take that fuck up off of the wall, put it down on the floor
with the shit in a glass bowl
What? Yo, here's another little piece of advice-vice

You take some fuck then some shit
then some fuck then some shit
You've got a fuck-shit stack
A fuck-shit stack

Take some fuck then some shit
then some fuck then some shit
You've got a fuck-shit stack
A fuck-shit stack

It's a stack of fuck-shit on top of itself, nigga

I make references to weaponry
Ancient, on you
I wear bullet-proof vests for no apparent reason
other than to create a false sense of importance
of which I could never retain on my own.
I like to create a buffer memory of incredulity
So y'all motherfuckers could never get near to me.

I'm a cartoon character.
You'll never be able to be like me! (me me)

I like women
I like women
I like the concept of a woman
I like to take that concept and reduce it to an object
I like to take those objects and put 'em in my videos
Have them shake they jiggly bits so they looks like hoes

I like to take some car polish, smear it all over they asses
and buff that shit out so it looks like fresh peaches and shit.
I like to take some more of that car polish and smear it all over they tits
and buff that shit out so it looks all sparkly, like diamond necklaces and shit.


Cuz I'm a lady's man
a lady's man
a la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-lady's man

I'm a materialist.
I'm a materialist.
I'll take a piece-of-shit car and I'll lower the motherfuckah;
Put some 18-inch rims on the motherfuckah;
Take some neon, put it underneath the motherfuckah
so when I roll around this town it looks like a hover (hover hover)

I like to take a flat-panel display monitor,
put one on the steering column,
one inside of the glovebox,
one on top of the dashboard,
two in back of the headrests,
one mounted in the ceiling,
two still in the motherfucking packaging, on the back seat
so when my motherfucking friends go and sit on the shit and break it (word?)
I can honestly say:

I. Just. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

You take some fuck then some shit
then some fuck then some shit
You've got a fuck-shit stack
A fuck-shit stack

Take some fuck then some shit
then some fuck then some shit
You've got a fuck-shit stack
A fuck-shit stack

Take some fuck then some shit
then some fuck then some shit
You've got a fuck-shit stack
A fuck-shit stack

Take some fuck then some shit
then some fuck then some shit
You've got a fuck-shit stack
A fuck-shit stack

It's a stack of fuck-shit on top of itself, nigga

Yo, where my girls at?
Where my girls at?
Where my grills at?
Where my grills at?

Where my girls at?
Where my girls at?
Where my grills at?
Where my grills at?
(Where is they?)

Fuck shit, fuck shit,
Fuck shit, fuck shit

Fuck shit, fuck shit,
Fuck shit, fuck shit.
RetroYuuki chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
I love Eiko. She is so cute. This is amazing
Galloway chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
I read this ages and ages ago - not long after you finished it, I think - but for some reason I never left a review. I was going to read it again so that I'd have it fresh in my mind before I reviewed... but then I remembered that this story just broke me. Into tiny, jagged, non-functional pieces. And left me like that. For days.

This is a spectacular piece of fiction. Truly one of the best I've ever read. It's one of the works to which I point when someone asks, "Why do you waste your time reading fanfic?" It elevates the art form.
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