Reviews for Trouble
not a fan chapter 19 . 9/4
I'll clarify that I liked the story.

Having clarified that, the story is like a sieve, it has too many holes, you don't know how much time passes between one scene and another, everything happens too quickly, it's even more noticeable in the trial against Dumbles, where the interrogation stops almost at the beginning... there's no question about why he left Sirius in Azcaban or what else he's done for the greater good...

That's what I don't like, that the story skips over many things and leaves a bad taste in the mouth... it's excessively annoying.
maiqsmail chapter 5 . 9/3
Is this going to be canon rehash but different words that characters say? Troll slapping around Hormone, *again*, honestly.
maiqsmail chapter 4 . 9/3
Let's make OC and turn her into Luna v2.0 just because it's year 1 and actual Luna isn't attending yet. Sure, great idea! (Not).
maiqsmail chapter 1 . 9/3
Nice take, bright but dark Harry is always a plus. Why majority of dark Harry stories have this brooding emo phase, ugh.
NhaTrang chapter 2 . 8/7
Well, if you're trolling for reviews ... I see a number of them that call you out on various lazy errors you make in spelling and research. Here's another: unless you've gone seriously AU - and you should announce it if you do - Harry hits Hogwarts in 1991. Google wouldn't be FOUNDED for another seven years. Laptops barely existed, still ran off of floppies, had teensy screens, had only in that year had color resolution, and certainly didn't connect online: the World Wide Web didn't EXIST before 1991. You're a good stylist, and I hope you've cleaned up in the last decade, but I can't fav a story with this many silly mistakes.
Cwhit930 chapter 19 . 6/22
Thanks for the share. Second time reading this story and still a great ride.
l30rusty chapter 5 . 4/21
this betta not be a Hermione fic
l30rusty chapter 7 . 4/21
also ow did it get out of that room did it smash the wall down?
l30rusty chapter 6 . 4/21
so hey out ran out ran something that can easily run many times there speed hmmmmm
l30rusty chapter 6 . 4/21
so they all happen to know a third year spell and can cast it powerfully Engough to overcome a troll highly unlikely
l30rusty chapter 5 . 4/21
i imagine at a magical school theyd have a ward or charm on the ground to slow or cushion a landing for this purpose
l30rusty chapter 4 . 4/21
its a fucking mazing asin top 5 favorite storys good
l30rusty chapter 2 . 4/21
top tier story wicked
Grinzwald chapter 7 . 4/14
I really like the premise of the this story, and would one day like to see you try to rewrite the story to fix plot holes. I say this BECAUSE I like it, but there are a lot of mistakes. As some have mentioned, spelling. But in this story, Carol Winchester doesn't make sense. She's 11, and eleven year olds don't talk that way. Plus, there's no way or reason for Voldemort to have attacked that unicorn. He did so through Quirrell's body originally, and only because possessing Quirrell's body was killing the man.
hpmick13 chapter 1 . 2/18
So much wrong with this story. Instead of researching the British justice system the author was lazy.

The British don't just throw kids into a prison, in fact you cannot be held criminally responsible under the age of ten.
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