Reviews for Love of The Lost
Guest chapter 30 . 9/11/2024
You probably don’t even get to read review anymore since it’s been a while since you wrote fic but this was beyond awesome! I love love fic where Regina has good self worth and believes she deserves better and it’s not that easy to find them. Luca was just what she needed and I loved him, the way Regina and him were genuine happy and such a loving family was so satisfying to read! Even if you’re not writing anymore and in fandom I wish you would post this fic on ao3 so others people could have the pleasure to read it. I also loved your author’s notes and how well you handled people’s reactions I love how much this fic was on Regina’s side and I hope I find more like this in your writing. Thank you for sharing this with us.
MakotaTaeny9 chapter 1 . 4/8/2024
God... how I hate Henry right now
Guest chapter 30 . 12/18/2023
That was great fic. I loved Regina and Luca the most, tbh I'm kinda sad that Regina doesn't have a kid like him so the parts that were about the both of them were my favorite by far. I'm huge fan of stories where Regina leaves and have a new life even if they are so hard to find so I loved how you wrote her life in SD and i don't think i would have even minded if Emma and Henry never showed up but since it's a sq fic I knew it was coming and I was glad that Emma and Henry changed and we so determined to make it right and be a family.
Since Regina and Luca were my favorite I was kinda sad that there wasn't more of them after Emma and Henry arrived besides Luca just being the most perfect and accepting kid in the world. I thought maybe there would be some jealousy at least about Lily or something, or about Henry, Emma idek I love how much of a wonderful son he was but it was a bit too much or maybe I just wished there was a focus on what was he feeling if he wasnt so perfect all the time
1attheedge chapter 30 . 8/21/2023
This was definitely a ride I loved to take. I'm glad you finished it with Henry and Regina moment. It was special. I found myself in different emotions while reading. Everything about them was so great. Also, Regina gets stupid wheen she is in love.
moithea chapter 30 . 2/16/2023
J'ai beaucoup aimé les 20 premiers chapitres, après c'est vrai que c'était trop haché à mon goût, même si la réaction de Regina au départ d'Emma était vraiment bien pensé, ainsi que les séances chez la psy. Les enfants sont adorables, même Henry au final. Quant à Snow et David, la daube habituelle, lol.
Carolin Munz chapter 30 . 9/2/2021
SandandSea1 chapter 12 . 8/26/2021
This story has just become one of my favorite depictions of Regina. Ever. Thank you for the introduction.
AlexandriaVE chapter 16 . 6/26/2021
Hahhah. Henry is a little bit of a troublemaker. I can just picture Emma's face when he throws out that line about school.

There was so much that needed to be said that didn't, but it does make sense after everything, and especially on Lilly's first official night at home.

I'm looking forward to them all continuing to move slightly toward each other. I hope to see more Lilly, and I hope Emma doesn't give up on finding out if Regina is single.
AlexandriaVE chapter 15 . 6/26/2021
Awww. Emma didn't want to chance Regina coming back and feeling abandoned. And Luca being kind to Henry. There are so many sweet feelings!
AlexandriaVE chapter 14 . 6/26/2021
Henry's thinking ahead. That boy is hoping Emma moves them to be closer! Even though I think he's still totally irresponsible, it's clear he is very much trying to make things right. Making an effort with Lilly was really important!

I looooove Regina and Luca with Lilly! Such a cute family!
AlexandriaVE chapter 13 . 6/26/2021
Omg the letter was so heart-wrenching and bittersweet. Ooof
AlexandriaVE chapter 10 . 6/26/2021
Oof. I totally think kids should be heard, but all of the adults being controlled by Henry's manipulations made me sick. I hated when they allowed/encouraged him to be disrespectful to the woman who gave him everything he ever had. When he called Gold "grandpa" I had to turn the show off. I mean your Henry, even now years later is thinking about himself and not considering how Emma must be out of her mind with worry!

On the other hand, I do love to see Luca thriving and to see Regina doing pretty well, having friends and a purpose. 3
AlexandriaVE chapter 4 . 6/26/2021
This is beautiful. I think Luca will see that his mom has done some bad things, but she's a better person now. What she did isn't who she is, and it can be the same for Luca. 3
AlexandriaVE chapter 3 . 6/26/2021
That's so great! I'm glad Luca has found a place where he can run and play. I hope he makes friends on the team! I'm excited to see Regina have a friendship with Katherine. I think that will be healthy for the boys to see their mom have a friend, too. Haha. Distracted, huh, Emma? Sound the gay panic alarm- your co-parent is sexy and beautiful.
AlexandriaVE chapter 2 . 6/26/2021
I don't care that they decided to love each other so quickly! It's amazing! I just hope Regina stays strong, and Luca's adjustment period isn't too rocky. When the honeymoon period is over, or if Luca's hears Henry going off about the evil queen, I hope their relationship gets stronger.
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