Reviews for In search of a Queen
Guest chapter 41 . 12/13/2024
Hope you’re doing okay! I’ve come back to this story for years and every time I’m thrilled with what you’ve added! Would really love to find out what happens, I can’t wait for it all to unfold. Hopefully Lavri will be making her wedding dress soon?
Jsmine Lucas chapter 1 . 11/19/2024
Jasmine Lucas — 06/10/2024, 19:46
I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "In search of a Queen" and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me alot. I think this is the best story which i never ever read the way you described and the emotions like each and everything is incredible. It's too good would love to hear about your upcoming stories. I'm an artist if you would like to give me a chance to draw some of your characters for your stories or something like coverart for your story so that would be my truly honour to work with you also i'll share some dope ideas with you feel free to dm.

Discord: jasminelucas12
acacia59601 chapter 41 . 11/6/2024
Another incredible chapter, I can't wait for more! I really want to see how Thorin reacts wheb she tells him yes!
LILI DURIN chapter 40 . 10/19/2024
(Couldn't review a second time on chapter 41, so doing it from 40 lol) : I am reading this excellent story again (for how many times already ?), always come back for it when I need a good Thorin/OC fanfic setting after BOTFA in Erebor. It's just so awesome, I love Ruin and her family and all the interactions and huge plots you have succeeded in developing over so much time. And Thorin, oooh Thorin ...Yes, it has been more than 10 years but I see you still update when possible and just hope you are not done yet with your splendid work, you are almost there. Cross my fingers ...
Guest chapter 41 . 10/8/2024
I always love coming back to this story! Your writing style has remained so remarkably consistent over the years, I remember when it was first being written! You write all of your characters so well! Every scene is so thoughtful and well put together. I love it! And I hope you have been well ️️️
Evil People's Underwear chapter 41 . 10/5/2024
I don’t know when I first read this storyyou were replying to my reviews as early as chapter 13 so it was quite a while ago. I had a baby recently and this weekend while she napped in my arms I re-read the whole thing. And I still think it’s my favourite fanfiction ever. Its just so well written. And it’s so close to being finished! Regardless, thank you for the good read while I was nap trapped. I hope one day you can write the ending.
Sanna Erika chapter 36 . 10/2/2024
I havent had dry eyes for the last ten chapters. TEN CHAPTERS! I am a mess but also I love this story so much. Toldin was one of my favourite characters
Ride My Stars chapter 41 . 8/29/2024
we r still waiting. good fic. 10 out of 10.
AnneDance1711 chapter 41 . 8/19/2024
I came back to this story after so many years. It was my favourite back then and I'm so glad you still writing!
I sent you my best wishes an hopefully I'll see an update soon
AnneDance1711 chapter 34 . 8/18/2024
I believe the previous chapter is missing
Guest chapter 41 . 8/2/2024
I love this story thank you. I'm in agony waiting for the next chapter, I know life is difficult this is not a criticism just to let you know you and the story are not forgotten. Just waiting as patiently as possible for more ️
Books1993 chapter 41 . 7/24/2024
I love this story so much! I have read it at least a dozen times and it is still great everytime! I hope that you are able to continue this story. cant wait to see where it goes!
haplot chapter 41 . 6/16/2024
I think ut is a sign of a great story when you're not even halfway through and already worry about the ending coming too soon.
13177meg chapter 41 . 5/4/2024
please please please please please come bwck and finish this! ive read it so many times and have to know the ending!
Old Friend chapter 41 . 4/14/2024
Darling Doodle,

Thank you for returning time and time again. I know one day we will reach our final chapter, but let it be known that even after all this time, visiting this page for updates has been integral to my very existence; perhaps nearly since the beginning. I await longingly for the next. Hope you are well, and perhaps we shall see you soon.

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