Reviews for The Falling
Slayer2811 chapter 25 . 2/9
Wow! That was a long journey but I loved every word of it! Thank you so much!
mandorakat chapter 8 . 1/24
why isn't Hermione telling Harry anything! like first it was snape and now malfoy... what the absolute hell. especially now there was a witness. what happens when Choo tells Harry they were kissing? the hell. went would she hide that? it just makes her look guilty and really, if she's not telling him she is guilty. like lying by omission. i don't get it
Beth1112 chapter 25 . 1/24
I enjoyed your story
jaqmaq77 chapter 25 . 1/18
Too many puzzles... confusing and convoluted... it's a puzzle box inside a puzzle box inside a puzzle box, with a riddle thrown in.
And how in any way can it be considered complete?
The twists and turns with no answers, just confused me.
emodevasdarkfollowing chapter 25 . 5/28/2023
From start to finish I enjoyed your story of events in your pov. I will be heading over to the sequel now, great job!
redeyehawk23 chapter 25 . 9/13/2022
This story just got worse and worse with each chapter. It's very convoluted and I don't think I'll read the next one.
Baelorfan chapter 7 . 6/30/2022
Mts Weasley hugging Hermione after ignoring her? Ron finally apologizing to Harry and Hermione? On Dumbledore's orders.

On Dumbledore's orders so that Ron tries to take Hermione away from Harry, that the two fight and break up, that Voldemort can order the death of her parents. That she becomes a "Muggleborn orphan" and thus under his control or that of the Ministry. This was Dumbledore's plan as told to Snape and overheard by McGonagall.
Baelorfan chapter 2 . 6/30/2022
This Dumbledore is truly vile. He is or was planning to have Sirius Black killed but now needs him alive to counteract Granger. He is openly planning to control Harry more closely, to have Voldemort exposed publicly by the end of fifth year, all to boost his own power and reputation.

I am fairly sure that this Dumbledore had the Granger parents kidnapped and led Malfoy to Granger's house. That is, he formed the plan, fed it to Snape who then took the idea to Voldemort and/or Malfoy.

It is possible that Dumbles did no such thing, that Malfoy and Voldemort came up with the idea but they would have needed Snape and other Muggle-raised followers to find the Granger house. Or they got the help of those in the Ministry monitoring Muggleborns for accidental magic and deliberate use of magic...

It is surprising in canon that the Death Eaters don't find and kidnap Hermione and her parents. They are easy targets and we know that the DEs can find addresses of Muggleborns. Harry Potter's address is known to Fudge and Umbridge.

How would Malfoy be watching Granger? That makes little sense. Malfoy has little to no experience navigating the Muggle world that we know of. A few sentences woukd clear this up. I would have expected lower ranking Death Eaters or sympathizers to be following Granger around or watching her house.

Notice that no direct real time communication is allowed between Granger and her parents. I wonder if they are still alive.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2022
Why is dumblefuck acting like Ron lol
Falling Faithless chapter 1 . 4/3/2022
Hey, I'm interested in reading this but I have a rule not to read stories if they aren't completely finished. So I wanted to know if you planned on finishing the sequel to this or not. I'll wait if so, I've done it for years for other stories so I don't mind.
Sparkling Ratemis chapter 25 . 3/4/2022
OMG, seriously one revelation chases the next. This plot has continuously been surprising me. This is just amazing! Nothing is as black and white as JKR makes it. And here are the darker parts I was so desperately waiting for. There are still so many plot points that need to be cleared up. What is the mysterious third power? What happened to the red-heads? So many questions.. Thank you for writing this story.
booklifeforlife chapter 6 . 3/1/2022
Omg omg omg pls tell me she becomes like their #2 supporter(don’t wanna say the name and ruin it lol) still holding out Sirius for #1 of course ok I’m gonna keep reading and find out! Lol
Sparkling Ratemis chapter 11 . 3/1/2022
After my rather reluctant review a couple hours ago, I read a few other reviews (I usually refrain from doing as not to read any spoilers) and checked your profile description. It gave me the hope that you really know what you're doing and not just writing what comes to your mind.
Over the last few chapters the dialogue improved (imho) and a lot has happened. Especially the last chapter was really just wow. Thank you so much for writing. You caught me. So now I have to binge the storyI hope my boss doesn't mind me being a bit distracted.
Sparkling Ratemis chapter 9 . 2/28/2022
Hmm, hasn't caught me yet. The dialogue feels so often ooc. I'm missing witty and snide remarks. Or the famous derogatory terms. Just temperaments exploding and I don't get why. I also don't get why Hermione isn't confessing the train car situation to Harry. Shouldn't that be her major concern? Him understanding the predicaments she's in should be a given, but I would expect him to go postal on the culprit, which she cannot want. *Spoiler ahead* I also don't understand the motives of Draco in that situation. If he has her cornered, why kiss her and not force her to kiss him. I thought in 5th year he had more of a sadistic/dominating trait.

These are so many things that first I expected to be parts of a larger, more complicated plot. Especially the abduction and disappearances foreshadow a larger conflict, that I haven't figured out. Neither have I understood Dumbles or Snapes role. Not sure if it's my undersranding or if you really had them change behaviour between appearances.
I really look forward to what Harry's misterious power is. I just hope to be able to hold on till these things are presented.

The whole setup is really promising. I like how it is developing but I fear that the result is not going to satisfy my expectations.

I know I started rambling somewhere, but sometimes writing helps to make decisions. Thank you for writing this story. I'll give it another chance for a couple chapters. I'm sure you're style is improving over time. Maybe you'll have time to give the dialogues in the earlier chapters another goespecially Snape's misses the snide remarks. It's all so plain and straight forward.

Keep going, and don't be bothered by me. I love the ideas.
Cynfulme chapter 12 . 1/15/2022
This has been very entertaining so far! Thanks for writing.
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