Reviews for I'm Still Here
Lord Chronus chapter 13 . 12/4
Ran into this, and can't have enough. Please don't abandon this. It's really well done, and is quite unique. The Bellatrix/Poppy switch was a "WTFingH!?" moment, and I enjoyed it. Please continue updates in the near future. Thank you for such a good and unique plot.
wheenabi chapter 2 . 12/4
hello, i hope you can finish this story. thank you for your hard work.
ThunderBuns935 chapter 13 . 11/27
I really love the premise of your story, and I'm hoping you'll one day consider it. him destroying all the dementors is one of the coolest things I've ever read lmao. just... poof, bye bye.
Church21 chapter 13 . 11/23
I know commenting on this story is pretty pointless because its dead but just my thoughts on this fic. It was a very enjoyable premis and had the potential to be a great story if finished. I understand you were portraying Harry as having PTSD even though most of the time it just came off as having depression mixed with 0 emotional control. I think you wers completely stuck on all the negatives that would come with being a child soldier that literally had all his friends killed and in the process of fighting a war was forced to kill hundreds of people which is realistic but you completely ether wrote out or forgot any of the positives it would have brought to Harrys situation. He would have had to have had enotional contol to survive as long as he did in the apocalyptic world he came from. If he lost his shit everytime he saw a death eater or heard the word mudblood he never would have lived very long. This Harry should be both much more cunning and Callous. The fact that he froze on his first encounter with death eaters in the new world was pretty stupid given he’d probablyhave fought hundreds of battles to that point to have been responsible for killing off all the death eaters in the last world. The fact that his brain locks up every time he meets girls will one day be joining his Harem and doea stupid shit is a bit fortelling and not a mistake he should be making. Like when he referred to Fluer as Ms. delecuer even though he shouldnt have known who she was. His intitial encounter with Daphne went that way as well. He could have used his cunning to get sonething out of that situation but instead went with the #1 stupud troope in most Harry Potter Fics which is. *I’ll do it cause its the right thing to do* even though hea confirming that he is in fact the one that set the wards in the common room. In fact giving up information on himself for nothing. Lastely you mentioned in your author notes that JKR went out of her way to make HP not special in the books which your right but you did Iris even worse. Her one big boss fight up until that point would have been her 1V1 verse the Basalisk and for some ridiculous reason you put Hermione there. For Iris get her arm punctured while she stabbed the basalisk like HO cannon makes sense but for a sixty foot snake to Bite Hermione and not literally rip her leg off and or kill her goes beyond the suspensen of disbelief. It adds nothing outside of making Harry’s counterpart in this world unremarkable because she couldnt do what OG Harry did. I know its for probably the reason of giving Hermione the same ability harry has with flamming and immortality but that does nothing but make both Iris and OG Harry less special. I do really like cannon Hermione even though im not a big fan of Harry/Hermione pairings. I prefer the close brother sister relationship they have in cannon. She has no real place in a Harem fic though. The mental gymnastics you have to do to get Hermione in a Harem would take changing her character to the point it doesnt resemble anything like Hermione. With other characters such as Fluer or Daphne greengrass its easy. Fluers not very heavily featured in cannon and Daphnes not at all featured so you come away from cannon not knowing them well so you can just write them as kind of OCs. All and all good story just think you got a little to hung up on the negatives of ptsd and left out the positives that would have come with his life experience.
FlawedBauthor chapter 13 . 11/16
Monkey fucking liar
Guest chapter 13 . 11/10
Please give spoilers if not going to complete the story. Need to know what happens next.
LorZod chapter 4 . 11/12
So this one of those fics where the reader has to skip through a ton of paragraphs full of unnecessary crap just to get to the plot. I can see why you abandoned it. Seems interesting enough, but there is too much going on.
Kp2087 chapter 8 . 11/10
I wouldnt say malfoy was a ‘douche’ to fleur at least. He was a bit rude but more than reasonable for a sudden attack with a potentialt lethal weapon (which is waht wands and spells are, lets be real). Also i really dont liek fleurs immediat use of her magical mind rape powers whenever someone is even mildy rude. Exceptionally dissapounted in her behavior, hope she learns and gets better
choice87 chapter 13 . 10/24
Wow, I enjoyed every chapter of this story so much! No matter how much time passes, I guarantee you'll have excited readers if you choose to post more. In the meantime, I'm excited to check out your other works!

I'm seriously so intrigued to see what happens next on all of the plot points and relationships you've got developing. I'm also curious what Bellatrix was doing at Hogwarts now that Harry's name didn't come out of the goblet. Your humor absolutely got me with the chapter titles at the end, especially Nicolas on Harry not doing something too impulsive lol!
choice87 chapter 6 . 10/22
I am loving this so far and am stoked to keep reading the next chapters. I wanted to pop in a review to say I LOVE Harry's allies in this new world! From the first chapter I loved that Harry still had badass Hedwig even if everyone else was gone, and I LOVED that she flew through the mirror to join him. Now knowing about ghost Draco going through the mirror is such a great surprise. I also really enjoyed your portrayal of Nicolas and Perenelle. Definitely amazing ally team. Bummer that this world's Ron is such a little shit when the last world's was a brother-in-arms. Hermione in both worlds sounds like a total badass. Excellent excellent writing! Thank you for sharing your imagination with us!
TheLoneDoctorVII chapter 13 . 10/20
This has become one of my favorite reads so far. I do hope to see it finished
Jupp chapter 13 . 10/20
Hope all is well with you, thanks again for one of my very favorite stories.
dixonjason403 chapter 7 . 10/12
this is poorly written garbage. the author seems to be making writing choices "because they think its cool" more than because it make any sense. harry is a whiny fucking loser im already tired of dealing with, and he seems to be stupid and incompetent on top of being obnoxiously emo. its like the author is trying to speedrun making an unreadable story.
dixonjason403 chapter 6 . 10/12
this is complete ass and im not surprised this story got cancelled now. honestly this isnt even a harry potter fanfic anymore. he's just a random shitty oc at this point.
dixonjason403 chapter 2 . 10/12
is harry retarded, or does he just completely lack critical thinking skills? because this chapter was so pathetic i think its turned me off from reading this story altogether.
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