Reviews for Falling Iron
Marcus Galen Sands chapter 2 . 9/23/2013
This was great. I thought you really caught Starks personality just right and i like the way he immediately gets stuck in rather than giving in to angst or the like. It was also an interesting new road for taylor to take. Will Tony be fixing her up her own armour once he finds out she wants to be a cape?
Sdarian chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
I thought you would still be in the hospital," the fifteen year old.

Should have a 'said' or something before 'the fifteen year old'.

I brought breakfast and a black widow for you...

So, she told him she brought him a spider? Looking back, maybe she's talking about coffee? If so, you need to change this into something else as she controls bugs, and that is what the automatic assumption is when she refers to things like this.


You might want to make it a bit clearer that Tony set down Taylor before chasing after the flying armors, as the first time I read through that I read it as: Tony picks up Taylor - Fly into the sky with her - notices they are retreating - chases after them while holding Taylor.

I had to go back and reread the section, and even then it's not real clear that he puts her down.

Here's the section:
He swooped her up and rocketed into the air then over to the far side of the building.

You might change that to something along the lines of:
He swooped her up and rocketed over to the sidewalk across from the far side of the building.

That would clear up that section a lot, as the first version never mentions landing, just that they are in the air over the far side of the building. The next section has him 'back into the sky', but that could just as well mean shooting up from where he was hovering.
Jouaint chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Great chapter.
Majin83 chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Interesting. i rather like the way you are writing good old Tony. He does seem very much like his film personality, you write the manic, hyper aspect of him very nicely.

It is rather cute to see how Taylor is getting a sorta Sempai character thanks to Tony. He may not be the best example/role model a superhero to follow, but I can see her learning to be a good parahuman through minding him...:p
skywiseskychan chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Woot, thats a fun little opening for both Iron Man and Skitter. I'm a little worried about here just because without the pressure of the environment she actually ended up in would she really turn out the same way? I do hope that we get to see her intelligence shine. I also look forward to seeing what she can do if she has a tinker on the team!

Its amusing that in your stories various groups are getting defeated 'out of order' as it were. I look forward even more to this world now.
skywiseskychan chapter 1 . 9/22/2013
I like it, a very plausible excuse get him there, and then and interesting twist. As presumably he is NOT a tinker, and his tech will be replicable and reliable. I'm excited to see Jarvis meet Dragon, and Dragon realize Tony has a working functioning AI.

That will be quite the match.

Its an interesting approach to get him back into the weapons selling gig, and nice Cameo for Panacea. I'm a bit curious that she didn't offer to get the arc reactor out of his chest, or at least the bomb fragments. I like watching your take on Tonys eccentricities and just how hard it is for others to take it. I look forward to more.
alichi chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Wow, nice one.

Great choice in crossover, Tony definitely fits in (or stands out as it were) in Worm. Looking forward to what you will make out of this version of Taylor.
alex.rushing.5 chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Dawww, so cuddly cute fanfic!
Rydan fall chapter 1 . 9/22/2013
Heh, does this mean Taylor will get a exoskeleton(?) armor from Toni if she makes him a undersuit?

I can see Toni turning Panacea into a combat medic by giving her a costume(?) armor.
Rydan fall chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
Oops, a Iron interventie.
Now thats going to be ironic. ;
reality deviant chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
nicely done.
i expect tony wanting taylor to be superheroing with him so he could watch over her, and adding armor to her spidersilk suit
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