Reviews for Falling Iron
draconianking chapter 14 . 3/28/2018
More Please I Beg Of Thee Writer-Sama
Arkarian23 chapter 8 . 3/22/2018
Well after reading the next few chapters it's good to see that progress was made on behalf of Taylor. I still feel that a much more severe reaction was warranted under the circumstances but it's much better now with further chapters.
Arkarian23 chapter 6 . 3/22/2018
Wow, so Taylor sees Sophia is a ward and doesn't freak out? Doesn't perhaps have some sort of panic attack or react beyond a second. Doesn't even perhaps mention that the reason she even has her power is thanks to the protracted, and outright criminal, bullying campaign she was exposed to?

Yeah, this is a case of completely missing the cues of the character and falls into the unbelieveable side of things. It turns out, that your characters have emotions. I get trying to write a happier story but the 'heroes get a deus ex machina fix for everything' trope gets boring very fast.

Giving Iron man a magic super psychiatrist while believable in the context of Parahumans, maligns potential character development and drama. Iron man fixing Dragon and beating the saints so quickly and easily is almost as bad. Ignoring the key traits of Taylor's character completely marginalises so much of what made Worm a great story.

Combining the admittedly angst ridden PTSD Iron man character with Worm could have meshed so well but the key features that drive the characters have been outright removed or ignored entirely.

A fixer story can be done don't get me wrong, but if Tony creates an anti endbringer weapon before chapter 12 I will not be surprised but I will be disappointed.
Akuma-Heika chapter 9 . 3/2/2018
Marasme should be Masamune. Looks like it was a typo

Guardsmen not Guardsman when it is plutal
Wrin chapter 14 . 3/1/2018
NICE! I don't think I've ever seen a comparably good Worm/Marvel crossover. I look forward to anything more you might post, and thank you for writing and posting what you have!
Fencer22 chapter 14 . 2/17/2018
Alright this is fun more please!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/13/2018
Just a prank? Wildbow isn't anything remotely resembling an expert on the US legal system, and he apparently accidentally built a perfect storm of criminal actions, then had everyone from the school administration through the city police up to the Protectorate and PRT (both federal agencies) ignoring it.

For that to happen would require an astounding level of either apathy or systemic corruption in all levels of Brockton Bay. Why? Because I called it a perfect storm for a reason.

Under US laws (in our world, anyway) the locker incident, if the charges filed were perfectly matched to the facts of the incodent, would be conspiracy to commit attempted first degree murder using a weapon of mass destruction. It hits every single criteria of all of the relevant criminal statutes and legal definitions, and only misses being an act of domestic bio-terrorism by a single criteria - it ticks every checkbox for a terrorist attack except one (no political motive).

Granted, Earth Bet is a divergent timeline from ours, but it was our world up to 1982, with identical laws, and all of the laws I mentioned existed prior to 1982. Divergent timelines can easily have different laws, but it's RARE for any government to give up power over the people, and given the capabilities of Tinkers, their laws are likely to be a LOT more detailed than ours about what constitutes an illegal attack.

Winslow should have been crawling with federal agents, from the CDC to the FBI to the PRT. But it gets dismissed as a prank, kids will be kids? Unlikely unless the corruption level in that town is so bad, it would make Gotham (or Detroit in the Robocop movies) look like a paragon of order and righteousness, something that usn't evident at all in Worm canon.
Difdi chapter 12 . 2/13/2018
Tony's solution to the nuke is elegant and actually quite realistic. Nuclear weapons are delicate like computers are delicate, the tiniest thing out of place can make them fail to work entirely. So you really can disarm one with a cutting laser, or even a sledgehammer.
Difdi chapter 9 . 2/13/2018
Strider is definitely faster than flying from Brockton Bay to Canberra, though it's worth noting that at the speeds he hit going to New Orleans, Tony could make it to Canberra in about 2 hours under his own power.
Difdi chapter 6 . 2/13/2018
Suborbital, hypersonic flight with a suit that is actually smaller than an NFL lineman. Methinks Tony's ratings just went up again - that Mover sub-rating alone would be in the 7 or 8 range.

He's going to wind up rated S-class, Tinker 12 by the time they see what he can do to an Endbringer.
Gizmo Gear chapter 8 . 2/10/2018
Ooh, shit! Things that people don't want pulled to light are gonne be lit up brighter than the fricken sun, bois!
dan chapter 14 . 1/26/2018
dang.. epic story!
Dracomancer1 chapter 14 . 1/24/2018
This started out as a simple character insertion crossover, but I am awed at the ambitiousness of what it turned into. Bravo, this is amazing.
AnimeA55Kicker chapter 14 . 1/18/2018
Well that could have gone better.
XxXNightcoreQueenXxX chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
I must say this is really good and very nice and understandable even if I'm not familiar with Worm at all. I must say you done a good job portraying both faults and positives of the character both familiar and new to me. I must say the story overall got me hooked (had to log in so that's why I comment here on ch1).
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