Reviews for The scrolls of merlin
Harlequin de Rustre chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
This sort of writing is good as a supplement to an author's own *original* work. It's good for making notes, honestly, and it's a good way to keep one's mind in the world he is writing.

That said, you didn't make many mistakes here, and what mistakes you did make were mostly simple punctuation errors.

However, this as a work of fiction is...pointless. In fact, putting this in a work as a part of it would be detrimental- it's unabashed exposition, it would bore a reader new to your work, and should remain a droll artifact of your works, rather than a piece to be included- otherwise, it just gets in the way...a lot...
ChocolateTeapot chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
Nice work! This is an interesting idea and the ending made me smile.