Reviews for From me to you
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2024
So lovely and true!
Mata chapter 1 . 6/21/2024
I enjoyed this very much, good job and I hope this finds you well
animallover24678 chapter 1 . 2/8/2024
GuidingHand chapter 1 . 5/5/2022
Those were great! Favorite parts...Sammymy Sam; Mine!; Sam, get your ass down here. I'm going to teach you to drive.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/16/2020
Oh my god. Oh my actual god this was probably the most beautiful thing I’ve read in my entire life. I cried reading this and that’s saying something because I don’t usually ever cry when reading but then this gorgeous-in-every-way fic comes along and I’m actually crying. This just asdfghjkl idek how to explain it this is just perfect and fits them and I could feel their love for each other radiating off the words idk how to managed to do this but this was amazing thank you so so much 3
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2020
I hate Sam. He’s pretending to care but then he’s like bye, didn’t save you from H*** or Purgatory because I was messing around with women. He never sacrifices anything personal for Dean, doing those trials is not personal to Sam. Think of Dean always giving the last of food to Sam, bearing the brunt of abuse from John yet Sam never says thank you. I don’t care if it’s a guy thing to just not say emotions, actions can do that. The only thing I read to show Sam cared was killing a random chick that captured Dean. Only One time, while Dean is literally raising a child (Sam) and selling himself to demons.
KawaiiKunoichi chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
That hurt so good. Like being stabbed emotionally and knife twisting inside my flesh organs but then the knife dissolves into ambrosia and melts into my broken heart to mend it and make it better while intrinsically tying itself to it and now i just have this ambrosia heart and its all your fault also i loved also fuck you also i love you. My favorite part was

“Sam and Dean talk all the time, but they never say the important things, Chuck writes. They say bitch and jerk and girl and asshole and get this and check this out and let's go and we've got this.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear them.

It's like a neverending love letter.”

Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2019
awww he can spell DEAN
Everything4Everyone chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
This is amazing! Great job!
SherlockEmrysWinchester chapter 1 . 2/22/2019

This is so perfect
snow-bun-buns1598 chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
Love your fic! These scenes are so sweet and really shows the brotherly love that i was looking for. My favorite is the jealous Sam! Sooooo cute! And the Sammy my Sam is just genius!
You did an amazing job here, just want you to know. :-)
Percy-Jackson2004 chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
That's alright. I didnt need my heart...
DragonflyonBreak chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
I shed a couple of tears reading this... and now I'm going to stalk the rest of your page and see what else you've got because holy crap, I enjoyed this a lot.

RizGriz chapter 1 . 3/22/2018
... i totally didn't cry!... Great work!
ethereal fantasy chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Loved it. Everything I wanted and more!
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