Reviews for Foolish Hearts
Guest chapter 23 . 9/11
Ya salió el estúpida mal padre
HappyEndingLover chapter 17 . 5/19
This is a great story. I have to say I was worried about the horse this whole chapter. Your writing of them together was wonderful.
Ajfflady chapter 28 . 1/13
I’m sure I read this many years ago. So this may be a duplicate review. I cant get enough historical fics lately. I love everything I’ve read of yours. Hope you and your precious daughter have a blessed 2024.
guineagoo chapter 28 . 12/15/2023
What a wild ride this story wasthanks for sharing!
JD Thorn chapter 28 . 1/3/2022
Wonderful Story. It had everything, happiness, sadness, death, new life and most importantly love and family. Definitely ONE OF your best. Is there just so many and they’re all wonderful.
snowystar2 chapter 28 . 11/6/2021
My hubby is from Oregon City and still has family there.
divyvicki chapter 27 . 6/30/2021
Great chapter!
divyvicki chapter 26 . 6/30/2021
Welcome home indeed!
divyvicki chapter 25 . 6/30/2021
So sad he has to leave.
divyvicki chapter 24 . 6/30/2021
Great compromise between Charlie and Edward!
divyvicki chapter 23 . 6/30/2021
Uh oh!
divyvicki chapter 22 . 6/30/2021
Hope he isn’t wanting to trade for Bella!
divyvicki chapter 21 . 6/30/2021
Glad she voiced her concerns to him.
divyvicki chapter 20 . 6/30/2021
Hope they dont have additional trials.
divyvicki chapter 19 . 6/30/2021
Such a realistic portrayal of the hardships on the trek across the Oregon Trail.
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