Reviews for Para Bellum
divine.shakespeare chapter 8 . 8/22
¡Mierda! La broma llego tarde, triste por esa flatulencia solitaria.
Eres fascinante con la escritura, o al menos la mayoría de las veces (la composición de el "Conde/ Sr. Del Norte, no fue mi tipo)
Ojalá consigas tiempo para este Hobby tuyo, me encantan estas historias. ¡No se repiten!
Al principio pensé ¿Multiverso consiente? No creo que me guste. Al siguiente capítulo ya estaba en el 8vo, no pude ni quise evitarlo.
¿Puedes hacer comentarios a favor de los embarazos? Cómo un extra o charla fugas como los tiempos de convivencia ¿Como sería Bellatrix trabajando sin darse cuenta que está embarazada? O ¿Como es tu versión de despedida a los hijos de Harry en el andén 9 y 3/4, para el primer año de Howarts?
¡Gracias! y un abrazo psicológico (aunque no lo haría en persona)
jmcninch316 chapter 8 . 2/29
what an interesting read. I liked the balance between the different dimensions and the juggling between all the characters within. I'm interested to see the chaos of how you plan to put every character together after doing it with Sirius. Hopefully you get a muse to continue it after all these years. I read this after seeing your references to it in your DE rebooted story.
trekkifulron chapter 8 . 12/23/2023
this is a fun read please continue it.
ALRYM chapter 8 . 9/2/2023
I guess there is no chance for this story to ever get finished.

However this was still one of the most funny stories ever. I greatly enjoyed that and laughed a lot.

Meanwhile the character interaction feel meaningful for the story and the big amount of characters is handled very well.

The story is well carfted and written.
mcwjimbo chapter 8 . 8/9/2023
6 years late but a very enjoyable read.

Is it possible to have an updated outline with bullet points of how you wanted this story to go? PLEASE :-)
snowbythewood chapter 8 . 5/16/2023
I am very much enjoying this
Revliledpembroke chapter 8 . 5/3/2023
This fic is so dead even a necromancer couldn't use the body.
explodingbunnies52 chapter 8 . 3/28/2023
sad to see this abandoned!
Guest chapter 8 . 11/3/2022
Ooh amazing chapter! The last line added humor to an otherwise bleak scene and I loved it! Will this story every be continued in the future?
Guest chapter 7 . 11/3/2022
Hahaha I found Crazy Draco absolutely hilarious! Espionage is always fun, and I really like the plot and characters!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/3/2022
Love the conversations between Harry P and Harry B, as well as Bellatrix and Ginny. Is the ugliest wjtch on staff code for something? Interested to see Leo interact with the Order!
Guest chapter 5 . 10/30/2022
Harry Potter finally meets Harry Black! I was hoping they'd be able to talk more, but a war does make things complicated!
Guest chapter 4 . 10/30/2022
Exonerated Sirius meets Ambassador Sirius! I was laughing so hard!

Love seeing more of Harry and Bellatrix together (Tonks' comment was hilarious )!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/30/2022
Lol I love the triplets! The humor adds light heartedness!

Bellatrix was a little harsh with Harry, I think, but that's pretty in character for her
Guest chapter 2 . 10/30/2022
Can't wait for PB Harry to meet DE Harry!
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