Reviews for The Walled Garden
writingreader220 chapter 13 . 8/30/2024
Beautiful story! That last line will haunt me forever. Can’t imagine his pain. Burying his late wife was terrible enough, but then also having to say goodbye to the places and belongings which hold so much memories is heart wrenching.
bloomandgrow chapter 4 . 6/4/2024
Hmmm I wonder what Freud and Jung would have said about Maria unconsciously drawing herself as a sparkling desirable young woman...
And how delicious that the captain was able to see it and be dazzled by it. Love those sorts of delectable, jolting moments when they are just starting to awaken to each other, mostly unconsciously.
As much as I admire the perfectly executed (goose-bump inducing) cliff hanger, I am so happy that I don't have to wait to see what happens now that Maria has been busted, once again, in places that should not be disturbed.
rachel.r.steiner chapter 13 . 5/9/2024
Wow such a unique story. Even though the last line is bittersweet, I do love that you included this Epilogue. Beautiful story. :)
bloomandgrow chapter 3 . 4/25/2024
I really admire writers who can write short chapters but still convey so much depth and meaning.
In this chapter you sketch out some wonderful characteristics of Maria. She’s a ‘people-person’ – someone everyone can naturally warm to and confide in, and that’s clear in the charming way she wheedles information out of the gardener. We’re also reminded of her other traits – she is curious, impulsive, and adventuress, and boldly willing to go where angels fear to tread – which is partly how she won her captain’s heart in the end. Of course she wouldn’t be able to resist taking the tiniest peek at the hidden garden. We could hardly expect less of her.

The garden itself was a revelation. I liked how Peter conveyed that it was analogous of the captain’s late wife – beautiful and elegant but with a wild streak. The whole concept of the captain and his wife having an intensely private space to play in, like their very own Garden of Eden, is an ingenious and deeply erotic idea. The reader can imagine that the walls must be redolent with the most sensuous memories, intertwining gorgeous human desires with the stunning beauty and fragrance of the natural world.

And practically speaking, (lol), having such a garden also solves that problem that confronts all parents – how to make space and time to cherish each other while having a young (and in their case, very large) family.

I adore the way you show that the present abandoned and derelict state of the garden is a terrific metaphor for the desolate state of the captain’s mind – it shows he is overwhelmed with grief, rage, bitterness. Just like the garden he is closed off, unapproachable, menacing. Loved the vivid imagery and symbolism in the thorns, tangled vines, choked off fruit trees, and collapsed structures. It’s a clear warning to Maria she is in dangerous territory, both physically and metaphorically.

This story is superb, the prose and conceptualization are exquisite. It’s an all time favourite of mine. I’m in awe of your writing gifts.
bloomandgrow chapter 2 . 4/25/2024
I really enjoyed how you deepened the foreshadowing in the film, when Maria is having her conversation with God. While Maria is perplexed by the situation and has no clue what is in store for her, we, the readers can be gleefully smug about already knowing her destiny. The way you built on the foreshadowing in the film really captures and elevates that delicious sense of anticipation as the story unfolds, which for me, is one of the great delights of TSOM.

Oooh! I loved the captain noticing Maria at the breakfast table (he’d hardly be a man if he didn’t notice her!), and being thoroughly distracted by Marta’s excited description of a glamorous portrait of Maria. You've provided an elegant and subtle way of showing us those first tingling, (and probably confusing for him), moments of his awareness of her as a lovely young woman. No doubt that prompted him to spend longer than necessary with Maria in his study, chatting and enjoying himself while leaving Elsa waiting. Poor Elsa doesn’t realise that everything is already shifting and a tearful balcony scene awaits her in the future….
bloomandgrow chapter 1 . 3/19/2024
Beautiful set up for the story, a perfect mix of dialogue that captures the characters of Maria and the children wonderfully well, blended with evocative descriptions of the von Trapp estate. I love the ease with which Maria and the children interact. She manages them so well after their rocky beginnings. The way you have written Maria is spot on - she's curious, capable, nurturing in a no-nonsense way, insightful. I could also imagine each child speaking the dialogue because it suited their personalities so well.

I also really love that the the captain hasn't suddenly turned gooey after their rapprochement. He's still acerbic, taunting and edgy with her, which to me, fits him perfectly, and makes him so much more interesting.

And oh, that walled off area is terribly intriguing – imposing, closed off, forbidding, unapproachable, mysterious – a wonderful metaphor for the captain himself.
I have read this story a zillion times and never tire of it. It’s a stunning piece of writing.
whoknows3 chapter 13 . 11/18/2022
Oh my god that end was beautiful and so powerful. When I got to the end of the last chapter I was like what! Oh, tg, there’s an epilogue. And I am SO glad there is. It is such a beautiful culmination of the story. Heartrending. Lovely.
mimipoppins chapter 13 . 10/28/2021
wow this is such a beautiful story! I love the way you write them :)
Denie1943 chapter 13 . 2/8/2021
The garden was a lovely addition to the story and created a more complete view of Agatha. Thanks for sharing. Stay well!
reisova chapter 13 . 1/9/2021
Good story
Clare chapter 13 . 5/14/2020
This is a lovely fic! Written really well.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/25/2019
beautiful! i can't believe i've not come across this story sooner
Michelle285 chapter 13 . 5/2/2019
Yes, I realize you wrote this ages ago, but I just have to review. I enjoyed this story so much! I loved the premise of the garden that was built just for Agathe and everything it meant to them. I just read this whole story and I have two things I want to mention...two reasons for reviewing I guess. One: I liked the explanation of why Maria came to the children from that direction. She had been in the garden. The first time I saw the movie (and subsequent times after) I wondered why she happened upon the children in that manner. It is perfect...but why was she coming from that way? I like how you wrote it. Two: that ending sentence was possibly the saddest sentence I have ever read. Seriously, it broke my heart! Anyway, this was a great story and I am glad you wrote it! Even though it was ages ago!
juupke chapter 13 . 2/13/2019
I just absolutely LOVED this! I'm still quite new to the SOM fandom and have been reading so many nice fics since I was drawn into this ship some 2 months ago, but this is deefinitely one of my absolute favorites so far. I'm really hoping you'll be writing more that has the same feeling to it, this was truly wonderful. Kuddos!
Kale E. Rion chapter 13 . 1/14/2019
This was beautiful. 3 And fit in perfectly with the canon of the movie. Well done!
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