Reviews for Arctic Realizations
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ignorant Shenny. Refusing to learn, acknowledge the truth, and continue to choose to rant and foam at the mouth like a crazy person. Choosing to believe that you conveniently forgot, Dr Guest is going to school you, AGAIN, as you were with your earlier delusional tome, Of Psychics and Physicists.

Regarding the Arctic Expedition: Leonard et al kept all the original data of the experiment. Sheldon's embarrassment stemmed from the fact that he sent an email to the University claiming he confirmed String Theory. Something he should have never done because he would have needed to run months and months of calculations on the original data THAT WAS SAVED in order to prove anything. He would need to use the computers at the university, the number crunching necessary would have been something he could have never done from his lap top. There was no way he would be able to return home and just make that announcement. It was very bad science/professionalism on Sheldon's part. Sheldon created that embarrassment BY HIS OWN HAND. Read up on how scientific experiments work and educate yourself and it will be clear who was responsible for that debacle. Hint: it wasn't Sheldon's team. Typical Shenny. Hatefully blaming Leonard.

So, AGAIN, you can choose to be enlightened and understand the truth or run around in your tin foil hat. Your choice.
ForrestersWitch chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
I think that had this happen in the real world that Leonard and Co would have been shunned by the rest of the scientific community, fudging someone else's experiment is tantamount to stealing results. To have some one you considered your best friend fuck you over well that's a special kind of Hell that leaves you distrusting yourself and any of the others that may be friends and acquaintances.
Penny may not no scientific jargon but she is very socially adept and would know that Sheldon was fucked over and Leonard wasn't the "nice" guy he portends. Knowing Sheldon's background I'm surprised he didn't do something more drastic.
Shenny Fan chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Could not agree more with your A/N. I really like stories on the Arctic and I love the touch of Shenny in this story :)
nertooold54 chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
This is probably the best explanation for Sheldon returning to Pasadena and behaving as he has for the last several years that I have read. IMO many people don't see the big deal because a bad side of our humanity is having someone to laugh at so we don't feel so bad-and Sheldon is that someone. I barely watch TBBT anymore, though for a couple of years it was my only 'must see TV' because I don't see Shamy or Lenny as healthy relationships. Let's face it, Sheldon just accepts and goes along with every piece of crap the guys and Amy throw at him, and Penny always has a drink or bottle in her hand. Leonard does what he wants without consequence. Amy is just scary; I once thought she was quirky, now if near her I would certainly not turn my back. sorry for my rant but...

Thanks for this story. I like it very much.
BreathlessFaith chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
While I'm no scientist I could never understand the It's no big deal. It certainly was a big deal. There was no reason that Penny should understand that. She did however understand that it upset him so much he ran away. I've always thought Sheldon would think these are my friends they know how I am they'll be able to deal with me in such a confined environment better then anyone. For his reasoning of inviting them plus it would look good on their resumes too. Leonard of the three should have been the one to say no. He lives with Sheldon he was no friend he proved that. He stays with Sheldon because Sheldon is everything he isn't in his mother's eyes. So if he can screw up him, it;s a jab at his mother. See he isn't so great afterall. Great one shot.
JimmyLane chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Totally agree with your AN, this was beautifully IC to me and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I may not be a scientist but while watching that episode I felt exactly how Sheldon had: completely betrayed. Although Sheldon should've shown more concern for the boys' health and sanity I'm also pretty certain that they must've known who they'd be dealing with the whole time they'd be there too. Was it even mandatory of them to go?! I think Sheldon had invited them to come along with him or something like that, I remember them cheering about the news that he'd be away though (dicks, if your own group of 'friends' are happy to hear that you're going away then it's pretty obvious that they don't enjoy your company). So if that's true then they could've just straight up told him no, no doubt if Leonard wasn't going then Howard and Raj wouldn't have either. They've never really liked Sheldon that much but have mostly learned to tolerate him over the years. Based on this new season Leonard doesn't seem to have liked Sheldon all that much either even though he had missed Leonard greatly while he was away. Sheldon's shown more concern for him and others far more often than Leonard ever has IMO.

Ugh, I apologize for my babbling. This was a great one shot and will come in very usefully for any future projects. Hope to see more updates from you soon, we all know how stressful the real world is T_T
stock2007 chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Even after all this time I cannot work out what the point of that episode was, how the writers could think its only Sheldon's life's work no one would care and when Leonard said 'its no big deal' Penny of course ending up in bed with him that's when the show started going down hill. Sorry for my little rant, by the way nice little story :)
YoonKookz chapter 1 . 10/17/2013
I agree with you. He certainly OVERREACTS! But I did I feel bad for him and his career! What Leonard and the other 2 did was total... shit. Good thing Penny was there for him. Thank you for the story.
Risknight chapter 1 . 10/17/2013
Wow! I absolutely love this. It's exactly how I always thought about it in my head, but could never seem to express the way I wanted. You make it seem so vibrant and real, as if we can actually see into their minds as they think about it. A new one for my favorites list!
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