Reviews for Chances
cmcgint1 chapter 17 . 1/27
this was sad and beautiful! and kept me up all night reading it!
i adore this story and appreciate the reality of it all! and the debts of the characters!
and finally just the unending love jake and bella have for each other no matter what!
thank you for this!
cmcgint1 chapter 15 . 1/27
this chapter was gut wrenching and intense and yet awesome!
cmcgint1 chapter 6 . 1/27
this was deep!
both of them need to be whole! and forgiveness needs to set in!
i love how bella tried to humanize jedi and allowing him to have some sense of normalcy
cmcgint1 chapter 5 . 1/27
ooooo buuurn! it 4 am where im like oh my freaking gosh!
talk about what comes around goes around!
this chapter HURT
bella getting a taste of her own medicine wheb it came to her shoving edward in jacobs face
Chloefelger chapter 17 . 1/23
You did it again, I can’t believe I read these for free… crazy xx
whoamianymore chapter 17 . 11/13/2024
Ok, I signed up for an actual ACCOUNT to write this review. Rather than being a lurker. Shocking. This was really good. Yes, it needs an edit, but just a polish. I write, I edit, I know it would only need one pass through. It's really close, and I couldn't put it down. I've been addicted to J/B fanfic recently (late arrival, I know) and this is the best one I've found. I will now think of this as Canon after the first half of BD, forgetting the ridiculous Renesme plot. I know you can't sell this, so what's the point of polishing? But damn. Wish my first drafts were this compelling. Will look for this author's original works. 3
Guest chapter 17 . 10/5/2024
Oh my lord this was amazing. Better than actual print books I've read. I hope you're doing something and going somewhere with this honey.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/30/2024
Tbh i was ALSO feeling antsy and unnerved and i rly thought it was abt that envelope so i was like axtually rly disappointed when they started making out passionately cuz all a girl wants is to know WHAT'S in the FUCKING envelope
Guest chapter 12 . 9/30/2024
Guest chapter 10 . 9/30/2024
Guest chapter 9 . 9/30/2024
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2024
Ah ma LORD so GOOD
scharask chapter 17 . 6/27/2024
Wow. Just finished your amazing story - you really have me rethinking everything I thought I knew about Edward. Not sure if I will ever be able to read a story and look at him the same way. Anyway, I know it's been a long time since you wrote this and probably don't even read the reviews anymore, but I just wanted to share how much I loved your very powerful and well written work!
AngelisaBlack chapter 17 . 3/28/2024
Its been years sonce I’ve read this fic. Its one of my favs as it satisfies that dark, angsty need with a tortured,but sinfully delicious Jake. I love this fic with all yhe detail and subtle interplay with the pack. You are an incredible writer. Would love to know if you’re still writing, as I’d read anything you create. Thank you
pipareader96 chapter 17 . 2/3/2024
I freaking love this story. I actually love the way you write and how real your characters are. I'm not usually one to review, sad I know, but I devoured this story and I could not let it go by without saying something.
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