Reviews for Of Darkening Souls
Saraannh19 chapter 1 . 11/9/2024
I love this story. Its one I always come back to. Its so well written and my favorite concept.
Paigebypaige chapter 1 . 7/10/2024
Guest chapter 23 . 1/23/2024
Rereading this again…still love it.
StormAz chapter 23 . 1/10/2024
Granted I have many favorite stories, but this is decidedly in my top 10!
heidlebergchick chapter 5 . 12/16/2023
Ha! Community service... they dib't deserve it, but it is funny!
heidlebergchick chapter 3 . 12/16/2023
Nice! There are no divisions between scenes, wondering if ffn left them out during the upload process, but the way you labelled the dialogue tags helps identify what belongs to what scene. If you ever come back, that might be something ro look at. Fab chapter as always!
heidlebergchick chapter 1 . 12/16/2023
Amazing first chapter, this is a popular trope of certain weasleys being bad towards our heros, but you wrote it very well. I really liked the uncertainty of the 'who can we trust' conversation and i'm looking forward to their next meeting with Snape.
OscuraCat chapter 23 . 8/30/2023
Absolutely loved it!’can’t wait to read more of your works!
Delilah Moon chapter 13 . 8/18/2023
Ask the house elves! I have some here! self popping! Thank you Messers Fred and George!
Hedie Begley chapter 23 . 8/16/2023
I loved it thank you very much
Hedie Begley chapter 18 . 8/16/2023
I love the story so far an i love how with each pairing we see them all develop emotionaly
paulieandgilbert chapter 23 . 8/4/2023
Great story. Wonderfully written. I love it...However,
There seems to be one detail that was left hanging. So, I'll ask.
What did Hermione eventually do with Skeeter? Last mention of her was when Hermione set her jar to hear the voting results. I don't recall anything after that.
Other than that and a handful of typos, I found this story to be exceptionally done. BRAVO,
paulieandgilbert chapter 13 . 8/4/2023
A traditional courtship? I think that's brilliant. I also think you should be wearing a medal or admiring some type of award received for that brilliance while justly munching that popcorn. So far I've mowed through half a dozen of your stories, and thoroughly enjoyed every one.
Thank you for sharing your exceptional talent with us, your eager readers.
3Rapunzel chapter 1 . 7/29/2023
Susannah01 chapter 3 . 7/28/2023
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