Reviews for The Waning
Usuk in 2024 chapter 30 . 7/21/2024
Wow. It’s been like a decade since I’ve read any UsUk fics, though of course I remember reading yours many years ago. I didn’t think I could still be touched by this fandom but here I am, crying over fictional countries T-T

Thank you for the fic, it has been a pleasure to read
Geek chapter 30 . 7/1/2024
Little bit of a critique here, I really think you should have added some captions about these different universes. Explain how each one, from them in high school, to the card verse universe, to the hetalia universe, are all different alternate universes. This chapter everything was running together and I had no idea what the hell was going on. All the sudden they're royalty, then they're in high school, and back to the world War ii. To avoid the confusion, you should have put brackets or you should have put some caption like "hey this is spades".
I don't know if you're still active here on fanfiction, but I strongly suggest you fix this chapter
Geek chapter 17 . 7/1/2024
I did not think that there could be any universe where there was more cruelty done to the characters then having to live over and over as Nations. But I think you will managed to prove me wrong with this universe. I almost think living as a nation might be kinder then what the all the characters endure in this very dark and cheerless universe.
I will say, Alfred being a serial killer. I will tell you I emphatically do not see him as one. Perhaps that was just for the sake of the story, but I will never accept this idea that Alfred Jones has it in him to be a sadistic killer. And still have his happy-go-lucky personality. No.
I wondered at first why all the characters are much meaner in this alternate time, but I suppose all the horrific things they see twist them into very unhappy people. Maybe I can hardly blame them.
Mmm. Rome as the villain... Well I didn't see that coming. And yet it's so appropriate. He makes a good psycho villain. Is it all that I still feel sorry for him? What torture that man endured. Although he's not exactly a good person either.
I feel like Arthur should be older than 500 years old. He should be at least a thousand, just as England is over a thousand years old.
Anyway, you should know that I had to slog through this entire story. I almost got put off by the 30 chapters but it was so intriguing after a while that I decided to gut it out. There's very few authors that plan their plots to the extent that you do
siluetfrasa chapter 30 . 6/25/2024
god. what a long, long journey. i really can't describe what a mess my mind is right now. holy crap. mostly i feel scared because the story brings us to endless possibilities where you are the only one who know it. i tried to predict but failed lime 5 times. this story is brilliant in so much aspect. damn, and the ending... gosh. I'm so relieved and beyond thankful you chose to make alfred and arthur ended happily.

thank you very much for your amazing work... I'm so late! I was in this fandom around 2014 i think and i came back full circle now! haha. and you know, old fics like yours are the legendary ones. I'm so honoured to read this. thank you, really! i hope you're doing good, healthy, and perfectly fine whenever and wherever you are! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2022
It's good
loveyourworks chapter 30 . 8/23/2021
This is one of the best USUK works I have seen. Even if I don’t see it until 2021, I am still very touched and happy to see it. Sincerely praise and thank you.
Kokoa Kirkland chapter 30 . 11/1/2020
And they finally have the happiness they deserve after everything they've been through. It's honestly an incredible ending. I'm dying to read more of yours :)
InstantCrush chapter 30 . 5/31/2020
I know that you probably don't check your FF account much these days (mine still technically exists however I long deleted all my embarrassing fics I'd written ten plus years ago haha!) but during these Covid19 times I've been reacquainting myself with Death Note and Hetalia after close to six years (god knows why - Hetalia is very problematic, but not something I need to think too deeply about while watching it, and, ya know, cute gay countries, so...) and have been reading through my favourites of your old fics.

I just finished this one and holy shit dude, this one still holds up 3 and a half years later. The world building i and I love the characterisation so freakin' much and maybe I'm dense but you had me with every twist man. The way you write USUK is superior and it makes me say "yes good" each time, even though I was never a fan of this pairing when I was in the fandom.

Guest chapter 30 . 4/4/2020
This was an amazing fic, rollercoaster of emotions, thank u so much for writing it!
SereneCatLover chapter 30 . 4/1/2020
This fic has to be THE best one i’ve read! I couldn’t put it down. I loved the characters, the setting, literally EVERYTHING! That said, all your rids are amazing! I will most likely re-read this in the very near future XD
Bunny H1 chapter 30 . 12/22/2019
Extremely late, but, this is amazing! This is awesome! This is one of the few fanfic that actually make me went on a rampage and have mixed feelings!
Svann chapter 30 . 5/20/2019
Oh my...
This is simply amazing! I love how cardverse and hetalia academy were included in the end.
Thank you for writing this story!
RandomReader01 chapter 9 . 3/11/2019
After reading back, geez, this chapter makes my eyes leak...

I don't remember much about the story even though I reread it again a few years back, which is nice, so that I can experience the freshness of the plot as if it's my first time reading. But gosh, you really do have a way with words. Your story still amaze me, and your way of writing still inspire me. I've been away from for a while, and the first thing I read when I came back is exactly this. And 1912. I'm planning to reread all my favourites again, but starting off with the Waning does let me have a rewind version of getting back into Hetalia, since you tend to give these characters more background and personality (albeit a little dark on the side lol). It allows me to somehow have a better idea on how you view these characters, especially Arthur, as I get that same old-soul feel of him from 1912. He IS an old country, after all, aye?

And the puns and British humour, I love them X)
Lmb111514 chapter 30 . 1/29/2019
This story was absolutely astounding- it has taken over my life the past two days(which is probably really bad considering I'm in the middle of college right now...). Everything was well thought-out and well written- I can't remember the last time a story has stirred up my emotions as strong as this story has or has pulled me in so strongly(whether anger, sadness, frustration, etc). You made all the characters so lifelike and complex(despite the use of fantastical creatures). Thank you for writing this story- I absolutely loved it!
Hhhhh chapter 30 . 11/14/2018
Omg the ending is so satisfying
But I really have to study for midterms so uh
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