Reviews for Rotted Rowan
Omega-Maharan chapter 28 . 5/7/2024
Well this chapter rocked it, I am Rolling on the floor Laughing, I am so happy this book is A equal amount Of realistic And Comedy LMFAO
Omega-Maharan chapter 17 . 5/6/2024
Oh my God I love this story how come I have never come across this before?! This story Is a masterpiece the more I read, Word cannot express the magnitude Of this Authors creativity. You and your team of beta's did an excellent job! I have been with fan fiction About 3 years after it was first created, I have been A Naruto fan since the beginning Of its creation. I have read the works of all Stories related To this anime On every platform you can think of, Given there are a handful of good authors out there to this anime For fan writing But you just hit the top of the list Honey of top 5
Omega-Maharan chapter 12 . 5/6/2024
That's a hell of Unique summon and very creative. this atory is becoming more facinating as i read.
ETR101 chapter 46 . 4/7/2024
Finally finished it, well done.

God, this story was traumatic. It really reminded me of P5R, except Madara is not as benevolent as Maruki. I will say, this is one of the better bad ending fan-fics. The build up was awesome. The only disappointment was Tsunade and Jiraiya, that drama could have gone down way better. I know you finished the story, but I would love read an alternate ending that would begin around 10 chapters before the end, detailing Naasica failing instead of succeeding. And it would have been behind the efforts of Minato (who would eventually die), Rebu, Tsunade, Jiraiya and unintentionally by the numerous villains and monsters Naasica slew along the way (Danzo, Orochimaru, etc).

But I think that would have to involve writing Rebu more, as he was a crucial element in the end. What an underrated character, he could have saved the world. Naasica's carelessness with Danzo could have led to her eventual downfall. I would have really fit the theme of the story, they they lived in a world of monsters. Naasica was the most heinous of them all. I did understand her hate for Tsunade though, that was entirely justified. It was actually one of my top "can't wait to see how this goes down" in the story. But at the same time, I wish Tsunade would have been the one to throw back in Naasica's face her hypocrisy. She's the biggest monster of them all. That would have been some delicious drama.

You gave Minato proper respect though, only beaten the same way Madara was in canon. Through random betrayal.

Another fun rea. Thank you.
Monkey Hunter chapter 45 . 2/22/2024
What a joke of an ending. Lol I can't keep reading this crap backwards. So many inconsistencies, contrived bullshit, deus ex machinas, the personalities of the tertiary characters suck even more than canon, character bashing, too many ignorant characters, rushed as hell plot, no consequences, no price for winning... pfft... fucking GHOST summons... wow, this sucks... too many to list... that's all... goodbye.
Monkey Hunter chapter 2 . 2/22/2024
So... ANOTHER Sasuke/Obito 2.0 with 20 wisdom 20 intelligence added. One of dozens of fanfics that I've come across, with 1000 reviews, that has a completely unoriginal, modified Infinite/Temporary Tsukuyomi dictator OC/Self insert. Holy fuck, is this fandom stuck on the Uchiha Dictator Dick Riding train and/or nihilism/fascist/Hobbes/Marx ideology trains. I want to find an absurdist/existentialist fic that has a gray antagonist/anti-villain/anti-hero, that doesn't fully slip into Black Pill territory or swing back into Blue Pill ignorance, but I can't find one. Too hard to write those for most humans, I guess; so, the path of least resistance is taken instead. Either the Blue Pill of irrational bullshit is swallowed by the author or they swallow the Black Pill of philosophical suicide/nihilism instead. Both kinds of stories are fucking boring. A combo of the two doesn't make it any less boring, which is what this story is going to turn into. I can already predict the only 3 possible outcomes that will happen. Bad guys win and enslave the world by first killing off any first generation dissenters, then brainwashing/culling the 2nd generation into domestic subservience. Second outcome, you go full troll and go Death Note/AOT at the last fucking second, RIGHT at the finish line, when it is far too late for readers to back out and not feel betrayed by wasting our lives on your backdoor brainwashing propaganda. 3rd outcome is a last minute redemption. Those are the outcomes you will give us. One sucks, the other one steals away my lifetime only to tell me everything I like is evil and wrong and I'm a bitch ass loser whore nothing burger and then the last one is so overplayed, it's a rotting radioactive zombie fossil. I'm skipping to the end of this story to see if I have to eat my shoe and left leg.
Spedyalarm chapter 46 . 2/12/2024
loserkiduwu chapter 46 . 2/2/2024
I dont know how I feel about this ending
Guest chapter 46 . 1/20/2024
Man some of yalls reading comprehension is nonexistent. the author states in like chapter 2 that nassica is the bad guy, and that the bad guys will win. If you read all the way through thinking that she will "come to her senses" then you're just really dumb.

Good story, my only critique is that the beginning and middle felt more fleshed out than the end. That being said I did really enjoy it.

In a world of hundreds of si's and isekais saving the day, the one that's a bad guy with a believable decent to get there really stands out.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2024
Well, I was enjoying this story, right up until the madara scene. The mc is so paranoid they have a panic attack at discovering they have mokuton, and then because they're feeling sad they leave and go out on their own to cry in a tree. On the one day where no one can watch over them. On the one day where no one is there to stop them. And of course, on this one day, this one moment slavers just happen to show up. They just happen to know who she is and what she looks like despite her previous reclusivness. And they just happen to kidnap her out from konoha's nose. And when she escapes she just happens to stumble right into madaras place because obviously that makes sense. This is just fucking pathetic.
Ede chapter 46 . 1/2/2024
On God I don't know why I finished this.
Dear Writer, how do you even come up this
sxcond chapter 46 . 12/10/2023
love naasica's descent into madness and the irony of her choosing to sacrifice her loved ones for the rest of the people to have a peaceful life in an illusion.
dogdayslassie chapter 1 . 12/1/2023
This was absolutly fantastic
hybridvoid reaper chapter 46 . 11/25/2023
Its was amazing and unique. How to see more work from you.
silverfishes chapter 46 . 11/13/2023
Thanks for sharing Darkpetal and thanks Darkpetal's beta
Favorite character: Kisame. Naasica is feeling everything all of the time, and he's very chill in comparison. Very fun.
Favorite scene: Team Kisame reacting to the Hell Forest (or whatever it was called, the fiery face trees). Love the whole concept of it (gore and nature... manmade horrors in manmade woods... the contrast of resting peacefully under a tree and resting I imagine rather restlessly inside one) and the sprinkling of dramatic irony in that scene specifically is delicious.
If I could know anything: Owari is a whole nother person/personality, right? What's his happy ending look like? Or have he and Naasica merged?
Something that appealed to me personally: I love rabid dedication to another person. I love how Naasica manipulated others into that mindset.

Have a good one
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