Reviews for Rotted Rowan
TehBdog chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
Love it. Love everything about it.
Chimebelle chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
Totally loved it. Naasica- that is actualy quite a pretty name, xD! Anyways, i loved how the quiet, sweet child came so naturally to the conclusion of wanting to be madara's tool. I really wonder how shell change things, and her thoughts of her actions. As you said, she'll be doing things that are twisted all in the name of changing the world for the better.
treavellergirl chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
What does her name mean? This is such fun to read because she is more realistic then what most OC is and more real in a way.
Polki chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Loved it! Hope you continue, because I haven't found any good antagonist stories either. Maybe this will be the next new trend?
I pronounced it like narcissa, but with the r being an a. I like the kind of antagonist narcissa sound with a twist.
redlilies14 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I've been refreshing your page hoping for an update for Shadowed Sun, and found this! Your stories and your writing are amazing, so I hope you continue this one. I've been looking for an OC Senju with the wood kekkai genkai for a long time, and to have you write it only made it better. And to have Madara in it was a bonus! I'm looking forward to your updates for your others stories!
Kagehana.Tsukio chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
If you decided to continue this, I would follow it in a heartbeat. Because this is honestly amazing. And I hadn't given this kind of OC route a thought before, nor even found a truly good one like this before if appeared in my inbox. Amazing as always.
WindWhistle21 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Gosh your a good writer. I've literally know this character for an hour and a half and you have me shedding tears already! I love how she handled the kekkai genkai, the knowledge of the future, and even just knowing her grandmother was going to die. The raw emotions are so moving they just suck the reader in (at least they do for me), and that is why your my favorite author on this site; your writing is never shallow and is just enjoyable to read.

Thank you for the one-shot, it was great. X]
tmjay10 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
okay first thing i never really see evil ocs either let along selfinserts and i mean evil usually you get some angry berserker thing... or have the oc/si flirt with the possibility
second: I found this really interesting ,i would love to see it continued
third: the summary is bit confusing if i didn't know this was you writing it i wouldn't of clicked it
Legion1771 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
... OMG! THAT WAS AWESOME! BRILLIANT! AMAZING! I LOVE IT! And now i'm sad because it's a one-shot... *loud dramatic crying noises* Madara is awesome... Just saying... Thanks for this! Hope for more cool stuff!
sunstar13 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
One the last sentence in the AN at the top you mention "in the first chapter", which seems to imply you're planning for more than one chapter.
But wow. You made a really interesting character. Logical, human, yet, as you put it, "off-center" in her perspective. Thank you for this fanfic. It really does make me want you to write more or it though, because you are a really good writer, and this has such potential. But ending it here really does leave off with such an underlying energy of "and then things were put into motion". I do hope you continue, but I understand if you want to leave it here with a promise of things will happen, rather than actually hash out actions and reactions.
NuclearGhoul chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I have no words.
You're writing is 1,000,000,000 times better than mine and I am JEALOUS of your skills.
This and ALL you're writings are phenomenal! Lol. I hope that I can become as skilled as you someday xD
Whelp. I would make this longer buuuuuut I don't wanna bore you so this'll do :3

I bid you farewell
Oh. NEVER stop writing or I'll be deeply saddened
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