Reviews for Dumbledore's Next Great Adventure Part 1
Muti13 chapter 26 . 2/14
When will part 2 of this series come?
Really enjoyed part 1... But this 'series' has not been updated since 2017-02-10 (approximately 8 years and 3 days ago) so is it abandoned?
Kai chapter 4 . 11/30/2024
Uh oh, Dumbledore's description of a Dark Wizard fits me like a glove. According to his characterisation I'm a Dark Wizard by proxy.

I have yet to create a Skyrim character that does not use Destruction and Conjuration to harm others and definitely put them down. And if it's a Companion job it's even for their own advancement. However, they don't control their victims. If those are in their way they can just as well kill them. So, Illusion is the least used school of magic for them. And I still try to make them lawful good, and their victims have been deemed harmful to society. So I don't FEEL dark. Perhaps Dumbledore just doesn't speak for all magicals...

Hehe, Vernon detests foreign food? I remember reading a story where he complains about those damn Pakis everywhere, right before ordering takeaway from an Indian restaurant.
WillowBarkTea chapter 26 . 11/16/2024
I'm sorry to see that it's been so long since this story was last updated. I recently came across it and I love what's been happening so far! All the changes that Albus is making, and even the glimpses into Wulfric's reactions makes for a gripping read!

I would say that even if this story is never updated, I would still come back to reread it, because it is just that good.
Animeworld2.0 chapter 5 . 10/27/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you.
Black Lion of Gryffindor chapter 1 . 8/28/2024
part 2?
FFX2player chapter 9 . 8/13/2024
Alas poor Wulfric, I knew him well. And I hope he continues to suffer in personal hell
FFX2player chapter 8 . 8/12/2024
Yeah, I've heard a lot of people rant about money before in HP. It makes me think of the explanations I've read of why Jane Austens income for Mr Darcy can't be simply translated into modern numbers. Money is far more complicated then we often realize
maiqsmail chapter 26 . 8/10/2024
What, not even a cliffhanger, just straight up cut off? Where is the rest? Why is it marked as Completed? At least mark as Incomplete so I would know what I was getting into!
maiqsmail chapter 23 . 8/10/2024
Ugh, fluffy filler chapter, the horror.
maiqsmail chapter 20 . 8/10/2024
Too much unnecessarily details. Just state the trains will be available and say the schedule is posted out. Noone needs minute by minute rundown.
maiqsmail chapter 3 . 8/9/2024
Wulfric got an Clockwork Orange screen time, nice.
maiqsmail chapter 1 . 8/9/2024
I've read dozens of stories with (quite frankly, usually deserved) Dumbles bashing, almost as much of "good, but leaves all the action to underaged MC"-Dumbles as well, but this idea is very intriguing, I can't wait to see where it goes.
Webdoc chapter 1 . 8/8/2024
Re-reading the story as it is one of my favorites. Wishing you well, and hope someday you take a crack at continuing the story.
Katzztar rereads chapter 10 . 6/24/2024
"His strict disciplinarian approach"? Snape goes beyond the pale! He's a bully that expects kids to already know the subject he's SUPPOSE to teach on their first day of the first year of schooling. And he's not quite as strict with discipline as McG thinks when he lets his snakes throw stuff into the lions' potions to ruin them.
peggy77 chapter 3 . 6/25/2024
Your last paragraph of this chapter reminds me of the old saying, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions.'
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