Reviews for Look How You Turned Out
Emmaline3 chapter 75 . 7/21/2014
...and here I thought Bella was a perfect candidate for a C-Section! Good for her, and a little girl, too! There go both Juney and Edward's hearts, captured and held by 'Becca' ;-)
Beautifully described - lovely story, brilliant writing. Thank you!
Emmaline3 chapter 66 . 7/21/2014
Wow! 'Merrry Christmas, Renee...' I'd be torn; guilt, foot-in-the-door, just Renee? I'd guess, all the above :(
Lizzie Paige chapter 80 . 7/20/2014
Loved this story, so much. I have to admit that I did attempt to read it quite some time ago, but I couldn't get into it at all. This time around, I couldn't put it down! Thank you for these great characters, Juney was my favourite by far :)
Emmaline3 chapter 39 . 7/19/2014
Isn't that just like a guy? LOL I bet he, wet and t-tight!
Emmaline3 chapter 34 . 7/19/2014
Bella's an imp! ;-)
Emmaline3 chapter 33 . 7/19/2014
Love it! LOL
Emmaline chapter 31 . 7/19/2014
Ooops, I just slipped off the chair and onto the floor ... Wow!
That, right there, is what life is made of! Luke warm and convenient just doesn't get it... Edward and Bella, sittin in a tree...Oh yeah! ;-)
blueeyedcherry chapter 80 . 7/11/2014
*le sigh*

I would have reviewed every chapter as I went along, but truthfully I was far too enamored with these characters.

This is one of the most lovely stories I've ever read. So filled with love and life and family and ... Hope. Happiness. Everything is here, wrapped up in a beautiful package.

I love Juney. He might be my favorite. But I also love what E&B have. They were in love for so long, then it all fell so perfectly into place. Their challenges, their triumphs ... Their love made me smile so hard.

Your writing is amazing. So different than others I've read. I look forward to reading more of the stories you've crafted.

Guest chapter 80 . 7/11/2014
Beautiful story! I've read a couple of yours now and will take a look at your others too! X thanks for writing
Klee119 chapter 80 . 7/11/2014
Loved it. Thank you.
cullensrule chapter 51 . 7/9/2014
Jessica is going to be sooo pissed. Hahaha (evil laugh)
cctwilight chapter 80 . 7/3/2014
Would love a happy future take.
Amynkansas chapter 38 . 7/2/2014
I have snuck off during work to read this story. I don't care if the fire me. I can't stop. It's that good.
chatterbox33 chapter 80 . 7/1/2014
Loved this story!
chatterbox33 chapter 62 . 6/30/2014
"She couldn't give me what she didn't have" so profound. Ironically I just had a similar conversation with my mom. Loving your story :)
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