Reviews for Scraps of Blue
S.RCee chapter 1 . 11/27/2017
I really hope you at least continue 'warm berths' and/or 'Ghost of the Cybertron'..I am such a huge Wheelcee fan and you do the absolute best concerning them..I could kiss you!...
DrawerofDoodles chapter 7 . 5/20/2014
I can't believe how little attention you're getting for your amazing stories! People need to appreciate writing talents like you a little more... Keep updating, no matter how little reviews you're getting. Don't feel discouraged! Keep going!
MajorWanderer chapter 6 . 4/12/2014
Well it's about time you updated! And I'm really glad you did, 'cause this was an awesome story, and I absolutely loved that you included Knockout into it too, AND Bulk! Talk about extreme fan service, but anyway, glad to see you ain't dead and can't wait for you to update again!
TC Stark chapter 3 . 1/6/2014
I always thought Knock Out and Arcee had chemistry!
TC Stark chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
Wow this was so beautifully written. I like how you gave Ratchet a soft side and you showed Arcee very positively. She's strong, but feminine. A fighter, but she's experienced hurt like everyone else. She's a part of the team, but different because of her gender. I liked how you described the bonding and everything. And poor Ratchet, he does need to get some lol
DrawerofDoodles chapter 5 . 1/5/2014
I still can't believe how ignorant people in this fandom are to your amazing writing! I just love your tenacity towards writing, there are few people who actually ever pay attention to it yet you still always give it your all. And once again, I just LOVED this chapter. I was actually hoping you'd eventually get to some Cliffcee at somepoint! Keep writing, and don't give up! There are still a handful of people like me who just adore your writing!
TheLockPickingVictorian chapter 4 . 11/13/2013
Don't worry Sweetie, I'm sure there are others as well. I was so happy to see that this had been updated, the mates I was with when I found this must of thought I was being a lunatic!
Anyway, you have a habit of staying so in character that I'm sure I could confuse your storylines for actual plots if I didn't put my mind to it. It's fantastic and brilliant and Poor poor Ratchet, you made me wanna cry!
D xx
DrawerofDoodles chapter 4 . 11/12/2013
Amazing story, narration, characterization etc. I could go on and on about how perfect this atory is... just- HOW? Is it even possible for someone to be this good? You're making me ship ships I never thought I'd be shipping (say that 5 times fast)! Love you, and no that DIDN'T sound desperate, just glad that I give you the encouragement needed for you to continue! You're one of my favourite authors, so please never stop writing!
MajorWanderer chapter 4 . 11/12/2013
Darn it! There is just NO expressing how amazing these little one-shots are! I'm surprised you're not a real life author, 'cause you should definitely be one! You've got some real potential! Unfortunately, there are just too many idiots in this fandom that don't seem to recognize an awesome story if it literally cyber-slapped them in the face... Seriously, I just love your writing... keep it up! Don't let the lack of reviews slow you down like they did to me! Speaking of which... and not to sound creepy or desperate or anything but, you wouldn't mine giving MY story a chance would you?
TheLockPickingVictorian chapter 3 . 11/8/2013
Okay it's officially ridiculous the lack of reviews you get. Especially when you're so fantastic that you almost always make me cry.
I'll say it again and again, you are fantastic.