Reviews for The Reluctant Bride
ara chapter 56 . 5/4/2022
me encanto continua espero que Dani y Jon tengan un bebe y merecen un final feliz
Guest chapter 1 . 5/16/2021
love me some arya/gendry, only the second worst pairing after Robb/Margaery, a crack pairing that for some absurd reason got insanely popular, to the point that you see it anywhere and everywhere, even if it makes no sense in the setting they've created. same thing goes for half the gendry/arya fics, dany/jon and whatever the fuck else gets clicks. please god, please give me some Jon/Val, Jon/Alys, Robb/vassal lady, arya/therapy, and some non pedophilic sansa pairing! the shit you see everywhere is so fucking insane and stupid
sol y luna 0428 chapter 56 . 3/21/2020
nooooo how could you leave it like that after all! Ty is the son of our diblillo and his only love
sol y luna 0428 chapter 53 . 3/21/2020
and what happened to Jon and daenerys?
sol y luna 0428 chapter 52 . 3/21/2020
oh dying of love
sol y luna 0428 chapter 51 . 3/21/2020
this is crazy I don't understand why sansa doesn't talk to him or her and solve everything
sol y luna 0428 chapter 49 . 3/21/2020
If this little bird was meant to spend the rest of its life in a cage, it might as well be a gold one. I definitely don't know if it's stupid or just very realistic
sol y luna 0428 chapter 48 . 3/21/2020
I had to read twice because i didn't understand He hurt her but he never raped her
sol y luna 0428 chapter 47 . 3/21/2020
Oh shit You know in season 8, sansa sends a woman to Sandor but he rejects her. I don't know why, but I kept thinking that she later gave herself to him, either out of gratitude for what she did for Ella and Arya or to erase her bad experience knowing full well that Sandor was going to be tender with her
sol y luna 0428 chapter 44 . 3/21/2020
oh how bad this is all crazy and sansa is very crazy hehehe
sol y luna 0428 chapter 42 . 3/21/2020
1. I am so scared by everything that happens, that I read non-stop ... I hope you are well and everything that you have been through was difficult. you are very brave
sol y luna 0428 chapter 40 . 3/21/2020
oh shit of the calm waters free me sir hehehehe
sol y luna 0428 chapter 39 . 3/20/2020
oh i don't understand anything
sol y luna 0428 chapter 38 . 3/20/2020
God Sansa deserves a good love
sol y luna 0428 chapter 37 . 3/20/2020
lol sadomasochism lol although he is spanked with sticks in Braavos oh i want to read more
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