Reviews for Playing by the Rules
Polymer1 chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
While I agree with a number of points you bring up a few hit a sore spot with me. Your complaints that Ender in the movie was too tall and Bonzo was too short, while they do not match the books descriptions I think that the actors chosen give an accurate FEELING of the character. Sometimes physical attribute must be put aside so the IMPORTANT aspects of the character is shown. Not only this but some of your other complaints regarding plot devices and development, they were trying to condense YEARS into an hour and 54 minutes. There will always be a difference between the books and the movies and sometimes the transition is done well and sometimes it is not. In this case I believe it was done well. I done not mean this to be an indictment on you or your opinion, it is simply that this topic has been bugging me for a while and you provided a convenient outlet.

P.S. sorry for shouting but this thing doesn't let me italicize.
NakanoHitori chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
I don't mean to burst any bubble...who am I kidding. Movies can not be complete adaptations of books due to the overwhelming amount of information in a book. Unless you perfectly fancy sitting in the same spot for six hours at a time or longer.
Mrs L chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
Very nice comparisons! I'm thinking they should have something like this posted under Trivia on IMDb.

But I think that on the movie they were calling the buggers 'Formics,' not informants! Lol.

It was pretty humorous reading this-there were A LOT of inconsistencies that I had to ignore or overlook in order to enjoy the movie. The Bonzo miscast still bothers me- couldn't they at least have him stand on a box like they do Tom Cruise to make him look as tall as his costars?! Sheesh!

Anyhoo, I enjoyed this glorious rundown of the many flaws- can't wait to see what you do next!