Reviews for The Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy |
I Love PPC chapter 50 . 7/20/2003 I wanna be on the update list! |
Neshomeh chapter 50 . 7/20/2003 *points up* I didn't log in, so my e-mail is right up there by my user name. { D I DO love this fic. It was really fun to be a part of it, even if it was mainly torture-based cameos. My poor underfed ego tells me that something is better than nothing. _~ I don't suppose you're accepting applications for the Order of the Sphinx? I should like to wield my Soft Pillow in battle against 'Sues! *swings Pillow and misses Arasgorn the mini-Balrog by a hair* Well... perhaps the technique could use some refining. _; Anyway, thanks very much for sharing this with us. It was a great ride, and I look forward to going again in a few months! ~Neshomeh, forever an avid fan of PPC and OFU fic. |
Pooca chapter 50 . 7/20/2003 The ending was absolutely magnificant. I never expected it to end the way it did: but it was perfect! Absolutely wonderful. I'm glad that they got to live their lives in both places. But I am mad with jealousy. I would be interested in adopting a mini-aragog, and would like to be added to your mailing list. . I am eagerly awaiting your sequel now, you are a wonderful writer and this is a great story. Hope to review soon! :) |
kestinstewart chapter 50 . 7/20/2003 Wow Meir Brin... ::claps enthusiastically:: I've loved this from the first time I read it and I feel kinda sad now that its gone... But if you're writing a sequal... any chance I might be one of the new students? ;) Oh and if I could put my name down for the adoption of a 'Snape' mini-aragogs... I'd be very pleased. My e-mail is '' And best wishes from 'book 6' deprived New Zealand and me! |
Amber Evans Potter chapter 32 . 7/20/2003 o.o that was... incredibly poor grammer at the end. Stupid fanwriters! *realizes what she said* O.O wow... did I really just write that? I must have hit my head... that or it's too late at night. Anyway, continue! I must know what will happen! |
Amber Evans Potter chapter 31 . 7/20/2003 Gah! Forgive me for my lazy reviewing schuduel! I'm a busy girl and HFA was taking a while to update. Anyway, great so far! *nervously* I'm sure I was one of the first people to get knocked out. _;; heh, well, anyway, onward! |
sweetmelody chapter 15 . 7/17/2003 This is so creative! And really hilarious! And I'm using excessive punctuation and hoping I won't cause a punctuation downpour*,.!&! This is going on my favorites' list, and in the meantime, I'm going to finish reading this. Good job! |
Athena Parthenos chapter 50 . 7/17/2003 Snape was still getting used to having a tortured childhood, yet as the Canon Update's notion of this had been considerably vague, even Snape wasn't sure about how traumatized he was. ROFLMAO! I love it! Am v. sad to see HFA come to an end, but am happy that it was so hilarious and wonderful. I *lurved* the Battle of the Canon, and the canon characters' reactions to being constantly glomped (especially poor Lupin!). There's far too much that was wonderful for me to go into in a single review, but let it suffice to say that this was spiffy-cool, and very welcome amongst the badfic that so often plagues this site. Thank you. :-D |
Sasparilla chapter 48 . 7/15/2003 Oh, I'm so sad! Leaving HFA is horrible! And I understood the voice over the loud speaker, even if some fan-writers didn't :D I hope the next chapter is up soon! ~mystikalolo~ |
beenieweenie chapter 32 . 7/15/2003 I knew it! Spoilers wreck havoc! Anyway, I like the story, and it really funny. I also have to admit I think it's admirable, in a sort of demented way, that all the authors of the Official FanFic University universe actually collect the mispelled names and such. Also, thank you so much for spelling what canon was in that one chapter. I was sort of afraid to ask in a review and I only sort of understood it. Thanks! :) |
AriaStar chapter 48 . 7/14/2003 -loud applause- I do so love this fic. Not least because I got to be in it, of course; but there were so many wonderful moments. This will hold a place in my heart next to OFUM - a closer place, probably, as Harry Potter is my pet continuum. In this chapter, of course, I especially liked the Truth or Dare game. Questions the fanwriters really ask. Snape wonderfully dispelling the vampire rumor. I confess perhaps the slightest disappointment in Remus's nice brotherly answer, but having him in leather does more than make up for it. And having a resurrected Sirius is always a wonderfully good thing. ...Of course, if you ever bring our dear fanwriters back to HFA, I will be delighted. After all, a PPCer loves vacationing in their continuum, and HFA has been truly wonderful. Thank you. _ |
Salome Orr chapter 1 . 7/14/2003 hee hee hee |
hermione8meg chapter 48 . 7/14/2003 sad. So very, very sad. I wonder what the me in the real world has been doing all this time? Drooling over pictures of Sean Biggerstaff in bike shorts, no doubt. Not much of a difference there, I'd say. I hate endings. Is that the end? I dunno, just in case: Update soon and happy writing! ~Meg |
TsukiNoBara chapter 48 . 7/14/2003 "Think you that *she* would not have forced my resignation if such a thing were true?" ...You know, he does have a point. I'll bet that's the only thing that she thinks is worse than a half-breed. "O, incest!" XD Us Slasherings have so much fun... 'It seemed that all of the fanwriters had produced their Christmas towels and were now dealing with a copious amount of drool.' *thinks* Yes, even some of us Slasherings like that mental image...*drools* And it has ended...'Tis a sad day indeed. ~C-chan |
Krystannya chapter 46 . 7/14/2003 Oh dear. Those are quite some hallucinations that Ella and myself are having. Who would have ever thought of winged broccoli sticks! Thank you for including me. |