Reviews for Avatar of the Gods
codeninja676 chapter 15 . 9/4
Another story that leaves me unfulfilled by the fact it was abandoned. I know you have a lot of more popular crossovers but your backlog of stories is so massive that it hurts to see most of them unfinished hope this one updates at some point.
Nexlon chapter 15 . 8/22
Its been a little more than 2 years ;)

Hope you update it sometime
facter-Histori chapter 15 . 8/4
Being selfish, when you update this story I'm catching up on your stories, thank you for these wonderful stories, as a side note I'm excited about many of your stories, will you update this one with live action?
TheGoodDoctor13 chapter 4 . 7/27
I get WHY you had to nerf Narutos regeneration and stuff but still, absorbing the juubi gives better Regen than even kurama and actual can't die or be killed immortality. Again I understand why alot of Naruto is nerfed but it's still pretty weird, should've just had kurama hibernate or something instead of juubi Naruto being weak and able to die
slicc chapter 15 . 4/26
Wish this story was still on going
WearyLegands chapter 15 . 4/4
I don't know if this story is still going on but since it's still on the site I'm hoping it is. I like it and would like to read lore
slicc chapter 15 . 1/24
Next chapter
MonsterCritic96 chapter 1 . 9/3/2023
hey Neon this still ongoing or not anymore
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2023
Hola NeonZangetsu , como estas , hey creo que tu historia suena excelente , optima , suena a algo descabellante ( Traducción : Es 1 sinónimo de excelente que seguro igual que yo tu no conocías ) pero creo que tal vez deberías considerar que no tiene mucho sentido que Naruto sea 1 inmortal que reencarna ( aunque tiene que ver y es 1 concepto de la mitologia y culturas de tipo occidental y orientales alrededor de las que se inspiro los mundos de Naruto y Avatar ) y/o que tal vez no es la forma en la que 1 pensaría que podrias plantear argumental y contextualmente 1 Crossover Fanfiction entre Naruto y Avatar , honestamente no pense que esa seria la forma en que todos los autores decidirian plantear esa historia :

Pensaba por ejemplo que incorporarian los clanes de ninja y los Shinobi , Chakra y tecnicas de Jutsu que existen en el mundo de Naruto y los combinarian con el mundo del universo de la serie Avatar , como de la misma forma que en el Crossover Legacy se combina el mundo de Marvel con el de DC

O de la misma forma que en Final Fantasy VII : Chronicles of Remnant, en ese Crossover Fanfiction el autor combina el mundo de Final Fantasy VII en el mismo mundo que la serie de RWBY y crea 1 mundo de RWBY en donde el universo de Final Fantasy esta combinado con el universo de RWBY

Creo que eso deberia tratar de aplicarse en este y todos los otros Crossover Fanfiction de Avatar y Naruto
C3nterF0ld chapter 12 . 2/22/2023
at the part where they call him demon. I was getting MAJOR Vader vibes and then you said the line lmao
C3nterF0ld chapter 9 . 2/22/2023
OH BUT YOU ACTUALLY FIX THINGS! and quickly too. still upset about the fact it happened but you don't let it stick! I'm very happy for that
C3nterF0ld chapter 9 . 2/22/2023
I.. huh. I dont think I've read a story of yours yet that has me so angry. in your newest books you avoid the pitfalls that I hate. nerfing mcs, needless/forced drama, and such. but this shit BURNS me. he technically IS the jubi. toxin won't affect him. it wouldn't affect madara, kaguya or any of them. there is no way a beast that had never been near Chakra would have a poison that could deal with the essence. also you've shown and said he has access to all the bloodlines. and there are a few that deal in in poison and it's resistance. I'm venting really here, im not like, genuinely angry at you or anything. more the circumstances. I dont like mcs separating from the group or straying as it were. I care more for character interaction then anything else in a story. I'm rambling, my bad lol.
RyuuyaOoguro chapter 5 . 2/14/2023
wooooah, you really came a long way huh? I mean its not that bad, but compared to your more current works, its like heaven and hell. good job!
elkenn chapter 15 . 1/28/2023
'It won't be two years'
It has been 4 years...
Guest chapter 15 . 1/9/2023
Look I know it's been awhile and maybe you gave up on this story but I'm hoping for a next parts pls
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