Reviews for Desperately Seeking Ranma |
Rune Tobor chapter 98 . 5/24/2016 You could title this Aftermath of the party. I really like the update on the archeological expedition. Kimiko noticing Nabiki AND being silent is good, perhaps she will be a close friend later? And a name for the scary organization? SHADOW WATCHERS Or since action is required occasionally... The Council of Last Resort. |
Dumbledork chapter 98 . 5/24/2016 I really liked the part with Gosunkugi. |
ringlhach chapter 98 . 5/24/2016 It's got to be MGE-I, of course- Magical Girl Enterprises, Ideas division. I'm sure we can figure out something impressive as a cover, though. The Magistratum of the Glorious Expanse, Intelligence Operations, maybe? |
Patrick Stapleto chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 Thank you again for another entertaining chapter! The quality of your work continues to amaze. When I saw there was another chapter out (something for which I check multiple times daily) it made my day. As for Ms Aoyama and her employers; the way she appears to everyone is as something not remotely female or humanoid trying to appear as such. Her "smile equivalent" has struck terror into hearts. For a symbol I am tempted by something like the smiley face emoji, but off just a bit. The smile perhaps slightly off center or too low? Or not even smiling, just a straight line? An attempt by something not remotely like all the other species in regards to emotion trying to put on a mask of what it thinks is friendliness. And for a slogan "Observe, assist, ensure" That gets people to thinking "ensure what?" and really begin to wonder. Thank you again for better written entertainment than some I've paid money for! |
lordamnesia chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 Fantastic chapter, and Gos got dealt with! Keep up the stellar work! |
dah884 chapter 97 . 5/23/2016 while i was working i was thinking of a few more selling points, when i realized if you combine them you get "Eyes of the Grecian Lion". imagine it Ms 'sunshine' watching you from the shadows, all that's visible is her eyes in a sea of darkness. now that's scary. the other points were that since the sphinx's hide was impenetrable Hercules had to use his brains and his superhuman strength to slay it. another would be the similarities between a sphinx and Ms Aoyama. what if you made it so she seemed to be the most 'approachable' one in the organization? the only thing scarier than Ms Aoyama would be more than one. sorry this is a chapter back but i posted the first half 11 hours earlier. |
listohain chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 Its fantastic! |
Awlric Hayell chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 ah, it's always fun to read an Aoyama section. and that expedition is going to have a bad time, I wager. also, what do you think about Watchtower as a name, with the logo being a 3 stone tall mini tower with a stylized eye on top like a lighthouse? |
Riniko22 chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 Thank you, that was a very fun chapter, and to think much of the chapter was centered around Gos' actions and what they caused. Oh, and he has made some new friends. |
Guest chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 Great Chapter. How about something like this with the name of Ouroboros for her agency: albums/a72/Petron132_ |
Q.Q chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 You can go two ways with the symbol. 1. do something unique(ish) that they haven't encountered before. 2. Something ridiculously simple that many ancient civilizations used it, that way it would look as if her organisation has been around for a long long time. For the name I would suggest doing the same as the evil organisation in 'No One Lives Forever' did. They called themselves 'H.A.R.M.' and most often ending letters within the organisation with 'Remember what H.A.R.M. stands for'. Even now, years after the games came out no one knows what it stands for. Just name the organisation W.A.T.C.H. and let everyone wonder. Or the Japanese equivalent or Russian, etc. XD |
novi chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 I wish I could come up with a suitably epic name for her organization. I'm somewhat partial to Aleph-Prime, which follows the NERV school of not actually standing for anything. Aleph sorta means infinity, namely the size of an infinite set in number theory, and Prime sounds cool and vaguely mathematical as well. I also might suggest variations on 'overwatch' and 'infinity' together, implying an incomprehensible amount of surveillance. Or maybe Office of External Security. Another angle for terrifying might be to work 'auditor' in there somehow. That should frighten most people in the civilized world on principle, before they even start to wonder who and what kind of records she would be involved with. One more thought depends on how widely you want to scare people. You could have the initials come out to S.H.I., which happens to be Japanese for 'death'. At least, the romanized pronunciation. Or maybe something like 'Bureau 4-13', and hit a lot of superstition buttons. |
irontiger7 chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 A name... The Doomsday Bureau Symbol... A demon skull with an international No symbol imposed on it, or exploding star or galaxy? |
Meck Viking chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 He earned that talk. Also for the organization, O.S.I. Other Side Investigations |
dah884 chapter 98 . 5/23/2016 how about the Grecian lion. (the sphinx that Hercules had to slay) sphinxes are mysterious and deadly, they ask a riddle and if you fail they eat you. also the guardians of ascension which considering that the organization may become a training/regulatory group for magic girls it makes sent. as well the sphinx in the afterlife ask two questions if you fail they eat your soul if pass you find paradise. other suggestions are: "the eye of Odin" which supposedly according to myth is all seeing.(wonder if has anything in common with the all seeing eye of Egyptian mythology. something to do with kyubi, don't really know any with names. i have a question. is the temporal difference the maximum overall total, or just the max per portal spell? because if it's the latter couldn't they jump time-lines as easy as creating a portal if they moved enough dimensions away. |