Reviews for Pandora's Scions
jetsly chapter 31 . 5/4/2015
A new chapter is always welcome. Please, keep them coming!
EvilTheLast chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
Good update.
waffenmac chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
WOW so glad you updated. I love how this story is developing. I cant wait to see how this turns out.
SpartanCommander chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
Good chapter. I will say that I think the Cylons may be surprised at how quickly the 13th tribe identified the Cylon infiltrators. And it's mainly due to how simple the way to identify them is the silicon in their system even the Colonials should be able to pick that up.
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
JackMatrix chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
Good story man, keep up the good work.
Starfox5 chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
Very good chapter. Quite the insight into the goals of the Fleet, and the thoughts of the spooks there. I wonder if there are some (more) humans who sympathize with slaves rebelling and wiping out their creators/oppressors.
Illuviar chapter 31 . 5/1/2015
The plot thickens even further!
kbauer chapter 30 . 4/16/2015
I think SpartanCommander brings up a good point. Perhaps the Colonials could approach the Schlein Family to obtain transports for a larger rescue operation to the Colonies, forcing the hand of the Fleet to assist them. Which ever direction you choose, will certainly be interesting, I believe. Nice chapter!
nebula2 chapter 30 . 4/8/2015
Very nice opening section. You really caught the collective voice of the Cylons in the first section of this chapter. It felt like it could be a scene taken from an episode. As for the specific content, I like seeing the Cylons reactions to the new alien life. They're clearly not happy to have new players in the mix and not feeling as powerful as they did when taken on the Colonials. Loved the discussion about the plan, from the Eights passionate, impulsive plan to the more thought out rational plan that they agree to. I think you caught each models unique personality in that discussion.

And in comes Zarek again. I liked seeing his thoughts during the second section of this chapter. He's clearly trying to figure out how to work the recent developments to his advantage. His reaction to their bombshell about the aliens was interesting.

I like where you're going with the Colonials agenda in this situation. It's clear that they are aware of how they need the Alliance but I think Roslin's thinking about preserving the Colonials heritage is very realistic. Just because they need the Alliance, it's only natural that they want to keep their identity. It's a interesting development for the story and I'm looking forward to seeing exactly how this development plays out.

Loved Adama's last line! Perfect way of ending this chapter!
nebula2 chapter 29 . 4/4/2015
So, this is probably me not being familiar with the Fleet universe, but I found the first section hard to follow as all the promotions didn't make sense to me. I'm quite sure they work for the story, though I was more than happy to finally get through that section - especially as I loved the exchange between Alexandra and Jackson. Nice interaction between the two of them!

Good job at personalizing the two human-form Cylons that you use in this chapter. Their relationship with each other makes what happens later in the chapter more impact. Which model is the female Cylon? I wasn't sure, though I was thinking a model eight?

Very good job with writing the battle scene. The descriptions were really well done. The scene was easy to follow and easy to 'picture' thanks to how you wrote it even if some of the 'technical' descriptions were over my head so to say.

Looking forward to seeing where this skirmish leads all parties involved.
nebula2 chapter 28 . 3/29/2015
Sorry it's been so long. Got into reading the Divergent series and other novels instead of fanfic.

Anyway, I did enjoy this chapter. Loved the interlude. It has a forbidden, foreshadowing tone to it that gives the reader the feeling that something important is going to happen.

You know, I think you actually made me feel sorry for the Cylon raiders that get attacked. You really made them come to life instead of just being ships that the viper pilot's have been fighting. The show focuses so much on the biological Cylon's that I guess the fact that the raiders are sentient too kind of fades into the background. The sections with the radiers coming under attack really brings that face to the foreground.

As for the briefing - I really liked the information and insight from the characters on what is transpiring. Dalle brings up some very good points about the Cylon's and their 'master plan'. I'm interested to see exactly how the Fleet humans and the Cylons interact with one another. It should prove interesting. Something that kind of through me with the briefing though is that at some points it almost seems like some of the characters are not taking the briefing seriously. It seems like they're mingling at a party, not discussing serious matters. It's the use of the exclamation points I think that gives me this impression. Not sure if that is what you were going with here or not, as like I have said before I don't know the Fleet universe except from your story, so perhaps some of the characters are more carefree than what I would normally expect.

Overall, a very enjoyable chapter. Looking forward to the next one.
Adam Warlock chapter 30 . 3/15/2015
Some subtle yet very nice touches in this chapter.

You did a wonderful job showing that the Cylons are a young race, uncertain of their place in the universe, and somewhat rigid in their thinking which can be bad if you have to deal with another opponent who is quite alien from your way of thinking. Interesting that it took the Sleepers to point this out to the Cylons. Another thing I like about your depiction of the Cylons is that the collective has cracked and the Cylons are starting to show a lot more individualism as well as humor. Good job on that.

I also enjoyed the next scene from Zarek's point of view. Nice touches there about his own hypocracy in regards to Roslin and her uncaring of a possible death toll when the guy himself was a terrorist bomber. I also like that he thought of himself as a freedom fighter, thus showing us his mindset rather than the take on him that fans of the show may have.

Great job on this chapter and can't wait to see what happens with Tamara and Pettus!
waffenmac chapter 30 . 3/13/2015
Great chapter thank you for updating
SpartanCommander chapter 30 . 3/13/2015
Good chapter.

You know their is one thing the Colonial government could do to get some highly advanced ships for a rescue mission.

They right now have had enough contact with the Syndicate represenatives to realize that they are more geared to gaining profit than the Alliance is. So instead of asking the alliance they could strike a negotiation with one of the families (likely someone under the assumption of gaining some kind of other deal) However they could negotiate with them to purchase a small mercenary fleet to send on a rescue mission to liberate a number of Colonial people on the home worlds. The fleet wouldn't be very big but they could likely negotiate a deal for a fleet to quietly steal a large population from the Cylons. Mind you this would likely be something like a lot of negotiation and such but I think the Syndicat or any of the families would be interested in seeing what kind of innovations or even if their are rare elements they haven't discovered yet that the Colonials discovered in their long voyage and such. Even if tech isn't something that could be traded the Colonies do have some things that may peek the Syndicate's interest.

After all the Colonials are still a separate government and not actually a part of the Alliance their is nothing forbidding them from making side deals or hiring mercenaries to free their people. (Not to mention at the moment it's likely the Cylons wouldn't expect the Colonials to pull something like this so fleet strength around the worlds might not be at high alert unless their are elements of the Colonial fleet still surviving somewhere in Colonial territories.

Also I will say the Colonials could also make a plan to try to push to look for some place to settle under the protection of the fleet.

For the Cylons I think they would be interested in recovering the wreckage of the downed Cylons and the raiders. If they can study the damage they could determine the nature of the energy weapon itself and maybe a method of defense. But it would be more important to find out the weapon and how it damaged the raider.

I also have to agree that is a smarter idea to send in a small force instead of jumping in blind into an area blind.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
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