Reviews for Season of Change |
relyt118 chapter 35 . 3/3/2020 I'm a little upset at Ayla agreeing to marry the Mad Healer's son. We know she can do at least basic wandless magic, so waking up without a wand isn't *that* bad. Especially when no one will expect you to cast without said wand. Ayla was so happy to gain control of her life and free herself from the manipulations of others, then she just... capitulates, so easily. |
Deathchill chapter 1 . 2/29/2020 I love this story and will add it to my watch list. |
Oilsanya chapter 35 . 3/2/2020 Hello, thank for the story, i just finished reading the last chapter you posted and i wanted to ask you if the story was finally not a fem/slash, with the decision that was made in this chapter it left me a bit weird. |
Nefarium chapter 35 . 2/21/2020 Amazing read. I love how you have fleshed out all these characters and kept them all close enough to the source. I can belive their actions are what they would do in these situations. This last chapter seems a bit rushed. And I can kind of see hints of what I am hoping for is Aliya finding a way out of the contract. If you are reading this then I'll assume you have read others messages. I don't wish to look down on your creation and will have faith in the author knowing what they are doing. Looking forward to the next chapter. |
marcinkrycki2314 chapter 35 . 2/20/2020 Idk what exacly happend in this chapter but if i ever meet you author i will make you bald and toothless. |
SuperReader3000 chapter 1 . 2/12/2020 A superb story! Well written and a great plot. I cannot wait to see how it ends. |
mongodatroll chapter 35 . 2/11/2020 Enjoying it so far, though I have to say that if Alya doesn't come up with a way to get out of her alternate marriage proposal crap I'll probably be fairly disappointed. I don't care one way or another if there is a marriage, mind you. But the idea that she would let some twit bludgeon her into one is kinda OOC for what you have already established. Not that I am trying to write your story for you, and I am enjoying it enough that I will certainly keep reading. Just offering a completely unsolicited opinion. Thank you very much for your efforts! |
WolfbrotherTitan chapter 24 . 2/5/2020 I just want to point out a couple things, first, you’ve used ‘cure breakers’ instead of ‘curse breakers’ a lot, second, there have been times where the sentence reads as if it should have a negative qualifier, for example, there are time where it should be ‘could not’ or couldn’t, but what’s actually there is ‘could’, and last, in this chapter Andromeda called her father her uncle. I need to point out that none of these are big deals, you’ve got a great story here and I look forward to where it goes from here. |
Ravenclaw.Alessandra chapter 35 . 1/20/2020 Update soon plz love this story |
Varvas chapter 35 . 1/19/2020 So far this has been a great read. Genderbend stories are have a lot of potential, especially considering how much our bodies and hormones control our thinking. I'm excited to see how that marriage contract goes. As far as I'm concerned it would be nice to see some competent male partners in these kinds of stories. Way to often to they stay in the beforehand hetero-/current homoattraction without challenging their views with how their bodies influence their sexuality. |
beammeup00 chapter 35 . 1/9/2020 This is really excellent story telling. Bravo. |
Bad Wolf chapter 35 . 12/31/2019 So, I read a review that almost prevented me from reading this story. In the end, tho, the combination of your summary and cover image got me to read it. I have to say, I kind of agree with the review that initially kept me away. The method of that contract was just FAR too rushed and seemed way out of place for this otherwise really great story. Have the contract, sure, but there needs to be some negotiation, a meeting between them, an understanding between them (allowing her to be with Luna etc) and Alya coming to the realization that it would get others off her back. With how you've developed Alya, that's the only way I can see her accepting. All that said, besides the errors in spelling or grammar etc, this story is amazing! I love how you managed to tie bits together that initially seemed to be just plot device and made them actually matter. I love how you are developing the mystery of her knowledge and unraveling answers for it over time. I also really love the self-enlightenment she's having comparing her new life to her old. While you need to work on your structure, syntax, spelling, and grammar, you have a wonderful imagination and are doing really well with this story. Very well done indeed. |
demonianism chapter 35 . 12/13/2019 I think you’ve had a number of readers already express their I’ll just say I’m hoping for a plot twist. |
Nope chapter 35 . 11/25/2019 Got to this point and will no longer be reading. Having her voluntarily submit to slavery is literally anathema to the themes you've been writing for 34 chapters. Utterly disgusting. |
Lebensender chapter 35 . 11/25/2019 I was so excited when I found out this story had been updated. It had been so long since I last read it, I decided to read it from the beginning. I was loving it until I got to this chapter. It felt like it came out of nowhere and blew away my expectations, and not in a good way. One of the things I liked about this story was that it was one of the few good Fem Harry Potter stories where she doesn't end up with a guy, an extremely rare find. I loved the relationships between Alya and the cast thus far, and was so excited when she started dating Luna, my favorite character. A good Harry/Luna story is another extremely rare find. Then out of nowhere Alya is engaged to some guy for some stupid plot reason. Basically this entire chapter and the events leading up to it didn't feel necessary, at least not in this fashion. It's like you decided to try and find a way for her to end up with a guy when she showed no real interest in them up till now, beyond appreciation of some of their looks. I get that she doesn't really have much say in it at this point, and that wasn't really the point, but this particular approach didn't have to happen like this in the first place. Alot of different characters could have ended up saving her, or the price could have been many other things. This just seemed forced. Maybe I'm just projecting because I felt betrayed by the story. I don't know. I just feel disappointed is all. I'm not trying to attack you or anything, and if it came across that way, I'm sincerely sorry. You're a good writer, and you've come up with a truly beautiful story. This is just how I felt reading this. I know as a reader who has no creative say in this story, my opinion isn't even really a factor. I just wanted to get this off my chest, for a story that I loved so much up to this point, because it really does mean something to me. Even if it doesn't go the way I hope it does, I plan to continue to read this story, because you really have done a wonderful job with it. I just don't know that I'll be as invested in it going forward. I hope I haven't come across as a whiny dickface. I'm not even sure if this comment is for you as the writer at this point, or for me to organize my thoughts and feelings on the matter. Good luck in the future. And don't allow negative opinions to ever get you down or prevent you from writing. |