Reviews for Just a Bit Unlikely |
dwjx chapter 16 . 6/28/2019 I was so excited to continue to this part of your series and then absolutely gutted when I realised it was unfinished and you hadn’t updated in 4 years. As always, it’s brilliant so far. It’s been a long time, but I hope you eventually find the time and muse to continue. This is my favourite rewrite series and I can’t wait to go back and read again as it was just awesome. |
Guest chapter 16 . 5/17/2019 So, just reread your stuff for the fourth time. I know it has been a while, so I just want to say thank you for creating this story and it has been fantastic. |
Mic chapter 16 . 4/28/2019 I'm so sad you seem to have let this go. Fingers crossed inspiration hits you one day and you decide to finish it! |
DoctorRoseTennant chapter 1 . 4/12/2019 pleeeaaase come back and work on this! this is one of my fav series! |
Owlqueen08 chapter 16 . 2/6/2019 I love this series! You have put a unique twist on a DW fanfic and I absolutely adore it. I know its been close to four years since you have updated, but if you were to put up another chapter it wouldn't matter to me. Even if you never come back to this story, I hope you're still writing. You have an amazing gift and thank you for sharing it with us. It's been fantastic reading your stories. ;) -Owlqueen08 |
Altiria-Aty chapter 14 . 11/19/2018 omg! this is so sweet! my heart- love this chapter |
Altiria-Aty chapter 13 . 11/19/2018 his song has changed! yas! |
Shazza95 chapter 16 . 11/19/2018 Love this please update soon ! Xx |
Rose Unspindle chapter 16 . 10/25/2018 Is this story dead? (I check up every now and then.) sniffle |
iloveseverussnape chapter 16 . 10/21/2018 I know it's been several years since you updated this, but I hope you still have plans to continue it! It's a wonderful story and you write very well. |
a.finnie.rose chapter 1 . 10/15/2018 Hey, I’ve read all the stories in this ‘verse and I was about to start this one when I noticed the word count and date. Any plans to continue it? |
puppyface1000 chapter 16 . 10/11/2018 please update soon |
SioraiDragon chapter 16 . 10/2/2018 I haven’t been here for so long. It’s nice to come back here and read a brilliant story written by an equally brilliant writer. Maybe you’re not on fan anymore, but either way, I hope one day you come back to this. I absolutely love it. The way you write these characters is just fantastic, and they feel real. I wish this happened in canon. And in my mind, it is. Well done! |
MPChess chapter 16 . 9/4/2018 Soooo, how's that muse been since this update? :P Sorry, sorry, fanfic rule #1: don't pester the author for updates... Been reading this series of tales the.. past week, I think? Something like that, and I've absolutely loved it! Probably should've left a few reviews here and there, but I'm horrible at doing those... Anyway! Job well done with what you've written thusfar! _ |
The Melon Lord. Toph chapter 16 . 8/16/2018 Oh my gosh, I love it all. Please update when you can. I have been pushing aside watching the actual show because I'm reading your stories, I'm at season 5, but I so wish the writer had done it like you have. You've kept everything great and made it better. Please keep going through all the other seasons. And everything you've changed makes logical sense. |