Reviews for White Christmas - A TLX Christmas Exchange Story
Sorceress of Magic chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
Aww cute
Storms in my Coffee chapter 1 . 1/18/2017
This was charming and written with such a delicate touch. I love sweet, strange Luna. There was always something about her character that was at once fragile and strong and I think you captured that here. What a lovely treat, like plum and vanilla pudding!
GodricGeoffreyGryffindor chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
Nicely done. Wish it were the start of something longer.
Inferius1957 chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
Aw these two are so made for each other.

Ravenclaw Midnight Blue chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
Very nicely done! A few errors spotted, such as 'Harry could only stair in surprise.' (Should be 'stare') And 'With Luna, things were often strange but they were never very complicate.' (I would add a 'd' at the end of that sentence).

The peaceful setting and conversation felt right for this short story. Good work.
Clades Mirabilis chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Really sweet. Is there any chance you could write a sequel to this ? Maybe not a whole story, but one or two episodes following this one ? Oh, and a happy New year !
sfjoellen chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
nicely done. luna/harry is a good ship, my second favorite! it's a sweet story..
Arpad Hrunta chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
I loved this story! Here's the original review I posted at the TLX page:

Well, that was absolutely lovely! Right up my alley. A fun story, and I'm amused beyond measure that the mystery author made this a sequel to my "Cheese Shop Sketch" story. I especially like the scene with the thestrals, and the comment that they'd acquired a taste for pigeons was a wonderful touch.
Litfreak89 chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Love Harry/Luna. Great story :)