Reviews for Beautiful Harmony
Guest chapter 79 . 1/13/2017
Please update I love how you write this story.
Renee Dance chapter 79 . 1/10/2017
I love the length of your chapters, please DON'T shorten them! Nicely done! There were a couple errors, but it was written nicely. I am so excited to keep reading once you update. Keep up the good work.
QueenDreamingShadow chapter 79 . 1/10/2017
I'M STILL HERE! I love this story and check every so often for an update.
fishy7073 chapter 40 . 1/2/2017
Three years straight of updating. THAT is dedication. I'm glad that you posted this and stuck with it. There is a lot to read, but that it a good thing not bad. I love stories the flesh out and instead of just telling you how something happened, you are showed it. Because of being showed, I anticipate about what will happen next or when certain people will meet up again. What will happen when these people meet up? How will things change if they do? What parts will stay the same? I just love this set up sooooo much. There is a lot of story, good development, plot, and other things. Basically, I mean to say thanks. This story is entertainment for me, and while that sounds bad, wrong, not proper, it has made my day(s) (it takes days to read this and more to come). I can learn life lessons from this story which is surprisingly nice. Once again, thanks! Keep being your awesome sauce self. (")
briidoesit chapter 79 . 1/1/2017
briidoesit chapter 79 . 1/1/2017
I love the length of the chapter as they are.
immortalblossom chapter 79 . 1/1/2017
Love your story! Keep writing how you do! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Alex chapter 79 . 12/31/2016
I love your story a lot, it is one of my favorite naruto FanFictions. I think your word count for each chapter is perfect, Don't Change! I always check to see if you have updated your story because I'm pretty sure you will never lose me as a reader. I enjoy the story a lot, I can't wait for the next update and I have stuck around reading your story ever since a little over a year and a half ago. Thank you so much for the great reading material and Happy New Year's. Keep Writing and I'll Keep Reading.
thelemonroll chapter 79 . 12/31/2016
Ahh its been so long I think I'm just going to reread everything to get caught up xD cuz rn Im confused so onto binge reading your story! xD
CrystalVixen93 chapter 79 . 12/30/2016
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz
moonlight468 chapter 79 . 12/30/2016
Oh how I've been waiting for this! Sadly, I didn't find this story till there was 60 chapters. I wished I could have found it sooner to take the same journey everyone else did. But I at least intend to stay till the end! Also, I love the long chapters. It never ends to quickly like other stories chapters. But do whatever is the easiest for you.
CrystalVixen93 chapter 78 . 12/8/2016
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz
Alex chapter 78 . 11/23/2016
I really hope you will keep up with this FanFiction. Because this is my favorite naruto story, thank you. I can wait.
Epic Sakura Haruno chapter 78 . 10/23/2016
This story is absolutely fantastic! One of the best Sakura fics I've ever read! I can't wait for the next update! I'm also really curious if you're going to include a sakura pairing? Like, an almost background one that doesn't take up too much spotlight?
Anyway, I hope this fic gets updated soon, I definitely can't wait!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/11/2016
"Of course! I feel really bad from seeing how I treated him in your memories; but it won't happen this time! I promise!" I smiled at Inners resolve then frowned at the paper. - You need to fix that, I mean how could Inner Sakura badly treated Naruto? She's not the Outer Sakura.
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