Reviews for Beautiful Harmony
Guest chapter 6 . 1/9/2014
I don't think you should skip a hole year and 8 months yet. If you want to skip time skip half off that and only do 10 months because I really enjoy. Sakura learning from her parents. When are higher ups going to find out she's a prodigy? update soon
Kimichan chapter 6 . 1/9/2014
For me, I think you should skip so that the juicy parts will be soon. But that's just me:) I'll definitely read it anyways whether you skip or not. I've been thinking about how Sakura can help Naruto about the bullying part, without revealing her skills and I can't think of any. Hoping they'll meet soon! Thanks for the update! Til next time!

Ja ne!
SSGT IronHide chapter 5 . 1/9/2014
awesome :) well I don't have any questions or complaints, I just enjoyed the chapter! and nice schedule by the way! if you keep up with it, then that's some serious dedication! you have my respect :)
Sakurasmash chapter 5 . 1/8/2014
Love the story so far! Update soon.
Kimichan chapter 5 . 1/8/2014
I love your story! I think it's really fitting and realistic. But I dont want Saku to be known as a prodigy at such a young age. I want her to enjoy her childhood with Naruto and co. Overall I think its a promising story. Keep it up!
*I so like it that you are updating every other day! Hope you wont abandon this story or make it on hold*

ja ne!
Midnight Sakura Blossom chapter 5 . 1/8/2014
Awww.. These father daughter moments are adorable. I can't believe he laughed at his little girl while she sat still for hours on end!
But she is picking up on the training quick, and I really think those chakra weights are really cool!
I'm excited for your next chapter! :)
SSGT IronHide chapter 4 . 1/6/2014
I love how the story is progressing so far! keep it up! and one question; do you have a set schedule for posting the chapters or do you just write when it strikes you?
Midnight Sakura Blossom chapter 4 . 1/3/2014
Aww... I love your story! This is so cute! I'm excited too see how her parents help progress. :)
SSGT IronHide chapter 3 . 1/3/2014
Woohoo! early ninja training! you know her skills would do well in espionage. she'd be an ANBU asset really. :) food for thought. well thanks for posting the story! can't wait to read more. so update as soon as you can!
SSGT IronHide chapter 2 . 1/3/2014
I'm still enjoying this. and I like how your portraying inner Sakura. it does not bug me in the least. oh and one question, how is she going to handle bullying? with how careful you're making her about her cover, she probably can't fight them off yet. oh man, how would her father react to her coming home beat up for defending Naruto?! that'd be awesome! alright well, take in mind that these are only my thoughts and suggestions. you needn't use any of it :) you're the author.
SSGT IronHide chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
ooh, I like it! it has good potential! and your grammar is excellent, as is your spelling. :)
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