Reviews for The British Reformation
ruth hammond chapter 12 . 8/12
Fun, really enjoyed it, I always enjoy when people have children and enjoy them! I used to enjoy dreaming about having a "sister wife" but couldn't find one that I thought could fit in.
Elec9 chapter 11 . 6/10
Hello, i read it and i liked it.
Charlee56 chapter 2 . 6/4
For a chapter that wasn't beta'd, you did a very good job!
jaqmaq77 chapter 12 . 5/22
loved 1 to 11... hated 12... silly really, but after a few years I started to hate the pairing of GW/HP... and a few more saw me hating the
BlazeStryker chapter 5 . 4/7
A modified Notice-Me-Not ward to have the harmful bugs not notice and thus not harm the plants you're trying to raise while allowing beneficial bugs to do as they do seems just the ticket for garden magic.
PlushyMoss chapter 11 . 3/27
Enjoyable story. I don't think the whole removing magic part was very well considered though. Maybe if it was just Malfoy Manor and the Ministry it would be quite good, but to remove the magic of a countries worth of innocent civilians is kinda insane. Culturally this is something a majority of people in the magical world would view as a fate worse than death. Just the suicides alone after this would be staggering, that's not mentioning the absolute culture wide depression.

Basically I don't think you considered strongly enough how important magic would be to magical cultures. I was quite surprised the response to Harrys' ward suggestion wasn't "how dare you even suggest such an abomination." At the very least there is no world they use it indiscriminately against a countries worth of civilians.

How Harry expects to live a peaceful life after admitting he was behind this war crime I have no idea. The bounty on his head is gonna be huge.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 3 . 3/20
When it comes to the adults in his life I would call them out on their bullshit and point out that he knows how they really view him. And Sirius was the only one who cared and tried to do right by Harry but they wouldn't let him. And Albus has been wronging Harry from the moment his parents died As and Hagrid helped but didn't know or realize. And Hermione and Ron don't realize by obeying Albus they betrayed him when rgey should hsve kniw he is in the wrong and quite frankly Hermione need to tell her parent and consult with them about what Albus ordered them to do. Though Dentists they would have some psychiatry and psychology training especially when dealing with kids. And Albus none of that.

And Albus and the order claim they are trying to protect him but they are going about it the wrong way. I know when my family was going about protecting me as a kid and as an Adult they didn't lie to me or keep me in the dark. what they are doing would get Harry killed. And that includes the kids. IDIOTS!
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 1 . 3/20
Albus has a bad habit of not paying attention and not listening when told something. He knows nothing about human nature and not listen when warned and does not pay attention to the will(s) of his parents. And not bothering to learn the truth of things. Harry has always tried to call out for help and tell people what was going on even hinting at what has been happening since being placed with the Dursleys for which he should never have been placed with. Those who have known Petunia when she was younger would know that no child should be left with her. Not even Dudley for how he turned out no thanks to his parents and that fat obese boy didn't start changing until after he was attacked by the Dementors. For which they forced him to see his whole life and what he has done wrong. And quite frankly The Adult Dursleys should have been forced to review their own lives and see what they have done wrong. And I would have Yeshua/Jesus and his father use the Dementors to show them what will happen to them upon death. For their crimes and sins against Harry.

Everyone became a traitor by listening to and obeying Albus. And Albus has done nothing but wrong Harry from the moment his parents died and compounded it even worse when Sirius died. Albus never learns. Minerva McGonigal tried to warn him but he didn't listen he never listens. They say with age comes wisdom that isnt always the case. When someone refuses to listen and learn they do not gain wisdom. And Many of Albus generation when he was born didn't always learn and caused all kinds of problems. Very few did learn.
DustBunnyQueen chapter 4 . 3/13
You know...every time I saw the name "Snortroc" I couldn't help but read "Snotroc"

Love this story by the way!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/5
“With someone like you, the sex can be almost as good and can be a lot longer.“

Almost? Not the way to make a guy feel confident or interested.
BlueFlowerGuy chapter 1 . 3/5
Really good story. It felt reasonable to me, cohesive and logical progression. The deus ex resolution for some reason didnt matter to me. Maybe because i mostly cared about the romance?

My one issue is probably the passivity of Hermione BUT she really really is a stickler to adhere to authority, its a core part of her character, so i cannot fault the author by saying shes out of character by siding with Dumbledore. I really wish there was some written justification for her to not try more. The passivity she displayed felt wrong. Her trying and failing would be bittersweet with the ending. It would work too with how people despite being good and trying still fail or suffer, war is unfair.

I really liked the ending in regards to the romance. I was a bit fearful while reading it was leading into a territory I usually dont like.
hanna chapter 1 . 12/31/2023
in this story harry gets pissed of and leaves. Then enters the french bitch who just continues the previous manipulations and treats harry like a fucking child in her head, and harry just goes with it because the bitch is pretty.

Trash fic is trash. Harry's character doesn't change from the beginning to end, jumping trhough hoops for the whole of the story
kalibre chapter 3 . 12/31/2023
I'löl have to drop this. Fleaur is constantly thjinking how to manipulate harry
Guest chapter 6 . 12/26/2023
This whole thing with sex thing is so weird to read, you've written it from an old man's perspective, no teen is Harry's age is going to act like this, there wouldn't be any questioning and would be very eager.

On another note, not impressed with this whole veela needing sex twice a year thing with a random male veela, I can see why they are called dark creatures by the wizarding world though I guess, pretty nasty to think about honestly, what if they are married and he gets injured, she'll be off having sex with another guy, screw dating that.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/5/2023
In cannon I never thought Ginny was the best choice for Harry, even through the first reading. I always have to remember it's a fantasy of JKR's and not real life considerations to make such a judgement. That all being said, Flur would have been only about my 3rd or 4th choice. She never seemed to be given the motivation in most stories I've read to advance her standing to #1. This one does come the closest. There is something to be said for necessity and lack of options. I didn't consider Bill a very good choice either. In your setting I would have to give Ginny the edge for strength of character and go for the chapter 11 option. Then if Harrly recognized what he would be missing, he might have made a different choice. Flur's choice in cannon was a decent one. Harry's choice was the cannon wishy washy one to not go after Hermione. Ron was immature, unmotivated and intellectually lazy. In my 79 years I haven't seen the HG/RW type match work. My male experience convinces me that a 3 way is just an idiotic, wasteful, and ill-conceived wet dream. Harry would have done better to choose either one. All that being said, it was a very good read.
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