Reviews for The Dance of Life
Roseheartwhitefox chapter 21 . 2/25/2021
I remember reading this story back when I was in high school. I never forgot about it. I searched so long to try to find it, and am happy to have read it again! It's still one of my favorite fanfiction stories!
Kitsune chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
I want to just say, that even though nobody (including the author) Will probably not read this after so many years, that this was one of the best Fan-fics that I have read concerning Inuyasha and Kagome. I read this so many years ago as a youth when Inuyasha was still popular. I have written a few fan fics myself but ones I posted online I never finished.

I liked this fic so much when I first read it, that I printed out all the chapters and kept it (and lost it somehow in the large chunk of time between now and when it was uploaded)

Even to this day, I cannot hear the "Macarena" without picturing Inuyasha dancing to it. It was well written and even though you had problems with Plagiarism, I truly hope you kept writing and honing your skill.

Even though so much time has passed since you posted it, I was glad to find it again after so many years, and relive the adorable story between Inu and Kagome.
SapphireKageKyuura chapter 13 . 8/19/2015
Grrrr Kikyo should just die like she was meant to be. If she touches Kagome in anyway or brings her any harm, it would just prove to me why I hate her so much. Her personality is so ugly.
SapphireKageKyuura chapter 10 . 8/19/2015
God why can't Kikyo just die. And I feel sorry for Inuyasha's pain. Kagome didn't know that he was there. Kagome thinks that he doesn't love her, that he doesn't want her that he wants Kikyo. But that is just a disgusting thought. Who would want Kikyo? Eww... I love it so far. Please tell me this is the last angst chapter?
SaiyaCat chapter 22 . 4/17/2015
I will go later to defend your Honor. I Hate Plagiarism.
SaiyaCat chapter 21 . 4/17/2015
So Awsome. Best Inu/Kags Fic i've Read so far. you Rock!
TheNinjaKitty13 chapter 22 . 6/1/2012
Update already! I'm sick and tired of always reading awsome Fics, only to find them incomplete!
TheNinjaKitty13 chapter 19 . 6/1/2012
You shoulda' kissed her you idiot!
Rachika chapter 22 . 4/15/2010
Haha, I know this was written a long time ago, but I still love it! 3 The end was beautiful, and you captured Inuyasha wonderfully [as well as the rest of them, but I'm most impressed with Inuyasha]. I'm so sorry about the plagairized situation - I hope it was taken care of! I dislike it strongly when someone steals something that took you hours to complete!

Just had to say, love it! D
interestingstuff chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
great first chapter. kagome has a lot of bite to her.
Softly Spoken Words chapter 22 . 6/17/2009
super sweet story. I loved it. The macarena parts just CRACKED ME UP. I was laughing out loud to myself & my sisters were looking at me weird. Great story, again.
HeidiBax chapter 22 . 12/17/2008
One of my new favs, keep up the great work!
inyu01 chapter 22 . 10/21/2008
inyu01 chapter 11 . 10/20/2008
1-11 awsome so far no romance yet I see
The Aeolian Mode chapter 22 . 7/26/2008
..well, that sucks. Why must all the good ones be copied? 2004 Dorei Yokai was the same, too... poopies.

In all honesty, it's kind of low to be copying a... "fanfiction", or a spin off of another story. That's like as pointless as cloning a reincarnation. Fanfictions are meant to be dribbles of artistic expression, showing of creativity by using themes and characters in their own situations. For someone to steal such a personalized thing is kind of... silly.

Keep writing, even if you don't end up posting. From chapter one to this, you've improved a heck of a lot. If you keep at it, the flow will only get better. If you need someone to share your creations with, just give them out to close, real life friends who also like the series. It's a fun present for them, and often their advice helps you grow even more.

Wish you well with your imposter,

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