A/N: Hello y'all and sorry for the overly long sabbatical right after promising to update more. So...some of y'all aren't gonna like this but basically I decided to only work on my stories when I felt motivated to because the last couple of updates I put out I wasn't 100% happy with and neither were y'all. I decided should stick to writing with love rather than with desperation to update and please the masses. I was viewing this as a chore to dread rather than an outlet after a long day and ultimately that made me not want to have anything to do with this story. For a long time I considered just permanently abandoning it but I went back and read a lot of the comments from the early chapters when I thoroughly was having fun writing. I'm really sorry for letting so many of y'all down for so long but just know I will no longer be forcing myself to write though I do plan on finishing this story eventually. Thank you to everyone who has been following this story for so long and to all the new readers I'm forever surprised by, and I really do love y'all.
*DarkRavie's review made me realize the title of this chapter can be interpreted as the story ending, it is not, it is in reference to the finale of Steve's dealing with the press, as I stated above the story will be finished eventually, meaning it is still in progress
The Finale
Steve took hold of Harry's hand and calmly walked onto the stage. After admitting to Tony that he couldn't quite focus in on his memories of what had happened the day before, he watched the replay. There was quite a bit he had missed because of his panic clouding his senses but he watched as Harry shot scathing replies to the reporter before pulling Steve off the stage with him made Steve straighten his spine with resolve, he hadn't backed down from the Nazi's and he sure as hell wasn't about to back down from this. Harry had always been shoved into uncomfortable and unwanted situations with the press and Steve just couldn't make him deal with them on his own again.
They took a seat; Steve was stiff as a board until Harry squeezed his hand in reassurance and the first stream of questions began after Pepper kindly reminded the reporters allowed to attend that if any of the ruckus from the previous day were to rear its ugly head then they would be shown the door. After opening the floor he answered questions as straightforward as possible while remembering Pepper and Harry's tips, smile, blush, sound sincere even if you can't be sincere.
Finally at the end of the hour a reporter by the name Christine Everheart who, if Steve remembered correctly, Tony had a begrudging respect for and gave priority to when announcing anything major due to the fact he owed her for opening his eyes even further as to what was happening in the middle east, got the last question.
"Captain Rogers," she began, "Ever since the knowledge of your sexuality has been made public how have you felt about the press needing to know your opinion on the world as is?"
Steve raised his eyebrows, surprised that anyone would ask "I find it... jarring. The fact is I never expected to be able to talk about it much less live my life openly but what concerns me is that people seem to think my view is so important merely because of my shield. I am still running to catch up to the now, I even have a notebook that I have filled with movies and songs that I have been told are a must see, cult classic, or excellent commentary on the political era of the time, and frankly I've barely made a dent in it. When I was, as Tony likes to put it, first defrosted I left one war only to enter another. Then I took mission after mission to help keep the world safe. I have been able to read through history books and kind of catch up on politics from economics to civil rights but I'm actually still studying those because I have to in order to understand today's society.
I didn't even know gay marriage was legal until a few months after the Battle of New York when I saw two gals come into a diner I was eating at and announce they got married that morning. Even then it didn't click until they shared a kiss and I saw matching rings. It was a surreal experience. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or if someone was playing a prank. I then started to pay attention more and asked Tony about it after I realized people were openly queer and he just side eyed me before throwing a fit and asking why I hadn't been told about it since it was one of the major events in history.
I'm still learning how to be comfortable out on the street holding Harry's hand because sometimes I slip into the past and worry I'll get him hurt. The fact is I'm still learning about the present and still trying to remember I'm living in it. I still have so much I need to know before I can confidently give my opinion and since I started dating Harry I've gotten a crash course in quite a bit. I think people forget I'm technically 92 years old and still struggling when it comes to technology and processing new information. In a few years I think I will be confident enough to comment on social aspects but right now, as I'm sure you all noted from yesterday, I'm still not fully there yet. I hope I will be soon though to where I can confidently represent the community in a manner that it deserves."
They applause from scattered reporters turned into a roar when he and Harry stood to exit the stage. They posed for a few pictures with Harry giving Steve a kiss on the cheek as they finished right before they walked out the door to the left and instantly slumped together.
"You did really good Steve," Harry smiled leaning against him. Steve felt the tension draining from his shoulders as he pulled Harry closer. His entire body had been one giant knot of nerves since it had been decided they would be open and interview about their relationship and feeling Harry's body go slack Steve realized the toll hadn't been on him alone. Thankfully, it was done, though he was sure he would still be hounded about their relationship, judging from the way Pepper was looking at her phone, it would be in a less vicious manner than before.
Social media exploded as soon as the press release ended, the tags #CapisForeverGrandpa #TeachCaptheGayWay and #GayAmerica caused twitter to slow to a near crawl and Steve was pretty sure the only reason it hadn't fully crashed from the influx of use was because Tony was enjoying reading the more appropriate tweets out loud so everyone, even Teddy, could enjoy them and cackle about the decidedly more inappropriate tweets and the memes that were being invented of Captain America's technological and internet adventures.
The team had dog piled on the couch, excitedly sharing their favorite tweets and Steve was pretty positive both Natasha and Tony were trolling the few tweets that popped up from those who were very much anti rainbow. Steve knew he was right when Tony demanded Jarvis pull up the suit specs and to "make it gay" before tweeting out a rainbow monstrosity with the line "Possible Pride outfit for Cap?" which started a whole new tag of #CaptainPride with some rather quick artists uploading all sorts of looks for Steve.
Harry laughed his way into the kitchen after that before wrinkling his nose at the contents of the fridge "What in the world?"
"Clint tried to make eggs, it didn't go well." Natasha intoned while scrolling through both twitter and some page full of high heels.
"If Tony's cleaner bot Grease Lightening didn't trip me we would have had delicious scrambled eggs!"
Harry raised an eyebrow, "You tripped on Tony's better than roomba-bot? What, did you actually fall into the fridge?" Clint shrugged without answering "Okay than, you get to clean it up. Take out today anyone? I don't feel like cooking, especially after seeing that mess."
After about 15 minutes of arguing over pizza, Chinese, and barbecue Teddy finally ended it with a declaration of "Pizza!"
After ordering the mass amount of food it took to get the entirety of the Avengers family fed they settled in and were browsing through StarkStream when there was a rumbling roar and flashes of lightning from outside when the balcony that functioned as a landing pad for Tony was suddenly occupied by the god that had been missing out on all the fun. Tony laughed, "Jarvis, double that order will you?"