Art of War

Wanda: (lying comatose) Another...story...done. How sweet.

Tyene: (rolls eyes with a slight edge of affection) We do not own Harry Potter and thank you all for reading.

Chapter 20: Epilogue

**Fifteen Years Later**

Flora woke with a shriek, sitting upright and panting as the memories of pain and death flashed before her eyes again. Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. It's because its the anniversary of our victory, she thought with a wry smile. They're more and more infrequent now...some day, they'll be faded and forgotten.

The person next to her stirred and sat up. "Flora?" Ginny asked softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"...Just a bad dream, Ginny." Flora said. "You know. The usual."

"I offered to let you take a dreamless sleep last night." Ginny said in concern.

Flora shook her head and grasped her wife's slender hand. " know we can't take too many of those. wasn't that bad. I'm here with you, right?"

Ginny smiled and kissed Flora.

A rattle from downstairs caught the two women's attention. After listening for a moment, the television was clearly being used – the opening chords of Iron Man's theme song drifted through the halls.

"Our kids are awake." Ginny observed.

Flora made a mock disdainful snort and lay down again. "Before nine in the morning on a Saturday, they're your kids."

The redhead rolled her eyes affectionately before sliding out of bed. Flora admired her wife as she got dressed before saying, "I'll join you for breakfast."

"I hope so," Ginny said, chuckling.

The war heroine made her way downstairs to where three young girls – triplets – were sitting on the edge of the couch, cheering as Tony Stark unleashed retribution upon the eastern terrorists. "Girls," She said chidingly. "What have I said about popcorn before breakfast?"

Dahlia flushed while Sierra scowled and Helen protested she had tried to stop them. Thanks to a potion and a ritual, they were biologically Ginny and Flora's – they didn't have a father. It was one of the many innovations from St Mugos over the past decade and a half.

"We're you cousins?" Ginny asked, looking around the room.

"They went back to Auntie Hestia's house next door." Helen answered, waving her hand in the direction of the door. "Uncle Blaise had come home for breakfast so they wanted to see him."

"Of course," Ginny said, pleased. As she ushered the three girls into the kitchen, she remembered that Blaise was a foreign diplomat for the revitalized British ministry and thus, half the time Hestia wasn't certain what country he was in. For all the good work he did, he didn't have as much time to spend with Bianca and Travis.

As Dahlia, Sierra and Helen dug into the cereal and milk, Ginny flipped through the newspaper. Flora joined her in a moment with toast for the pair of them. Ginny kissed her on the cheek in thanks and returned her attention to reading.

Hermione Granger, Minister of Magic. Oh, how the times had changed. Not too long ago, the idea of a muggleborn becoming Minister of Magic was as unlikely to Britain as a black President would have been to colonial era America. She didn't have any children, being focused almost entirely on her work, though Ginny heard she was considering Janos's marriage proposal.

Harry had scored another victory playing for the Quidditch world cup. His kids Leah, Alice and Lily were all shaping up to be stars in their own right, Leah in duelling, Alice in charms and Lily in creature taming. But unfortunately, the mother had divorced the boy-who-lived-twice a year before. Ginny knew how upset Harry was about that; she hoped he would find someone less shallow in the future...

Sirius had travelled abroad with his brother and their wives. Altair, Sirius's eleven year old daughter, would be going to school in Tokyo – Sirius said he had too many bad memories and wanted her to get a fresh start away from it all. Regulus, now that he could safely marry Diana, did so and gave Natalie two younger brothers – James and Severus.

Natalie and Graham were dating, under her father's watchful eye. Graham was poised to take up the DMLE position, his only real competition there being Susan Bones.

Britain was flourishing. While the scars of the war of blood purity remained, they were scabbing over. A new era was beginning – one of acceptance, love, compassion.

Hogwarts had started admitting 'dark creatures' into its ranks openly. Saying mudblood got you fined. It was easier for everyone to live in peace.

It wasn't perfect. There was still discontent and mutterings of unfairness among those who were still yet to adjust to the change. But everyone was tired of fighting. They wanted a different world. Even if it wasn't perfect.

It was good enough.


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