Title: The Brothers
Summary: Tezuka Kunimitsu and Echizen Ryoma are brothers- blood brother that is. However, during a accident Ryoma was kidnapped and lost his memory. As a result, the Echizen adopted Ryoma and now that they meet again, what will happen?
A/N: Tennis no oujisama does not belong to Windying. This work is non-profitable. This is unbeta. Expect a lot of grammars and punctuation. Expect a lot of OC, out of characters. And Lastly, This IS a YAOI/INCEST fiction. If you can not take it, please do yourself a favor and exit out of this page and don't return until you know that you can take Incest, Brother X Brother Love. Those that don't mind, because this is a fanfiction, are welcome to stay and enjoy. FYI: I might write it following the timelight from the manga/anime and twist their places.
P.S: This will be the only time that the disclaimers are being post. For the rest of this story, the top conditions applies to all chapters. And terms not understandable? Please feel free to use google search engine translation!
Chapter 1
Tezuka Kunimitsu wasn't someone who would cried. At all. Period. Yet, here he was, nervous and was eyes filled with tears as he heard what the policeman said to his grandfather and father, while his mother has already fainted from shock. They didn't know that he was at the door, listening to them yet.
The found the kidnappers that take his little otouto away. But they can not find any trace of his otouto at all, except the bloods that were left there.
Kunimitsu understood. Even if he was only seven years old. He understood. He understand that anything that has to do with blood was never a good thing.
He found himself panting hard and trying to breathe through his mouth to silences his crying. Even if drops of tears flowed down on his cheeks. And his best friend, Fuji Shuusuke, who was always having a smile on his face, was looking pale and his was fully opened. Fuji's eyes got even wider when he see the teardrops on Kunimitsu's face. Kunimitsu was trying so hard to not make a sound at all, however he couldn't stop the sobs that come from his throat.
The adult in the room pause as they heard the sobbs from outside the door. Panicked, Kuniharu Tezuka, the father, stand up and opened the door so fast that surprised the still stunted Fuji. Upon seeing who was at the door, Kuniharu pale and drop to his knees. Tezuka Kunikazu, who was quietly clenching his hands so hard that they turned white, shot his eyes to the door and noticed the tears on his first grandson's face. He pale even more as he see who was at the door with Kunimitsu.
"Father, tell me you are just jesting" demanded a crying Kunimitsu quietly whose eyes are opened so wide with tears that his brownish-almost-golden eyes were fully seen. The seven year old boy was crying for the first time ever since he was born. Even when he was born, he didn't even cried once in his life. Kunikazu and Kuniharu both paled. They know that Kunimitsu was too smart to be lied to. But what they paled wasn't the fact that they can't lied to him. It was the fact that for the first time in their life, they seen the child cried.
Their stoic, quiet and strictly serious Kunimitsu never cry. None at all. Period. Not when he got ran over by a bike. Not when practicing tennis with Kuniharu. Not when there was cutes on his face and hands from practicing too hard. All in all, never. The family all know that Kunimitsu love his little otouto very much.
The Tezuka boys aren't the type that shows expressions on their face. They don't smile a lot in the house due to they being generation-to-generation strict training, although it seems like Kunimitsu was borned looking strict and stoic thought. But when their second son was born, for the first time ever, they seem Kunimitsu smiled and laughed and behave like a normal human being when hugging the newborn child in his chest.
And now, this was the first time that they seen the seriously child cried. Don't know what to do, Kuniharu just drop his head and lets his tear silently drops from his face. The police did all they can. For one whole month, the Tezuka pushed the police to the limit and over the limit of what they could do since Tezuka Kunikazu was one of the board member. Using whatever news and reports that they can find, used whatever resources that they could. At the end, they found the groups of kidnappers after getting the ransom called from their leader but can't find the child.
Tezuka Ryoma was lost to them forever.
A sobbed was heard again as the child lost his balance and slided to the floor, one hand still holding the wall for support. Fuji look like he was lost his balance as well, but instead, he turn around and clenched his fist tightly, silently letting a tears on his face. No sound was heard from the always smiling child, the only thing that lets the adults knows that he was affected too was the shaking body and tightly clenched fist. As for Kunimitsu, he cried his eyes out. He wanted to scream to the world to gave his brother back to him but couldn't find the strength to move his body.
Tezuka Ayana woke up because of the noised and sobbing but then upon seeing her husband and son at the door, she once again let reality set in and fainted once again, this time her father was able to catched her before she hit the floor.
And that was seven years ago. Now, Tezuka Kunimitsu was going to be the captain of the tennis club at Seishun Gakuen, shortened to Seigaku. The captain who obtained the nickname The Captain Who Never Smile. The last time that Fuji ever seen his rare smile was when his little otouto was five years old and they were celebrating his birthday. It was also the last day that they ever seen Tezuka Ryoma ever again.
Fuji Shuusuke quietly looked at Kunimitsu and always grimaced when he seem the after-math of Ryoma disappearance in Kunimitsu's eyes. Although, he didn't show it because he was smiling and eyes closed.
He still remembered the day that Kunimitsu made the police to shows him the place that the kidnapper hided Ryoma at. It was at a warehouse that was unused and old with dust all over the place. There, they found Ryoma's necklace that Kunimitsu made for him on his four birthdays. It was a twin rackets and one tennis ball connecting the two rackets together. But the rackets were broken in half between the tennis ball.
Fuji was the one that found it. And he know that the necklace belong to Ryoma because he was there when Kunimitsu made the necklace in class. And so, even after all this time, Kunimitsu kept the necklace with him at all time, even when bathing.
Fuji mentally shakes his head to clear his thoughts. It was never a good thing when every years come the day that Ryoma disappeared. On that day, Kunimitsu was very dangerous. And that day was coming up soon and the changes in his personality was starting to appeared. Although none can tell beside Fuji.
The day called Christmas Eve was a forbidden day in the Tezuka household. That day was the day that Ryoma got kidnapped and it happen to be the kid's birthday too. And so, every year when Kunimitsu's mood was the worst, Fuji found out that is best to leave the man along by himself; Tezuka Kunimitsu does not act like a teen or look like a teen so why bother calling him a teen?
Even if snow was starting to fall and it will be a white christmas, Fuji know that it will be a black Christmas this year too. Even the whole team knows that the mention of christmas was forbidden. Mostly because Fuji told them to the Regular so they know.
Trying to distracting him years after years never work on Tezuka at all. And so Fuji gave up trying to distracting his best friend and crushed since elementary days. Even he himself don't like Christmas very much because of the memory and pain that come from it, but he never shows it.
This was their second years as middle schooler and next year, Kunimitsu was going to be the captain of the tennis team. They make a promised to each other that the team will go National when Tezuka is the captain. So now that christmas was coming and winter break is approaching, Fuji was sure that Tezuka the Captain will very much fit his nickname.
That year, the Tezuka household once again coldly avoid the topic of christmas.
It's April now and that means that the new terms are starting. That mean new students. And speaking of new students, there's someone that would be coming to Seigaku that will change everything that Fuji and Tezuka known.
At the Echizen household, a teenage boy was eating breakfast quietly and trying to ignored his father. That particular father was trying to teach his son on how to pick up girls and on how to flirt. Echizen Ryoma pointedly ignored him. Just pertain that he didn't exit for now and you can eat in peace. Ryoma thinks to himself.
Finishing eating fast enough to be a record, Ryoma pick up his tennis bag left the house after saying goodbye to his mother, and only his mother. Walking toward his new school doesn't take a long time as he soon reach the gate of Seishun Gakuen.
At the gate, Ryoma stopped and stared at the school for a moment to memorised the way that the school was constructed. There were three building connection together with three floors. Is pretty big if you look at it from the front. And so, he walked into the school ground.
First he have to find his room as he search for his name on the Announcement Board. Found it. And so the day begin. The first day in class was the same as every other day in your first time in any school. Introduction. Then make friend. But Ryoma didn't bothered with any of them. He made the introduction short and specific. The first thoughts that enter everyone's mind was 'So antisocial' when when is Ryoma's turn to introduce himself. At the end of classes, Ryoma was the first one out of his class.
The first thing he did was looking for the tennis club that his pervert father went to. He came to Seishun Gakuen because of his father. Saying something about it being the top five school for tennis. And that it was his school. Well then, lets see what this school worth. But before he can walk any farther to look for the club, someone was shouting for him.
"Echizen! Wait up!" someone called.
Ryoma slow down a bit to see who the hell was shouting his name so loud. Is very annoying. A vein pop on Ryoma's forehead.
"Echizen, are you joining the Tennis club? judging by your bag" said the boy that come up to Ryoma.
"Who are you?" Ryoma asked annoyingly.
"My name is Satoshi Horio and I have two years of tennis experience..." on and on he goes but Ryoma wasn't listening anymore as he didn't bothered. Loud mouth! Puttinghis hat on, he walk away.
When Ryoma reach the tennis club, there was no one there except some people who look like their freshman. And a whole bunch of people who look like they're from the punk club instead of the tennis club. Want to know why Ryoma think so? Well, is because they are bullying two kids who look like they're freshman into a game of something.
So troublesome. Ryoma though as he turned away and was about to leave for the day since is obvious that the tennis club member wasn't there today; That was it till someone called his named.
"Kid, are you running away?" asked a skeptical voice. Something snapped in Ryoma's brain at the mention of kid and running away. Turning toward the voice and their so called game, he watch as three freshman went first. Then his turn, he was pissed off so he didn't going easy on them. Ryoma wrapped the floor with their shames. Then he left the courts. He didn't bothered making them pay their part of the deal because he was still annoying that they called him a kid.
What he didn't know was three pairs of eyes following his every moves from the third floor windows.
Tezuka, Fuji and their coach Ryuzaki was watching everything. Tezuka has already decided to make the senior run laps for bullying new members but then he heard a familiar named being called. Too familiar.
Fuji froze when he heard the name too. Because the window was open, they can hear everything that went inside the court. As Tezuka make his to the window and he froze as he watch the people down in the court. Fuji can't help but stand up from where he was sitting and join Tezuka on the lookout. What he seen make his eyes opened up so wide that it draw Ryuzaki's attention. At the end, all three people watched what happened on the court.
They watched as the last person play with precise and accuracy that make everyone shut up instantly before leaving the court with an annoying expression on his face. Because the last player has a hat on, Tezuka couldn't see his face but the freshman triggered his interest.
That day Ryoma come home feeling annoying and unsatisfied. To make it worse, someone really annoying was coming over. No, wrong word. It's Coming Back.
"Yo! Chibisuke!" yelled a cheerful and smirking boy, who look a lot like Ryoma. Their eyes were cat-like, their hair have the same tint of green and both were tennis player. The boy's named was Ryoga. Another similarity. Damn their homogeneous genes! Even if they're not even blood related!
"Nii-san, since when did you come back? I thought that I left you for sure this time" Ryoma asked annoyingly exasperatedly with a sign of infuriated.
"Well, Chibisuke, you didn't wait for me and come to Japan with mom and dad before I even finished with the tournament so now that I'm here, we're going to the same school" answered Ryoga smirkingly with a orange on his lips.
Ryoga was three years older than Ryoma but their physical status were so different. Ryoma was short. Ryoga has long leg and tall. Their differences. However, their tennis skills were as different as day and night. The only similarity that they have in tennis was that they were both being train by Echizen Nanjirou, their father. Although it seems like Nanjirou train Ryoga with more perverts than tennis.
"Nii-san, are you seriously joining the tennis club there with me?" asked a curious Ryoma, since Ryoga hate club, with bored expression. If Ryoga join the tennis team, they won't met each other because Ryoga's in the High school building while Ryoma was in the middle school section.
"No way in hell am I joining. I'm going to join the Karate Club. Its been a while since I last practice any karate, I'm getting rusty. What about you? Could you just join the Karate club with me?" asked Ryoga with a pled look in his eyes. Ryoga has a brother complex. Not that Ryoma can complain.
"I'm joining the Tennis Club. I had enough Karate to last for ten years." Ryoma simply answered and turn away to his room. With a evil grin on his face as he was sure that none could see his expression.
"Hey Seishounen! ohh Ryoga you're here too?" Asked Nanjirou as he come from the front door.
Silent stare was the answer he got from both boy. Both were think the same thing, You just noticed?
Ryoga sighed out loud before following his little brother to his room, they still need to have more talks.
Nanjirou smile as he watched his two sons up the stairs. Although that smile turned into a frowned once they were out of sight. Nanjirou started to noticed that something was wrong with Ryoga. Too overprotective. Not that he blame Ryoga after what happen five years ago but, seriously, Ryoga was getting way too close to Ryoma to be called brother anymore. Even if Ryoga hide it with his playboy personality, Nanjirou was not blind.
Its been seven years since they found Ryoma. Ryoga was the one that found him. Its been five years since that accident. It's been a whole seven years since Ryoga and Ryoma become brothers. It's been three years since the changes of Ryoga begin to surface. And Nanjirou was beginning to worries. Nanjirou notices. He notices that Ryoga's eyes always followed Ryoma. However, in another yes, they just think that he's overprotective. And he hope that it stay that way.
he have a premonition that things are going to change. And soon. Although, whether its good or bad, that they will have to wait to find out.
X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X ^|_|^
thanks for reading this fanfiction. RxR are appreciated. Excuse me for my grammars and English. It was not my first language.
So, what do you people think?
Start Written : March 23, 2014
First Edit: March 24, 2014
Final: March 25, 2014