Weeks after the release of the movie, the company that oversees The Traveler dumped information onto the world. The information regarded the background goings on, that neither the movie goer, nor Jack, were privy to during the battle.

It seems that Ser Jorah had located the missing queen, but she had required little rescuing. She had won over the Dothraki, a warrior nomad people, one of whom she had been married to before that warrior's death. She rallied them with her black dragon, Drogon, and promises to conquer for fame and wealth.

Her returning army was also met with a fleet of the Ironborn. Information shifted back to Westeros. Online interactive maps show islands on the western side of Westeros that belong to the Ironborn. They are a viking like people that pillage and plunder the Westerosi coast. There is no explanation as to why they came to the aid of Daenerys Targaryen, but they did help perform some ceremony that apparently aided in making the dragons more compliant.

In the aftermath of the battle, The queen forgave many of her vanquished foes, but freed their slave armies. There were rumors that the freed slaves still turned on their masters and went northwest to help free the slaves in the neighboring cities. The queen was rumored to be amassing a fleet, to leave Meereen to take her army and conquer Westeros.

At the start of the next episode the audience finds Jack in a much finer situation. He is at the base of the Great Pyramid with the many steps before him. To his side there is much activity. People are moving in all directions with hasty purpose, yelling and laughing as they go. Oxen and horses are pulling carts away from the pyramid. There are Unsullied, of course, but even their guard seems relaxed. Other men, milling about, have tanned skin and leather garments and curved swords on their backs. Several have bells tied into their long beards. The viewers agree that they have not seen these people before.

Jack passes them all and begins to take the steps leading up. He looks upward and the viewers can see the three dragons clinging to the pyramid at different heights. The viewers had not seen the black one before, and most agree that it seems a little bigger than the others.

A skip ahead and Jack is entering into a large palatial room. This area is also quite busy with activity. Servants are streaming in and out carrying chests and baskets. Most viewers agree that it seems like a moving day.

The queen is at the center of attention, with Ser Barristan and Tyrion at her front and her back towards Jack. Another man is sitting to her right and looking forlorn. He appears to most viewers as some fictional pirate. He has long hair and a beard, both dyed blue. Two knives are at his side and he is wearing an open vest.

Tyrion spots Jack and quickly gestures to him to wait a moment. Jack does a quick spin, perhaps looking for a chair, but as there are none he stays where he was. A servant woman wordlessly shoves a goblet at him and moves on. Jack briefly examines the dark fluid before taking a drink.

The queen's conversation ends and she turns toward Jack. This is the viewers first real look at the queen, Daenerys Targaryen. Her hair is long and silver and her eyes are violet colored. She is overall very beautiful, but the viewers were mostly surprised by how young she is..

"Ser Jack," the queen addresses him with a pleasant smile. "The tales of your achievements are quickly becoming legend. Almost unbelievable, were it not for so many witnesses. I, and my people, are in your debt."

"It's no problem," Jack replies awkwardly and without any formality.

"I now have a task for you, that seems suited for your abilities. If you will do it," she adds.

"I will try to serve your queen…grace, as best I can," Jack sputters quietly.

She smiles and turns her back to him and addresses all in the room. "We sail for Westeros soon, Daario will rule Meereen in my stead and keep the peace. The rest of us, Westerosi, Unsullied, Dothraki and Ironborn will take Dragonstone first and then the rest of Westeros". The room cheers for her.

She turns again toward Jack. "My task for you is to go to Braavos. To intervene against the Iron bank and subsequently the Golden Company, from aiding the Lannisters. Tyrion will give you the details".

"Oh. All right," Jack replied with obvious unease.

Cut to a smaller room lit with torches and candles. Tyrion is sitting across from Jack at a small wooden table. He pours from a pitcher into two cups, handing Jack one. "The Braavos mission is difficult, but also our expectations are low." Tyrion tells Jack.

"Great," Jack replies flatly.

Tyrion chuckles. "We have a spy group now that tells us that Cersei seeks to get a loan from the Iron Bank and use the money to hire the Golden Company of mercenaries. to repel our queen's invasion. They have become suddenly available as their former client, a boy propped up to be a cousin of our queen and heir to the throne, has died."

"What happened to him?" Jack asks.

Tyrion downs his cup and immediately begins to refill. Jack does the same and hands his over for refill. Between sips Tyrion makes a dismissive hand gesture, "Some misfortune took the boy."

"How do you know this, and how did you instantly get a spy network?" Jack asks.

"Both came from me, I'm afraid," a voice from behind.

Jack turns to see Lord Varys before him. Jack pauses a moment, perhaps in shock, before quickly standing.

"Jack," Tyrion commands. Jack does pause as the viewers once more take in the familiar foe. Varys is bald, pale and plump. His clothes are obviously wealthy and made of silk. He holds his hands up in quiet deference.

"Lord Varys is dedicated to our queen, Jack. I believe that fact and him," Tyrion says from behind Jack. "He has also told me of your...disagreements."

"Disagreements?" Jack sputters. "He framed me for murder and tried to have me killed."

Tyrion scoots off his chair and walks in front of Jack. "I know," he says. "Yet Varys is our compatriot and we need his help."

"It was a misunderstanding," Varys speaks with sincere tones. "You were an unknown and I had plans that you might have jeopardized. Plans that sought to put our queen on the Iron Throne."

Tyrion grabs Jack's cup and hands it to him. "Drink this and drink more. Were we warriors, such as yourself, we could wrestle and punch away our grievances. Instead we will have to drink."

Tyrion calls out to a servant outside the door to bring more wine and food, lots of food. Jack settles down to his chair while staring at Varys. The bald man smiles slightly and finds a chair to join them at the table. Servants burst into the room with trays of food and bottles of wine. They replace some of the candles as well.

"Eat. Drink," Tyrion commands. Jack looks over the trays to take in the meats, cheeses and breads.

"That was quick of them," Jack observes.

"I know how you like to eat my friend," Tyrion smiles. "Tuck in, don't be shy."

A pause and Varys initiates by grabbing random samples and takes bites of each and murmuring approval. Jack grunts and grabs handfuls for his plate. "Braavos?" he asks.

Tyrion grabs a few morsels and licks his big thumb. "Mhm, yes. The great northeast city of Essos. It is where the Iron Bank resides."

"And what am I supposed to do there?" Jack asks.

"Intimidate," Varys answers with a smile. "You will not be going alone of course. You will be attended by servants and clerks and carry all manner of letter and tribute from our queen. Of course if those do not work, we would still like a positive outcome."

Jack does not reply. He seems to focus on his food and drink. A thought seems to come to him. "What did happen to the queen's supposed cousin?"

"The young prince, Aegon, long believed dead and his keeper, Lord Connington are believed to have met their demise in Volantis," Varys offers.

"He was believed dead and is now dead?" Jack asks.

"It's a long story Jack," Tyrion offers. "Many say he was a false prince at best."

"It was him," Varys offers defensively. He actually seems upset at the news of the young man's death. "I don't know if it was Qyburn or some cruel fate that killed them."

"Qyburn is Cersei's new spy master and chief adviser," Tyrion offers to Jack.

"To the young prince then," Jack lifts his cup in toast. The others join and the show cuts to commercial. The first message directs the viewers to the latest in Westerosi history, including Robert's Rebellion and the life of Aegon Targaryen. The slow roll out of background information had always irked most fans. The viewers wanted to know whole lineages and history, but it was eked out in slow drips.

The show returns after several more commercials. Varys is sleeping on the table and all the food and drinks appear to have been consumed. The candles are burning low over mounds of melted wax. "It doesn't matter anyway," Tyrion says with a slur.

"What?" Jack asks.

"Braavos," Tyrion says, taking another swallow. "We don't want the Golden Company to oppose us, but we have the Dothraki, Unsullied and the Ironborn. And dragons," he laughs. "No army in the world can defy us."

"Why send me away? I'm the queen's best fighter," Jack says irritably.

Tyrion sighs and seems to ponder his response. "It's the trust Jack. You fell from the sky to bleed our world, with no nation or people to claim you. We have talked about this. Varys and Selmy do not trust you, despite your recent knighthood, and I could not provide any reassuring facts about you."

Jack takes a slow sip and stares into his cup. "Okay, you want the truth? I warned you before you would not believe it, but here we go." Jack began to reach into his belongings.

He opens the PDA on his arm and illuminates the screen. He then attaches a cord to his hand generator and begins to turn the crank. Tyrion, sleepy eyed, gestures confusion. "Just wait," Jack insists. Another tedious minute and Jack checks his screen again. "I think that's enough." He lazily keeps cranking with his left hand while fishing through a pouch with his right. He pulls out the projector and attaches another cord from it to the PDA. Jack sets it on the table and taps the screen several times.

White light pours from the projector to a blank wall. The lighting isn't great, but the viewers can easily recognize the President of the United States on the projection. "Hello, if you are seeing this video then hopefully you are a person or being of understanding and whom Jack McCallen trusts. This comes to you with our hope of understanding and recognition of this extraordinary event. Jack is our unintended emissary, a man thrust into your world without a choice. However we believe that he is a good representation of the best of our people. Odds are, that our worlds are very different. Jack may have told you some of those differences, but allow me to show you more."

It starts with a brief history of Jack's condition and travels. What follows next is a well produced, if not bland, representation of modern times. The video shows cars, planes and cities. It briefly explains computers and phones. Democracy is heavily mentioned as well. Other cultures are briefly touched on. What is not shown are the negatives of the world. While the video is playing, Jack continues to slowly power the devices and the viewers content themselves with the back of Tyrion's head.

The video ends with a pat message of peace and prosperity for all. Jack shuts it down and quietly wraps all the equipment up. Tyrion turns to him, wide eyed and jaw hanging slack. A full moment passes before he appears to make a word. Varys beats him to it, "What in the seven hells?"

Commercials again, but many viewers turn to social media and discussion boards. The main takeaway if 'finally'. Many others, however, are shocked that Jack would share the media presentation in front of Varys. They did note that even Jack seemed a little tipsy from the night of drinking.

The show returns to the exact moment it left off. Varys looks shocked, but unsurprisingly sober. Tyrion's mouth begins to move and he starts to blink. "Told you," Jack says. He empties the small remainder from a bottle into his cup and swallows it all. "Well, that's probably enough for one night."

"Wait. Where are you going?" Tyrion asks incredulously.

"To bed," Jack replies. He begins to get up.

"Sit down," Varys shouts at him.

Jack sighs and sits down. "I will re-explain briefly. I travel to other worlds against my will. The length of time I spend in each world varies and is not controlled by me. My world has technologies you do not, but we do not have dragons or wights or other magics."

"What is another world? The stars?" Tyrion asks pleadingly.

Jack pauses to think for a moment. "Imagine if the you you see in a mirror lives a different life than you. Or if the mirror reflected a completely different person or place. Realms that you cannot visit or see because they exist on the other side of the mirror."

The other men are quiet in thought for a while.

"What are you tasked with, by your king?" Varas eventually asks.

Jack snorts. "I was telling the truth before," focusing mostly on Tyrion. "I do not have an agenda. Mostly I am tasked with simply surviving. Something I struggle to focus on."

"You have no goals when you go to different worlds?" Tyrion asks incredulously.

"We do not know what to expect when I travel to another world, and no one can follow me anyway," Jack responds. "So, I have been telling the truth and maybe now I can travel with the queen instead of wherever?" Jack asks.

"Absolutely not," Varys replies. "And not a word of this to her grace. It would be a major distraction to her endeavors. Gods, I do not know who else I may ask this about. Holy men? The Citadel?"

"No one, just like me," Jack responds. He gets up once more to leave.

"Jack," Tyrion starts, but then cannot find the words.

Jack exits the small room and the scene cuts to black. A moment later and the view brightens to blue and gold. The viewers see a bustling port with wooden ships of various sizes. Some have multiple large sails, others are small enough to warrant only one. Men and women are moving crates and barrels steadily to both. Unsullied and Dothraki are waiting to board the ships. At a commanding shout, the Unsullied move in formation to board the ships. The Dothraki form a massive half circle around the docks in complete silence.

Suddenly a massive shadow passes overhead, the queen flies above and circles the harbor on the back of her great black dragon. She shouts down commands in a foreign language. She then makes a commanding shout and thrusts her fist into the air. The Dothraki shout back to her and then mutter among themselves before one of the younger men walks toward the ships. This breaks the damn of fear that held over the men, and they all follow and begin to board.

"Good morning," Tyrion's voice from out of view. Jack turns to see the small man and Varys approaching him.

"Morning," Jack acknowledges back.

"Eager to start then?" Varys asks, rubbing his hands together.

"No time like the present," Jack replies.

Tyrion watches as a small group of servants passes and then begins to speak. "You have a good ship waiting for you, not the largest, but a good ship. You have an interpreter and a clerk and a few servants. Also three Unsullied."

"I don't need...," Jack started.

"Her grace insisted," Varys cuts in.

Leaning in and whispering now Tyrion speaks to Jack. "I suppose you would just get to Braavos in a heartbeat in one of your air mobiles or what have you."

"Probably about a quarter day flight," Jack replies.

"Well, you will have to settle for a ship, I'm afraid. And it will take weeks to get there," Varys says. "Do they have ships where you come from?"

"We have warships the length of this harbor. And they are made of steel," Jack adds.

"Liar," Varys shouts before catching himself and looking around to see if he was noticed.

Tyrion and Jack laugh together. "Do your best in Braavos and then come find us." Tyrion says. "You will have to tell me everything."

"I will," Jack replies simply.

"Good journey then my friend," Tyrion clasps one of Jack's hands with his two and gives it a firm shake.

"Farewell," Varys says curtly.

"Oh I forgot to mention, Varys," Jack's voice begins to lower to a near growl. "Should this boat sink, my food be poisoned or a knife come at me in the dark, I will assume it's because of you. Tyrion can tell you how effective any of that would be."

Vary nods after a moment and speeds away.

Jack walks to his ship amongst the busy numbers of people and animals on the docks. He seems to know where he is going as he makes several turns. He comes to what must be his ship. It is small with one main sail and two smaller tied up that appear to be an option. The three Unsullied are already on board standing at attention. There is an older gruff looking man that most viewers assume is the captain. There are a couple more crew members and a teenage boy with red hair and decent clothing. He stepped off the ship to greet Jack.

"My lor-, ser," the boy stammered. "I am Praft. I am your servant and cleric during this endeavor."

Jack steps past him and hops on the ship. "Where you from, Praft?" Jack asks.

"Pentos, ser McCallen," he sounds out the name laboredly.

"Well, we can get to know each other along the way," Jack replies. He nods toward the older bearded man who shouts commands, and men pull ropes, raise the sail and push the boat away from the shallow dock. A quick cut and the show jumps to open waters. Jack is looking back at Meereen and audiences recognize the pyramids in the distance. A fleet of larger sails can be seen leaving the city. Lettering on the screen simply says "Slaver's Bay."

Praft is off screen talking to Jack. "Not far that way is Yunkai." Jack turns to see where the young man is pointing, but the audience can barely see land on the horizon. "Astapor is further south," Praft adds. "We will have no fleets from either to harass us, as our queen defeated both."

"Will we stop along our journey?" Jack asks.

"We have provisions to get us to Braavos," Praft answers. "If we must, we can stop at Lys or Tyrosh."

"I'd prefer not to," Jack says. "I seem to always have a target on my back."

"Of course you do," Praft says excitedly. "Your reputation is spreading to the reaches of all the kingdoms. Apparently, ser, you met some Sparrows in Westeros and they claim you are The Warrior made flesh. Some of them do at least."

"A girl called me The Stranger once," Jack muses, looking toward the horizon.

"Well, you clearly are not," Praft sputters. Jack does not reply. The show goes to commercials. The first is, as usual, the network directing the audience to its website for more information. The website mostly focuses on Astapor that has recently seen nothing but ruin. Disease and infighting have brought the city close to ruin.

The show jumps back into it with a starkly different scene. Bright daylight is replaced with dark gray and rain. The ship's bow is rising and sinking frequently enough that audiences are getting second hand seasickness. Waves crash ferociously over the bow. Jack appears to be hunched low, grabbing the side of the ship. He looks over to see Praft vomiting and, for some reason, trying to catch it in his hands. Looking around, Jack sees the three Unsullied who also seem to be struggling with sea life. The captain and crew move around steadily as if they weren't in a storm.

The show makes several short cuts from there. A night scene with a sky full of stars. Daytime with flying fish and men laughing as they try to catch them. The next is the ship skimming over a glassy dawn colored sea. The captain is sitting next to Jack, lighting a pipe until he can get a strong enough pull of smoke to exhale. "It's beautiful, no?" he asks aloud.

"It is," Jack concedes. He peers around and the audience can see a distant shore to Jack's right. Many viewers deduct that it is to the east. With the little knowledge the network has doled out, some have rightly deduced the lands are still of Essos. Jack is handed a large bowl with some sort of clear broth with lots of onions and some meat. Probably fish, most viewers conclude.

Praft sits next to Jack with a smile and a smaller bowl. "Think I finally got my sea legs. Can eat solid food and keep it down," the young man smiles. Jack snorts in reply.

"Where do you think we are?" Jack asks.

"North of Pentos for sure," he says. "Captain seems very happy with the speed we have maintained, and also catching plenty of fish as well. Not having to make port has cut considerable time."

"A lucky streak. Well I suppose at sea is where you want to spend all of it," Jack says. Praft laughs as if it is the funniest thing he has ever heard. He gulps his stew down quickly and goes about retelling the quip to anyone who will hear it. Jack knocks twice on the wooden rail of the ship.

Another cut and the view is suddenly gray. There is fog around the ship as Jack looks around. He walks toward the bow where the captain is seen. The captain sees him out of the corner of his eye and turns to Jack with an annoyed expression. "Sir Jack, I know where we are and where we are going, so don't get started. It's my ship and life also, remember?"

Jack shows his palms defensively. "Alright, don't second guess the captain."

"Aye," the captain agrees. "And it is not as if we are alone either." He points behind Jack, who turns to see a light high up in the fog. The Captain yells something unintelligible and gets yelled back with equal finesse. A moment later a much larger ship breaks through the fog, it seems very close to the viewers. So close that Jack jumps backwards. The captain laughs.

"No worries. Each captain knows these waters like their own ship. She's a biggun to be sure. Look there, see, she's carrying timber. Going to Braavos, same as us," he concludes.

"For building?" Jack asks.

"No, winter is upon us. That wood is for warming all of Braavos with. Many more just like it will be coming and keep coming. It all costs the Braavosi more than a few coins as well," he says with a sigh.

"Wishing you were hauling wood instead?" Jack chuckles.

"Aye, but it costs money to make money," he says dourly.

"This means we are close?" Jack asks.

"Should be there by morning," the captain replies.

Cut to commercials. Predictable tie-ins of cruises, and other vacation destinations, are the fare for this episode. The network teases a Braavos info dump on its website after the airing. Many viewers discuss and speculate on what Jack will find and do at this unknown city.

The show returns with a view of Jack sitting and speaking low with Praft. The wind is high and mutes their voices. Deck hands and Unsullied gesture to each other and point behind Jack. Jack turns to see what they are pointing at.

The waters have small white peeks from the wind, but are otherwise calm. The sky is overcast and windy, but the view is unencumbered. Dozens of ships can be seen sailing the same direction. Before Jack is a mountainous wall made of black granite. There is an opening to a city that sits in a bay. The opening is straddled by an enormous giant of stone and bronze. The audience can just make out the sound of Jack swearing in amazement.

His ship sails between the giant's legs, which seems to be the only opening into the bay. The audience watches through Jack's eyes as he stares up at the marvel as they pass beneath it. The Unsullied are also amazed and point and speak to each other rapidly. Jack glanced at them and other ships. He and the Unsullied seem to be the only ones amazed.

After passing the giant, Jack takes in the bay of Braavos. The viewers can see stone buildings resting on stone islands. Between the islands are canals and docks where ships are stopping or leaving from. Stone bridges also span the canals connecting the islands.

"We will make our way close to the Iron Bank. We will find rooms and set appointments for negotiation," Praft informs Jack.

"And when they say no?" Jack asks. "To be honest I was expecting a lot less to be here. Braavos is impressive as hell. I doubt threats, subtle or otherwise, will impress them."

"No worry ser Jack, we will start with negotiations. It's good anyway. It establishes our queen as a legitimate ruler," Praft answers.

"Seems like I'm not needed here," Jack says.

"Nonsense," Praft chuckles. His red hair is a mess from sea travel. "Reputation alone says how serious the matter is."

"Hopefully we have time to bathe and eat first?" Jack asks.

Praft laughing again. "Of course, I would not have it any other way myself."

Cut to commercials. Viewers debate amongst themselves how the people of this technology could build something like the Titan. They also argued over Jack's diplomatic mission. Some say it would be a nice reprieve for him, while others complain it could be boring.

The show returns and Jack and the others are at a dock. Jack is leaving the ship and shaking the hand of the captain. The servants and Unsullied have the cargo piled on the stony dock floor. Praft can be seen at a distance handing coins to a man and pointing to all their belongings. The man whistles and boys and men come running to gather the items. Praft jogs back toward Jack.

"I have rooms and the porter and his men will move our things there," Praft says between gulps of breath.

"Good," Jack replies. "But I am starving. There has to be a street merchant or something nearby."

Jack takes some stone stairs toward the buildings above. The buildings are typically two to three stories tall. The "streets" between them vary in width. Looking around, Jack sees there is a raised stone aquifer. Many viewers observe it is likely to bring in fresh water. Jack turns in his spot to search for something. Finally he focuses on an old lady with a crooked back. She is waiving what looks like a pie in her hand. Jack walks her way while fumbling through some coins taken out of his pocket.

"I'll have three," he says to her when he gets close.

The old woman just smiles and hands one toward Jack. He grabs it and she seems to fall forward. The pie wielding hand stops at his waist.

"What..?" Jack asks, looking down. He pulls a small knife, covered in blood and a black liquid out from his body. Looking up, the old woman is moving unnaturally fast and silently away. Jack lunges and grabs her hand. She spins to face him while pulling away. "What did you do to me? Jack asks with a strained voice.

"How are you still alive?" The woman asks. Jack grabs awkwardly at her with his other hand. He catches her face and the viewers are stunned when it begins to pull away from her skull. Beneath is a much younger girl with brown hair. "How are you still alive?" She asks again in a much younger voice.

Jack's hands fall to his side as he crashes to his knees. The girl runs away, only visible to his peripheral view. Jack falls to his face, but then rolls to face the sky. "Ser Jack," shouts come from out of view. The image fades in black until it cuts to silent credits.