(As usual, bold is me, underlined bold is Spades)Someone suggested that since we review so many trollfics, we should try writing one ourselves. So here we go; The Lunar Destiny.
We will be winging this and making it all up as we go. We won't plan out a plot, we wont plan ahead like we do most other actual stories/fanfics we write (Which I noticed we only ever posted 1 fanfic we've written on here. M.C WE MUST CHANGE THAT
Calm your tits, Spades. Lets just write. I call first chapter, you get the next.
Leader: Fallingstar- A black with white spotted tom
Deputy: Honeybear- A large, intimidating golden tom
Medicine Cat: Bleedingheart- A ginger she-cat with brown eyes
(Apprentice: Gingerpaw)
Hickerybranch: A brown tom with brown eyes
(Apprentice: Echopaw)
Frozensoul: A white she-cat with piercing blue eyes
Sparklemoth: A pitch black she-cat
Daisydream: A white tomcat with green eye
Dewcloud: A brown tom with sleek fur.
(Apprentice: Wolfpaw)
Sweetsong: A she-cat with brown fur and half a tail
Talltail: A grey tom with long legs
Onepelt: A shecat with yellow fur
Graniteheart: A gray tomcat
(Apprentice: Lunarpaw)
Silentsong: A shecat with black and white fur
Firewing: A blazing orange tom with green eyes
Blueflame: A quiet cat with a blue pelt
(Apprentice: Cometpaw)
Blackcat: A black shecat
Frostwing: A white shecat, mother to Lunarpaw and Cometpaw
Eyecloud: A brown she-cat
Lunarpaw: A beautiful shecat with dark purple almost black fur and bright green eyes.
Cometpaw: A red tom with red eyes.
Gingerpaw: A grey she-cat with blue eyes
Echopaw: A black and white stripped she-cat
Wolfpaw: A blue-gray tom.
Tornadokit: A gray she-cat (Mother Eyecloud)
Floodkit: A blue tom (Mother Eyecloud)
Bearkit: A brown cat (Mother Blackcat)
OneLeg: a three legged tom
Dulleye: A blind shecat
Leader: Horsestar: A brown tom
Deputy: Leopardfleece: A spotted she cat
Medicine cat: Sparkletongue: A she cat with light blue fur
Lambheart: A tabby tom
(Apprentice Oceanpaw)
Obsidianclaw: A black she cat
(Apprentice Snakepaw)
Talonfur: A calico she cat
Spikeclaw: A tom with spikey sandy fur
(Apprentice Firepaw)
Sleetfall: A white tom
BurningIce: A white tom with ginger patches
Frostflame: A ginger she cat with white stomach
(Apprentice Starpaw)
Raventail: A black she cat
Monkeypelt: A brown she cat (Mother of Brokenkit)
Houndfang: A tortoiseshell she cat (Mother of Rookkit and Cobblekit)
Tawnyface: A light tabby she cat (Mother of Pantherkit)
Firepaw: A ginger tom
Snakepaw: A gray tom
Starpaw: A purple she-cat
Oceanpaw: A dark blue she cat
Brokenkit: A she cat with a broken paw
Pantherkit: A black she cat
Cobblekit: A dark gray tom
Rookkit: A black tom
Sootyash: A dark gray tom
Morningglory: a calico she cat
Leader Hotstar: A tortoiseshell tom
Deputy Phoenixblaze: A fiery ginger tom
Medicine Cat Tigerbarb: A dark tabby she cat with white paws
(Apprentice: Treepaw)
Fuzzyfur: A fuzzy she cat with ginger fur.
Beetleclaw: A dark blue tom
(Apprentice Jaypaw)
Creekfoot: A tortoiseshell tom
Mosseye: A black she cat
Wildjewel: A gray tom
Brightprism: A light tabby tom
Bramblespark: A dark tabby she cat
(Apprentice Eclipsepaw)
Tangleheart: A she cat with tangled brown fur
Scarflower: A red she cat with a scar on her back
Jaypaw: a gray-blue tom with blue eyes
Treepaw: A brown tom
Eclipsepaw: A black she cat with a white belly
Wishkit: A silver she cat
Fluffkit: A fluffy white tom
Rubywing: A reddish she cat
Lemonfeather: A yellowish she cat
Leader Jupiterstar: A golden colored tom.
Deputy Cherrydrop: a white tom
Medicine Cat Fleabite: An old brown she cat
(Apprentice Spiritpaw)
Lightchase: A white she'cat
Cheesetail: A yellow-gray tom
(Apprentice Howlpaw)
Sapphiretail: A green she-cat
Rockyroad: A muddy brown tom
Bluetalon: A blue she cat
(Apprentice Songpaw)
Foxclaw: A russet colored tom.
Snowclaw: A white she cat (Mother of Amazonkit, Craigskit, and Angieskit)
Dynamitepad: A reddish orange she cat
Howlpaw: A dark gray with black stripes tom
Spiritpaw: A silver colored tom
Songpaw: A white she-cat
Amazonkit: A white she cat (Mother Snowkit
Angieskit: A black she cat (Mother Snowclaw)
Craigskit: A gray tom, (Mother Snowclaw)
Toadheart: A grouchy old tom
It was dark as the cats of Starclan gathered around a pool filled with glistening stars. Their fur was made of stars as well.
"There is a prophecy!" One starry cat; Kitsunestar, declared earning the undivided attention of the others, "The Lunar moon must rise up and destroy the blazing comet!" the leader whispered loudly.
"It's about Lunarkit!" A large tom cried out, tears running down his face, "She is destined to have more power than anyone ever imagined!"
Kitsunestar nodded joyfully somber, "We must alert Bleedingheart of this prophecy!"
"I will do it," a pink starry cat said as she stepped forward, "I'll tell Bleedingheart," she said turning around and walking away to tell Bleedingheart of the prophecy.
So what did you guys think? Trollish enough for you guys? Leave a review and let Spades and I know. Next chapter you get to meet said cats.
Heads up: we're taking things we've learned from other troll fics into writing this; so obnoxiously 'pure' character (More like 'you can't be mean! you must be good and moral cats and always say and do nice things!' kind of pure. The annoying kind) as well as 'everyone loves her'.