Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any characters mentioned in this story. All rights go to Rick Riordan. This is all purely made up and written for entertainment.

How It All Began

Third-Person POV

Running. Running like Hades himself was after him. Then again, he would know what that's like considering that happened on his first quest when he was twelve.

Percy didn't know where he was running to, all he knew was that he had to get away, he had to run from the pain, the hurt, the betrayal that he felt at the hands of what he had considered his friends, his family, the people he had been able to depend during the war or when the life of a demigod got to be too much.

After running for what felt like hours, he finally collapsed to his knees in front of a giant lake, silent tears trailing down his cheeks while he gulped down air from the arduous run he just put himself through.

The water of the lake was churning, as if the very water was restless and reacting in the presence of the son of their master. Percy didn't realize that his mood was affecting the water, reflecting the emotions that were currently flowing through his body like a raging Minotaur. Of course he knew that as a child of one of the Big Three that he was more powerful than the average demigod, and being the son of Poseidon he was linked to his element of water, yet he had no idea of how powerful he has truly become.

Only Poseidon and Triton were ever showed to be linked with the water in such a way that it reflected their moods. Percy had indeed grown in power over the last several years and it shows.

Lifting up his eyes to stare at the unruly lake, his once bright, sea green eyes that once showed happiness, mirth, and a sarcastic attitude were now a dull, listless pale green filled with pain, hurt and betrayal. As he stared off into the distance, his ADHD addled brain flashed back to when all his problems began.


Standing in the throne room of Olympus, the Seven plus Nico were standing in front of the twelve fifteen-foot tall Olympians, the power radiating from them just as overwhelming as when Percy and Annabeth were fourteen when the gods were deciding their fate of whether they lived or died. In a temporary throne off to the side a little ways, the Lord of the Underworld, Hades sat giving off an aura of death. Beside him, the hearth was crackling and blazing with Hestia, goddess of the Hearth and home, was sitting in her eight-year old form, smiling warmly at the demigod heroes; especially her favorite demigod, Percy, after he showed her the respect that many overlooked of the child-sized goddess.

All the gods and goddesses were staring at this group of demigods with varying looks; some proud and in respect, some in admiration, and others with bored looks, cough~Dionysus~cough.

Finally, Zeus called the meeting to order with a roll of thunder sounding throughout the room.

"Demigods!" he bellowed, "For your brave deeds in the war with Gaea and for helping to slay the Giants, we the council wish to bestow upon you, brave heroes, special rewards for your services!"

"Jason Grace, my son!" Zeus yelled as he shifted into his Roman form, Jupiter. "My son, for being one of the leaders on this quest and for showing great leadership and perseverance, I wish to bestow upon you gift of immortality and to be an immortal trainer at Camp Jupiter alongside Lupa. I would also like to take you on as an apprentice to further develop your powers."

Percy smiled at his friend as he saw the awe-struck look on his face. On the Argo II, when Jason and Percy first met, it had been a bit awkward at first meeting for both of the sons of two of the Big Three, wondering which of the two is the stronger. But as the trip went on, they both became great friends, bonded through their mutual experiences of leading their respective camps in a war, looking out for their friends and family, and sharing the burden of leadership. Jason looked at his father and then turned to look into the kaleidoscope eyes of his girlfriend Piper.

The beautiful, Cherokee daughter of Aphrodite looked back at her boyfriend with pride in her eyes, grabbing his hand, giving it a tiny squeeze, and then nudged him forward.

Jason bowed to his father. "My Lord…Father, I accept." He replied. Jupiter's smile threatened to split his face as he motioned him forward. Jupiter's eyes began to glow a sky blue while flashes of lighting ran across the blue as his hands began to glow.

Suddenly, a bolt of blue light with lightning curled around it, blasted out of Jupiter's hands and struck Jason in the chest, where it was absorbed into Jason's body. An aura of blue surrounded Jason as his eyes flashed with new power and his body shined with immortality making his blonde hair seam to gleam and his face become more handsome. After getting over the new rush of power flowing through his veins, Jason stepped back into line next to Piper.

"Piper my daughter!" Aphrodite nearly squealed in excitement. "For your bravery and charm-speaking skills, and for catching yourself one hunk of a man in Jason" At this, many of the gods rolled their eyes while Piper and Jason blushed crimson, "I would like to give you immortality as well, along with strengthening your charm speaking skills" She finished of with a brilliant smile.

After her blush settled down, Piper looked at Jason with happiness in her eyes, knowing that now they could be together for eternity and could start a life without worrying about being separated by death. "My Lady, I accept your offer," she answered with barely contained happiness.

Aphrodite squealed in joy in joy, causing the gods and the demigods to cover their ears, lest they suffer hearing loss. Aphrodite eyes began to glow pink with the power of love and a beam of pink light shot out her hands and wrapped around Piper.

After the light dissipated, Piper was now glowing with beauty and with the power of her mother's domains. After adjusting from the transition from mortal to immortal, she turned to face Jason and was pleased when she saw the dumbstruck look on his face as he drank in her new beauty.

She walked up to him and gave him a light kiss on the lips, which caused his eyes to glaze over slightly. "Close you mouth or you'll catch flies," she smirked as she closed his open jaw. He blushed while everyone laughed and he pulled Piper into a hug with his arms wrapped around waist as she leaned into his chest.

"Leo Valdez," the god of the forge said standing, his metal leg brace creaking as he stood. "Boy, you have done well. Building the Argo II and controlling your fire powers, you probably did better than most of my automatons." Hephaestus said with a stoic look on his face, but everyone could tell that he was proud of his son.

The little Latino elf looked up with a goofy smile on his face while his clothes were covered in machine grease and oil. He was happy about the accomplishments and compliments that his father said about him.

"For your reward, I too would like to make you immortal, give you better control over you fire abilities and would like to offer you a place at my side as my apprentice" Hephaestus said.

Leo was nearly bursting with excitement as so many ideas flooded into his mind about what he could help his dad build, starting with the Archimedes sphere that he found in that workshop with Frank and Hazel.

"I accept dad. Now I can spend eternity wooing the ladies," Leo said with his usual goofy flourish, while his friends chuckled and some of the gods rolled their eyes but cracked little smiles.

Hephaestus's stoic expression morphed into a small smile as his eyes glowed red and his beard and whiskers caught aflame. A bolt of red shot out at Leo, hitting him. When the light cleared, Leo was cleaned of his usual grease and oil, but his hair had a slight fiery light to it, his eyes now had a calculating, mechanical look as his mind was cooking up new projects and his hands were twitching even more.

He then pulled out some nuts, bolts, and wires, and took a seat at the bottom of his dad's throne.

" Frank Zhang!" The war god yelled as he too shifted into his Roman aspect, Mars. "My son, for the strength, tactics, and bravery you have shown on the battle field, I have decided that I shall lift your curse. No longer shall your life be tied to a burnt stick. You are a valuable warrior and I could not be more proud of you." Mars said smiling with a salute to his son.

Frank just stood there stunned. All his life he had feared that his life would go up in flames due to a stupid little stick. Never had he dreamed that he would ever be free from his curse, never had he dreamed that he could live a normal life (Well, as normal as one for a demigod) without worrying that his stick would catch fire and he felt a broad grin spread across his face.

He bowed to father, still grinning and replied, "Thank you father. This is the best gift you could have given me and I will continue to make you proud."

Mars smiled at his son. "Take out the stick Frank." Mars said. Frank reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the half burned stick. Mars' eyes glowed a blood red as a blood red beam of light shot out of his hands and struck the stick. Frank could suddenly feel his connection to the stick break and he let out a yell of pure elation. He then took at seat at the base of his dad's throne.

"Hazel Levesque and Nico di Angelo," The Lord of the Dead proclaimed as he shifted between his two aspects till he landed on Pluto.

"Hazel, for you efforts in the war, talent with the mist, and your battle with Clytius the Giant, I too wish to remove your curse over gems and to grant you more control over you powers of all precious metals under the earth," Pluto said with pride shining in his eyes, "I also want you to know that the gods have decide to grant you amnesty from the Underworld and you can live a long, happy life."

Hazel was speechless. Her biggest fear was to return to the Underworld after the war was over. Tears of joy began to fill her eyes and she stuttered out, "Th-tha-thank you father." Nico pulled his sister into a hug; so glad that he won't be losing another sister and that they can spend more time together.

"Nico di Angelo, my son," Hades said as he shifted back to his Greek aspect. "Even though you were not part of the Seven, you still found the Doors of Death, your efforts in the war shall not go overlooked. I would like to bestow the title of Ghost King upon you along with Prince of the Underworld! You shall become immortal and my Heir should I ever fade. What do you say my son?" Hades Proclaimed with pride in his voice and a rare smile on his face.

Nico, like his sister, was struck speechless as he heard the reward that was being given to him. He finally composed himself as he bowed to his father, straightened himself and replied, "Father, I happily accept your offer and swear to do all that I can to rule as you would should I ever need to take up your position as Lord of the Underworld."

Hades smiled at his two children as his eyes glowed a dark black and an aura of death surrounded him. Two blasts of Black light struck both Hazel and Nico, but the one that struck Nico was Larger. As Hazel felt her curse leave her, Nico grew to the size of 10 feet, glowing with the power of the Underworld.

Percy looked at the kid that he considered his little brother and could not feel more proud of him. He looked at Hazel, who he considered at little sister and felt extremely happy that her curse was finally lifted.

After Nico shrunk back down to his regular size, Hades swept both of his children up in a hug that was very uncharacteristic of the god, but hey, his kids weren't complaining. He released them and they sat at the foot of their father's temporary throne.

"Annabeth Chase, Architect of Olympus and my daughter," Athena said with pride in her voice, her gray eyes shining with intelligence and wisdom. "My daughter, you have done what none of my other children have ever been able to do, you have recovered my beloved statue, the Athena Parthenos, and have settled my feud with the Romans once and for all. I would like to reward you my full blessing and the Council and I have decided to let you design a city at Camp Half-blood, much like the one at Camp Jupiter, where demigods can live in safety and live long, productive lives. You will be working closely with me as this project gets underway"

I looked at my beautiful girlfriend as her eyes lit up at the idea of designing a whole city where demigods can live in peace and raise families and I realized that that is the perfect gift for her. Building something that will last a thousand years.

Annabeth beaned at the wisdom goddess and replied with "Mother, I accept," Athena smiled at her daughter as her eyes and hands began to glow a striking gray color. A beam of gray light shot out and hit Annabeth in the chest as she received her mother's full blessing.

When the light faded, my jaw dropped open and I momentarily forgot how to speak. Annabeth now glowed with the power of her mother, making her golden hair shine in the light and cascade perfectly over her shoulders and down her back. Her eyes, which were always striking and pretty, were now even more beautiful and mesmerizing. She seemed to glow with beauty and, in my opinion, beat Piper out by a mile.

Annabeth saw my expression and smirked, "What do you think Seaweed Brain?" I just continued to stare.

She laughed and closed my mouth before giving me a light kiss. All the gods and my friends laughed while wearing amused expressions while I blushed.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" Poseidon's voice boomed out through the throne room. All talking immediately stopped. I walked forward, bowed to Zeus and then knelt at my father's feet.

"Does anyone here think that my son is unworthy?" My Father proclaimed. No one said anything looking at me with respect, even Zeus!

"My boy, for you heroic efforts in the war, for defeating multiple giants and single- handedly forcing Gaea back into slumber, we once again offer you the gift of godhood. Do you accept?" Poseidon asked with pride just rolling off him in waves.

'Whoa', I thought, 'Déjà vu' "Dad, my Lords and Ladies, once again I am honored and all, but I cannot accept." I said.

Most of the gods had looks like they knew that would be my answer. Dad looked at me with a little disappointment because I know he wanted me to join him in godhood, but the pride and love in his eyes overshadowed that.

"Well my son, can't say I'm surprised but I'm sure you have a request or have something in mind, yes?" He asked me.

"I do, in fact," I said. "Release the peaceful titans, like Calypso and Leto, from their prisons, which you didn't do last time. And my other request is for you to give Lord Hades and Lady Hestia their thrones on the council. They are the two eldest children of Kronos and I think it is long overdue that they be allowed to be seated among you. Hades is one of the Big Three and Hestia is the Last Olympian. If anyone deserves a throne on the council, it's them."

All the gods looked at me in shock, some smiling at my request. I looked at my father who was also smiling and then at Zeus who looked a little mad at first but then a look of understanding passed over his face as he realized that I was right.

"I agree with Perseus' request father," Athena stated, which shocked me that she sided with my request.

"I agree as well Husband," Hera said, which shocked me and my friends even more than Athena." Our family has been divided for too long. It is time to unite and complete our family wouldn't you agree?"

"I suppose you are right. Very well Percy, your request is accepted. Welcome to the Council Brother and Sister." Zeus said as he clapped his hands and two thrones rose from the ground. The first throne was completely black, made from black obsidian with bones embedded into the sides, base, and head of the throne with pictures of death all around it. The second throne seemed to be made out of pure fire and flames that seemed to give off a warm and cozy feeling.

Hades looked a little shocked but then recomposed himself, came up to me and shook my hand in thanks with a bit of respect in his eye. Hestia, after she overcame her shock, launched herself at me, crushing me in a hug that could rival Tyson's, saying thank you over and over in my ear.

After she let go, both Hades and Hestia walked to their thrones, growing into their fifteen-foot tall forms and sat down.

"Percy!" Hestia called out, "Once again you have used your gift for others and haven't for a moment thought about rewarding yourself. I move that we at least give you some gift that is for you and you alone. I move that you at least get partial immortality."

The council was nodding their heads at what Hestia said. Not even five minutes on the council and she is already making them agree with each other.

I just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Ummm…I…I can't. If I choose partial immortality, then I won't die of old age and I can't leave Annabeth. I just can't."

"It's alright Perseus, what you and my daughter didn't know is that my full blessing grants her partial immortality as well." Athena stated.

I said something really smart along the line of,


The gods and my friends chuckled at my sharp wit.

"It has been decided that. You shall be given partial immortality. Artemis, I think it would be best to give him the same kind of immortality you give your hunters."

Artemis nodded and slipped off her throne, shrinking down to human form. She had an unreadable expression on her face as she approached me but I saw a flash of gratitude in her silver eyes and…was that respect?

She placed a hand on my shoulder and I glowed silver for a moment before it faded. With a nod at me, she turned around and walked back to her throne.

"Well, now that the rewards are all handed out, let's celebrate!" Zeus snapped his fingers and the throne room turned into a large party room with the Muses singing and we all partied all night long.

End Flashback

Sitting along the sandy beach of the lake, Percy smiled slightly at the memories of the award ceremony; seeing his friends rewarded and finally having the happiness and peace that they so rightfully won, lessening the pain and betrayal on his face slightly.

The smile was wiped away and the betrayal hit him full force, once again, as his mind flashed back to when HE came and stole everything from him.

Flashback (1 month after Awards Ceremony)

Just after dinner at the pavilion, the demigods were streaming out and back to their cabins to go to turn in for the night, leaving Percy and some of his friends, Grover, Annabeth, Clarisse and Chris, behind to hang out for a bit.

"Can you believe it has been a month since the Second Giant War guys?", Grover said, as he was munching on an aluminum can. Say what you want but those things were second to enchiladas according to Grover!

"Yeah. I almost can't believe it." Percy said, "By the way, how are things going with the Council oh mighty Lord of the Wild?" He said with a playful smirk at his best friend.

"You wouldn't believe it guys. Dryads, nymphs, satyrs, and naiads have been calling in from all over the country reporting in about their wild places, the humans trying to come in to tear it down to build malls and highways, and then the nymphs sabotaging their equipment and bulldozers and leaving worms and all other sorts of nasty surprises waiting for them when they come back to the site." He said while chuckling.

"Things have been going pretty well so far. We're able to clean up and preserve the last wild places a little bit at a time, but we still got a long way to go."

Chuckling Percy said, "Remind me to never get on their bad side. Last time I accidently ran into a tree, the tree nymphs came out and started throwing acorns and pinecones at my head! I even got on an acorn stuck up my nose!"

Everyone there burst out laughing at the mental image of Percy getting pelted with pinecones and acorns. Their laughter was immediately silenced when they heard a distance cry of pain and a loud roar coming from just outside the camp borders.

Immediately, Percy, Annabeth, Chris, and Clarisse raced to the border with their weapons in hand while Grover ran off to the Big House to alert Chiron.

When the demigods reached the border, they noticed a dirty blonde-haired 15-year old boy with sky blue eyes that looked really familiar, being chased by a monster they were all familiar with: A hydra.

They boy looked like he had been running non-stop for Zeus-knows-how-long. He was wearing ripped jeans with a few cuts that were bleeding from them, a light blue ripped t-shirt showing lightly tan skin with a few more cuts, and black converse shoes that didn't look the worse for where. He was holding a elegant celestial bronze sword, about three feet in length with an electric blue trimming around the edges.

The hydra was about fifty feet from the unknown demigod, but it was gaining on him, as it was obvious that the poor guy was exhausted, but was still going trying to get to safety.

"Hey! Over here, this way!" Percy shouted, as he ran towards the boy while others were right behind him. Once they reached him, the half-bloods finally got a good look at his face. Bright sky-blue eyes framed by high cheekbones, a slightly oval face with a rounded chin, a cleft in it, a straight nose with a little curve up, and a medium sized mouth with thin lips that was currently open and trying to gulp down as much air as it could get. All in all, a decent looking guy that just looked tired, exhausted, and ready to collapse at any minute.

"Okay guys, here's the plan," Annabeth said in a commanding voice. I knew she had plan from the way her eyes were shining as her mind was going a million miles an hour coming up with a plan to deal with the monster. Thank you blessing of Athena!

"Chris, you are going to be the distraction. Use your speed to run around the hydra, drawing its attention to you. Percy, Clarisse while he's distracting the heads, take out the legs so it can't move. Once the legs are gone, Percy, cut off the heads while Clarisse cauterizes the wounds with the spear. I'm going to take care of this guy and get him across the border. I'll come back and help when that's done. Everybody got it?" We nodded our heads, turned, and ran at the hydra

Chris began running around the large monster, drawing all the heads attention away from Percy and Clarisse as the snuck around the monsters flank to get behind the big behemoth. The heads lunged at Chris and in an amazing display of speed and agility, Chris was bobbing, weaving, spinning, and dodging while the hydras teeth came within inches of him.

Moving quickly, Percy swiped Riptide across the monsters back right leg, taking it off completely while Clarisse used her sword to take out the left leg. The monster roared in pain as all of its heads whirled around to where they were standing with hate glowing in its red eyes. The heads tried to lunge at the pair of demigods, but after fighting in two wars against countless monsters, it was child's play for the two to dodge and dance out of range away from the heads. Using the distraction, Chris dashed in and took out its front two legs and pulled back quickly. The hydra let out a growled yelp as it lost its last two legs.

Percy, Chris, and Clarisse worked in sync with each other as Percy sliced off the heads, while Clarisse cauterized the stumps and Chris warded off the other heads away from his friends. In no time, Percy sliced off the last head and the monster let out one last roar of pain as it turned into golden dust that was blown away in the wind.

"Well that has got to be a new record monster ass-kicking. What do you think guys?" Percy joked, as he dusted off the last of the monster dust from his shirt.

"I think so. Though I think most of the credit should go to me for that one." Chris said with a grin as Clarisse rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

"Heck no. The credit goes to me for cauterizing the head stumps! You and Prissy get half-credit for the distraction and head slicing though." Clarisse said with a smirk as Chris and Percy had mock hurt expressions on their faces as they mock grasped their chests.

"You wound me with your words Clary. Well anyway, let's go check on the kid and see if he's doing okay." Percy said as he turned away with a smirk on his lips as he saw Clarisse's face redden in anger and the use of her nickname.

"Why you...!" Any comment was lost as Percy, laughing, made a mad dash for the camp border with an angry daughter of war on his heels with Chris laughing as he brought up the rear.

The whole camp rushed out of their cabins at the sound of the monster attack and was at Thalia's where Annabeth hovered over the unconscious, unknown demigod as she poured some nectar, the drink of the gods, into his open mouth. Chiron galloped up the growing group of demigods and surveyed the scene.

"What happened here?" The thousands-year-old trainer asked Percy and his group.

As they finished recounting the battle with the hydra, Annabeth took up explanation of after she and the boy crossed the border where he promptly collapsed and Annabeth has been trying to revive him ever since. As soon as she finished talking, a cough was heard from as the boy opened his eyes and sat up, looking a little woozy as he did so.

"What's your name child?" Chiron asked in concern and curiosity in his voice.

After a few more coughs the guy cleared his throat. "My name is Zane Skye, with an 'e'. I was told to come here by my uncle after these…creatures, women who looked like snakes, broke into our home and he threw me out after they were killed. He gave me this," He shows his sword to Chiron, "to defend myself. He told me to get out of his sight where I've been running for the past two days as that monster chased me." Zane finished with a look if anger on his face as he talked about his uncle.

"Well, Zane, do you know who your father is?"

"I never met him." Zane replied resentfully, "He left my mom before I was born."

"Tell me my boy, do you know about the Greek gods and mythology?"

"Yeah. Those dusty old deities that went around having a bunch of kids that went out to fight and kill a bunch of freaks and monsters. What about them?" Zane asked in a condescending tone while the crowd snickered a little.

"Well, Zane, you are the child of those, how you say, "dust old deities"." Chiron replied with a slight frown on his face as he caught the tone Zane was using.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Zane laughed as he stood up a bit unsteadily with Annabeth supporting him.

"Thanks there pretty girl." He said, winking at Annabeth who blushed slightly as she looked away with a small smile on her while Percy narrowed his eyes and frowned at the way the he talked to his girlfriend.

Suddenly, sharp gasps were heard throughout the crowd as they saw a light flash above Zane's head and shocked murmurings ran throughout the crowd. Percy and his friends could only stare in disbelief at the symbol that was over Zane's head: A Lightning Bolt arcing with electricity.

"What the heck was that?!" Zane yelled as he tried to stumble away from sign that followed after him, where he almost fell if Annabeth hadn't caught him with still slightly pink cheeks.

"All hail Zane Skye, Son of Zeus, Ruler of the Heavens, Lord of the Skies, King of Olympus!" said Chiron as he and everyone kneeled to a surprised Zane.

Time Skip-

It's been a month since Zane came to camp and was proclaimed a Son of Zeus and what a month it has been. A month of Hell! Ever since the claiming, campers have flocked to Zane when they saw his daddy was the King of the Gods. And Zane was eating up the attention like Blackjack eats sugar cubes and he couldn't get enough.

Only Percy and his group of friends were the only ones not suckered by Zane. The only problem was that Zane noticed. In his little mind, he thought that because his dad was in charge and since he was Zeus's son, then everyone should pay attention to him and listen to him. When he heard that Percy was the Son of Poseidon and Twice Hero of Olympus, well, that just didn't sit well with Zane.

Zane made his disdain for Percy quite clear by all the insults he threw at the Son of Poseidon, saying that he wasn't as tough as everyone thought he was, and that he was just a big coward, even though Percy and his friends saved him from the hydra. When he realized that Percy really didn't respond to his taunts or even care for that matter and realized that he only cared about what his friends said, a devious little plan started to form in his twisted little head.

He began dropping little rumors and lies to his devout followers about how Percy wasn't as strong as people said he was or that he really didn't kill as many monsters as people said he did and being the new, naïve campers that didn't really know Percy they ate up every word that came from Zane's mouth. As they started to believe the lies, and more people starting talking more and more about how Zane was so mush better than Percy, that was when Zane started to target his friends.

He started with Katie, dropping subtle comments about how Percy didn't really appreciate her, how he heard that Percy thought she was weak and how he really didn't like nature all that. He didn't just come out and say to her face that Percy thought she was useless, but the seeds were planted and he began to water those seeds. Soon, Katie began to mumble to herself about how Zane was right and how much better he was then Percy. The final step that snapped Katie's friendship with Percy was when she found her prized garden completely destroyed and mud tracks led to Percy's cabin door. Zane set the whole thing up and made mud tracks all the way to Percy's cabin door.

When Percy saw Katie, he went up to her with an easy-going smile and asked her how she was doing. That was when she blew up at him saying that she couldn't believe she was ever his friend for what he did to her garden and how Zane was right about him.

Percy just stood there shocked and hurt as he heard the hateful things coming out of the mouth of a friend who he considered almost a sister for all the times they went though. He felt a little bit of his heart crack as he heard her say that she never wants to be friends with him again. As she stormed away, Percy just stood there with confused, slightly angry, and hurt about the things she accused him of until he caught sight of Zane standing across the field with a smug look on his face.

Percy then felt anger swell in him but he held it in, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and left as a smug-smiling Zane laughed as soon as he was out of hearing range.

The next target of Percy's friends were the Stoll brothers. Same as with Katie, he began by dropping little seeds of deceit that Percy said they weren't great pranksters and that because their dad was Hermes they weren't as important as others. What finally ended Percy's friendship with the Stolls was when Chiron found out about a massive prank that they were about to pull that took them months to come up with and Zane hinted that Percy told on them.

After the Stolls got caught and punished with dish duty for a month, Percy walked up to them to see if he could help them with another prank and to know that he'll help them. Travis and Connor just looked at him with anger and loathing in their blue eyes and just left him standing there in confusion.

Later that day, he found his cabin covered in smelly seaweed and black muck from the camp lake. As soon as Percy walked inside, he was doused in a foul smelling green liquid with a sign that read, "Don't mess the Stolls Perseus. Don't talk to us ever again! –Travis and Connor Stoll"

Again, Percy felt pain in his chest as another one of his friendships was ruined. He tried to wash the gunk off of himself but it didn't go away for two days. As he walked out of his cabin, he noticed Zane standing a little ways away with another self-satisfied smirk on his lips.

One after the other, almost all of Percy's friends left him thanks to Zane's manipulations. Will hates him because Zane said that Percy thought he was a lousy healer and that he broke his favorite bow and arrows that his dad gave to him for Christmas. Grover and Juniper left him after Zane said Percy thought Dryads and Satyrs were useless and that he intentionally burned Juniper's tree along with a number of tree nymphs. Percy felt it when his oldest friend broke their empathy link with a last parting message to stay away from him and Juniper if he didn't want the satyrs after him.

Each broken friendship felt like a hammer blow to his heart as the cracks started getting bigger and more numerous.

Strangely enough, the only ones that didn't abandon Percy were Clarisse and Chris. Even though they started out rough, Clarisse respected Percy as a warrior and as a friend. Doesn't mean they won't butt heads but he was the only one that wasn't afraid to get in her face and challenge her and that was a good friend in her book. Anytime Zane came close to either one of them, he left some cuts and bruises and a frustrated look on his face. They knew something was going on and they weren't going to buy any of his crap.

The final blow that sent Percy over the edge was the incident that happened with Annabeth.

Percy was walking to the beach to meet Annabeth for their date. He really needed this time with his girlfriend. Recently, she seemed to be more distracted than usual and was growing a little more distant than what he was used to. He was worried that Zane got to her too, but after agreeing to go to "their" spot on the beach for a date, he felt a lot better and was planning on asking her a very important question. If all goes as planned then this would be a date to remember and it would make up for all that happened to him.

He reached into his pocket and felt the velvet box holding a small, simple, silver ring that was inscribed with a trident and an owl with the inscription "Forever and Always –Love Your Seaweed Brain". He got this ring from Athena after asking for her blessing to marry her daughter. He was surprised when she agreed without hesitation and gave him the velvet box with the ring inside. Apparently, falling into Tartarus to protect her daughter fully brought Athena around to bless their relationship.

As he neared the beach, he heard some voices in the distance followed by some giggling and laughter. He saw Zane sitting by the water's edge, his arm wrapped around a blonde girl's waist as he was kissing her neck. Percy was about to leave them be and continue his search for Annabeth until he heard them begin to speak.

"Oh Zane, not right there! I'm ticklish!" The blonde girl giggled out in a very familiar voice that stopped Percy dead in his tracks. 'No, it cant be. Not her too!'

"Come on Annabeth," Zane replied huskily, "You know it feels good." He said as his hands moved from her waist and began to trail along her thighs and back.

"When are you gonna dump that loser, huh? We've been doing for three weeks now and you can't find a better guy than me." He arrogantly boasted.

"I don't know Zane. We've been through so much together, but now that the wars are over Percy just doesn't have that feeling of excitement anymore. When he comes down later for our date, I'll dump him and then WE can be together." She replied as she leaned in for another kiss.

Those words coupled with her actions was the final blow and Percy felt his heart shatter into millions of tiny pieces as he let out a sound of anguish at the sight of the two.

The pair whipped around with wide eyes to see Percy standing before them with a small, velvet box in his hand and with a heartbroken look on his face. Annabeth's eyes widened in shock and terror as she saw the look on her boyfriend's face, as she knew he heard every word they said.

"Percy," she gasped out as she scrambled away from Zane. "It's not what it looks like!"

Percy continued to stare at them, as his heartbroken look became one of increasing anger and rage. The winds began to pick up and the seas began to smash against the beach violently as they picked up the swirling chaos of emotions that Percy was feeling at the moment, as he stood there motionless.

He let the box fall from his hands as he starred uncomprehendingly at the scene in front of him.

"How could you do this to me, Annabeth? I thought our relationship meant more to you than this! I thought you loved me!" He said as anger began to well up within his chest, as his voice got louder with each word.

"Percy, it's not like tha-"

"No! Shut up! You're gonna listen to me!" Percy cut her off in a sharp voice.

"You were the one Annabeth. The one who that I would spend the rest of my life with." Annabeth could see the undeniable pain in Percy's eyes as unshed tears began to fill hers.

"Do you want to know what I saw in the Styx all those years ago? The thing that tied me to my mortality?" The winds whipped even faster and the 15-foot waves were smashing against the beach in a fury.


That one world was like a sledgehammer to Annabeth's chest. "Wh…Wha…What?" She spluttered out.

You were the one that pulled me out of the gods damned river! You were the one that tied me to this mortal world! I gave up godhood for you! I went to TARTARUS with YOU! Because YOU were WORTH it!" Percy exploded. The weather was in total chaos as it looked like the sky and the sea were boiling together while lightning flashed around the beach.

Tears finally began to fall from her eyes as each word was like a dagger to her heart. She made a mistake. A terrible mistake.

Percy turned away from the sobbing daughter of Athena and turned to the smug looking son of Zeus.

"Whatcha gonna now Jackson?" Zane sneered, "You got nothing left. I got the younger campers praise and them to follow me. I got your friends to leave you. I took you friends from you. I got your fame and power at this camp! I took away the one safe place that felt like home for you!" He began to laugh uproariously.

"Gods! I even took the love of your lif-!" That was as far as he got before Percy surged forward as placed a thunderous right hook directly in the middle of Zane's face. Blood spurted out of Zane's now broken nose as Zane struggled to sit up and spit out sand and broken teeth.

"I know what you did." Percy said in a cold voice, "I didn't care before because I not a conceited, power-crazed, self-centered brat like you. I could care less about fame and power! But once you started taking my friends from me and my girlfriend, you crossed a line and now, you're gonna pay!" Percy yelled as he unloaded another haymaker into Zane's face.

Percy unloaded blow after blow on Zane as he feebly tried to ward off the enraged son of Poseidon's attacks. Percy summoned water from the sea, formed it into a solid column of water and blasted Zane 20 feet back were Zane laid moaning and groaning from the beat down he received.

Percy turned away from the moaning demigod and began to walk away when a voice stopped him.

"Percy! I'm sorry!" Please forgive me!" Annabeth sobbed out as she struggled to her feet trying to get to Percy.

Without turning around, he replied in voice that was worse than a voice of anger and rage; it was a voice dead and emotionless, one that cut Annabeth to the core.

" I guess you were right before Chase; children of Poseidon and Athena don't mix after all."

With that parting comment, he sprinted off to the forest, ignoring the pain in his heart and the desperate pleas of Annabeth behind him.

"No! Percy, Please! I didn't mean it like that! This was a mistake! Please! NO!" Annabeth screamed out desperately, trying to somehow get him to come back to her. She ran forward and suddenly tripped and landed face-first in the sand. She turned back and saw she tripped on the box that Percy dropped. With trembling hands, she opened it to see the silver ring sitting there in its simple glory. Her eyes widened in farther and tears were now pouring from her eyes trailing down her cheeks.

"Oh gods, what have I done?" She sobbed out as she clutched to ring to her chest as she broke down. Zane sat a few feet away with a bloody, smug smile that looked more like a grimace and a triumphant look on his face. It didn't matter that he just got his ass handed to him and thoroughly beaten by Jackson. He had finally broken and beaten the Son of Poseidon. Now there was nothing left to stand in his way to take over and run this camp! However, he couldn't ignore that cold tingle in the back of his mind that said that he would regret what he did as he remembered the hardened look of hatred in Percy's cold sea-green eyes.

Percy ran as fast as he could, trying to get away from the beach and the pain that was flowing through his crushed heart. He made it to the middle of the woods before falling to his knees and letting out a massive roar of pain, hurt and rage. A massive storm was whipping around the camp and a massive earthquake hit, shaking everything within the camp's borders. Cabins started to creak, crack, and crumple and the forest trees were blown back and flattened from the power Percy was emitting.

After his anger passed and his rage ran out, Percy looked around stunned at what he did and he made a made dash for his cabin. He made it back to his cabin and flung the door open. He pulled out a small backpack and began to fill it with essentials: nectar, ambrosia, a few sets of clothes, some power bars, bottles of water, a spar dagger, his Minotaur horn, and some mortal cash and drachmas. He had to get out of here. He had to leave this place; the place that was once home and filled with a family and friend he always craved for was now nothing but a pace filled with hurt, heartbreak, and betrayal.

He finished packing and after scribbling a quick note addressed to Chiron, he walked out of his cabin, out of Camp Halfblood, and out of the only place he truly felt completely accepted.

Flashback End-

Sitting on the beach, Percy reflected on those painful memories and wondered why did the fates hate him so much? Hasn't he done enough to deserve some peace and happiness? Apparently not.

Pushing up from the ground, Percy began his trek once more to get away from Camp Halfblood as fast as he could. He needed to come up with a plan to take care of his demigod scent or he wouldn't last very long. Wait! Didn't Leo, Piper, Jason say that they ran into Medea once and she had all sorts of potions for all types of stuff? Maybe there was a potion that could get rid of his scent! That's a good place to start as any, Percy thought as he began walking once again.

So what did you guys think? Good start? Please leave a review!