First match. Again, I'm bad at writing the matches, criticism welcome. Still don't own Girls und panzer.
The tankery team was eating lunch in the Cafeteria, watching the live broadcast of the internationals, as they have begun to be called. Currently being shown was the match between Australia and India. "New Deli Girls Academy Cruiser VI Crusader is inoperable, Sydney Outback High wins." Everyone cheered.
Darjeeling turned towards Oni, who was sitting across from her. The other commanders were sitting at the table with them. "Why didn't they use their Caernarvon against us? It's one of the strongest British heavy tanks allowed." She said.
"Lizzie doesn't like to play all her cards at once, obviously she wanted to save some of her better tanks for the actual tournament. The Caernarvon is their most durable tank, to my knowledge, so it makes sense that it's their flag tank." He said. "But speaking of the tournament, I looked up our opponent, Berlin Girls Academy, and it doesn't look good. They haven't lost a single tank in a match for three years."
"Sounds tough." Miho sighed.
"Sounds fishy to me. They could be the tank thieves." Maho said.
"I agree, but we can't be sure." Oni said.
"You have any idea about what tanks they have?" Kay asked.
"They use mostly German tanks. They rely on power and durability over speed and maneuverability. They apparently use a lot of super heavy tanks. Every single match they've ever had, they have made one-fifth of their lineup of super heavy tanks. So I'm expecting them to use five against us, if they even have that many." Oni answered.
"We could use that against them, if we're out in the open, our speed can be our greatest advantage." Miho said.
"We will, our match is supposed to be tomorrow night, so we won't see until then." Oni stated.
"I guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow evening." Katyusha said.
(night of the match)
Oarai moves their tanks into the makeshift garages, made up of large, walled tents, to block the wind and snow of the area. Their match was in an area similar to where they faced Pravda. Oni had finished applying the snow treads and antifreeze to his Maus and had gone to help his teammates finish their preparations. Had he stayed, he would have noticed two girls sneaking around.
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" the first one asked.
"We both saw that match they had against the Australian team. The commander noticed they had many tanks capable of taking out much stronger tanks, and she wants us to sabotage their strongest tank." The second one said. "Plus, we're ensuring our victory, as if these rookies could beat us. We'll only use it if things get bad." She added, pulling out a small device, which she then attached to the Maus' engine.
"I guess." The first girl said reluctantly. The two then left, leaving no trace they were there.
The match started soon after, and Oarai thought it would be good to stick together, seeing as how their match against Sydney Outback proved that to be a bad idea. "Cheetah team, have you spotted anything?" Miho asked over the radio.
The commander replied instantly. "We've spotted four Neubaufahrzeugs, two Stug IIIs, two Hetzers, two Panthers, two Tiger Is, two Tiger IIs, two Tiger Ps, an Elefant, two Jagdtigers, and a Panzer IV. But we haven't spotted any super heavy tanks, or their flag tank."
"That's twenty of their twenty five tanks, and it looks like they're focused on firepower. Regroup with us and then we'll head out." Miho ordered.
"Four Neubaufahrzeugs, I'm amazed they could get that many." Oni said.
"Those will be tough to handle, but what worries me is that five tanks are still unaccounted four." Maho said.
"If they are super heavy tanks, then they'll most likely head for the old train yard. It's the only area with buildings, so if we take out their tanks in the open, it should be easy to surround them." Nonna suggested.
"The flag tank should be our focus, but we can't risk the Type 3 getting hit." Oni said.
"We should have the speed advantage, so if things go bad, then the flag tank should be able to retreat." Miho said. After that, the BT-7 returned and all tanks moved out.
After about twenty minutes, only a few tanks had been taken out. The enemies Stug's and Hetzers were taken out, the lack of a turret making it easy to avoid their fire. Three of the Neubaufahrzeugs had been taken out, but at the cost of Oarai's Neubaufahrzeug, Ram, Covenanter, BT-7, and the Type 89.
"We can't keep fighting them. We need to retreat and focus on finding their flag tank." Katyusha said.
"I have to agree with Katyusha, it seems like the only chance we have to win. Fighting would only cause us to lose more tanks." Oni said. "I'll lead the E-100, Tiger P, Stug, M26, and the IS to the train yard to see if we can spot their flag tank. Stay close in case we need you."
"Ok." Miho nodded.
Oni then proceeded to lead the tanks into the train yard, which had old buildings and trains to use as cover. After a couple minutes Oni didn't see anything. "Anyone spot any tanks?" He asked. All the commanders said no. A few more minutes of looking and the five previously missing tanks were spotted. They were a Maus, an E-100, two Lowes, and their flag tank was a Jagdpanzer E-100. Oni reported this to Miho, who then began to head to where he was. The plan was to surround them.
"We haven't been spotted yet." Miho told Oni over the radio.
"Good, I'll let you give the signal to move in. When we do, we should fire from both directions. Send Kay and the Type 3 around to us, using the E-100 and my Maus as cover." Oni said. Miho then gave the orders to the tanks. Once Wolf and Anteater teams were behind Oni, Miho gave the signal.
Both sides moved in, firing at the super heavies, especially the Jagdpanzer E-100. They just took the shells, not firing back. This confused the Oarai team. The barrage lasted minutes before a loud BOOM reverberated across the field, louder than all the gunshots. The source was Oni's Maus, the engine having been blown to pieces, and some of the shrapnel hit Anteater's engine taking out the Type 3 Chi-Nu. "What just happened?" Miho asked.
"Oarai's Type 3 Chi-Nu is inoperable, Berlin Girls Academy wins." The announcer announced.
Oni climbed out of the Maus, a few more bruises and burns than before the match. He looked as if he knew something, if the scowl on his face indicated anything. At the post match customs, he made his discovery. "The reason they won was because of sabotage!" He announced, holding out the remains of an explosive. The judges looked appalled.
"Why would they do such a thing?" One of the judges, one from Germany, asked.
"They were scared of losing." Oni answered. "Not a single one of the tanks around saw them fire, which puts their victory into question."
"Preposterous, this is the best team from Germany, and one of the top team in Europe. Quit being such a sore loser." The same judge said.
"Judges aren't supposed to take sides, their supposed to follow the rules and enforce them. I can have you officially discredited as a judge." Oni threatened.
"Why you!" The judge started.
"Wait!" A voice said. Everyone turned to look at one of the German girls. "What he says is true. The Commander and Sub-commander ordered us to sabotage the Maus, I saw it happen."
"So the German team forfeits victory." One of the Japanese judges stated.
"Is this the only time the team has cheated?" Oni asked the girl.
"I don't know, I'm only a first year." She answered.
Oni walked over to the judges. "As an officer of the I.T.A (International Tankery Association.), I want an investigation of the school and it's tankery team. If this isn't the first time they've cheated, report them to Commander Nishizumi." He said. "What's your name?" He asked the girl who revealed the German teams cheating.
"Andrea." She replied.
"Andrea is to be pardoned; she is a first year and therefore has no knowledge of prior cheating." He added.
"Thank you." Andrea said, before heading back to her team, who looked pretty mad.
The announcer pressed the button on her mic. "Due to unfair play, Berlin Girls Academy forfeits the victory, Oarai Girls Academy wins." She announced.
Tell me what you think. Please.