Title: Gender Problems
Rating: T
Pairing: Jordan O'neil/ Master Chief (Jack) sorta of friendship and maybe hints of romance
Summary: Master Chief thinks about Jordan O'neil and all the trouble she brought along with her; though he starts to wonder if maybe she isn't the one with a problem.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from G. I. Jane!
AN: So G. I. Jane has always been one of my favorite movies for as long as I can remember and while watching it the other day I came up with this idea. I have never written fanfiction for this fandom before, but I thought I would give it a try. The idea of Master Chief and Jordan always intrigued me and so this short drabble was created. It is basically a test for me to see if I am any good at writing the characters and if I am then maybe in the future I will writer more for this fandom.
'She isn't the problem, we are.' My words from a few days ago echoed in my mind as I watched O'neil do her morning laps with the other recruits. She had improved greatly since her arrival a couple months ago, more so than anyone could have predicted.
I am willing to admit I didn't think she would last even one day, but she had. Then she made it the second day, the first week, the second week, and so on so forth. This woman was tough I could give her that, but tough did not mean she was SEAL material. No, she proved herself to be Navy SEAL tough the other day during our capture practice. Not only had she not given up any information about the other two fire teams, she somehow managed to get in a few good shots of her own against me which is something not many people could do. When she broke my nose and told me to 'suck her did' when I told her to leave, well that is when I knew O'neil being a woman wasn't the problem, it was us guys who had the problem. We didn't like the thought of change and women being able to join the SEALs was a real big change.
At first I tried to make her feel as if she were weaker than us men while still trying to play fair. When the guys had a problem with working with her I made it clear no matter how much they hated it, teamwork was the number one rule above everything else. Rule number two was we never leave a man (or woman) behind. I know most of the recruits resented me for that, but if they wanted to be SEALs then they had to follow the rules no matter what their opinions happened to be. I think a part of the reason they resented her at first was becauseshe got special treatment, but that did not last very long once she went above my head and got all special treatment revoked. Apparently O'neil wanted to succeed or fail like the rest of the guys.
It wasn't as if she were the first woman to try and get in to things that should be left men, but she was indeed the first one to actually have anything come of it. My first assumption was she had to be crazy because life as a SEAL was an all consuming job and dangerous to boot. Did she have some sort of death wish? Was it her life goal to wind up blown to pieces on a battlefield in some third world country? I simply could not comprehend the reasoning behind her sudden choice of career change. Did she want to make a statement?
Despite all the odds against her, O'neil had proven herself. Of course I would never tell her this out loud, but I think she knew she had gained my respect. I may not be happy with change, but I could accept it when I knew my crew would be better off because of it and Jordan O'neil was positive influence on the group. There would always be certain people who would make her career hell, but after these last couple of months I knew she could handle it, that girl could handle anything and I respected her for that. I would go to war with her any day of the week and I would trust her with my life, another thing I did not do with that many people.
Please R&R like always!