"Jutsu/Kurama Talking"
Chapter 116
Four days had passed since the day that Naruto talked with Itachi about a secret favor. Naruto has been avoiding his squad during daytime since then, while still seeing the ones he has a sexual relationship with, during the nights. The one that he has the most of those relations with, has been acting a bit strange lately. For the past two days, Kurenai has not allowed Naruto to have sex with her. She still sleeps with him in his bed and is just as unpleasant as always otherwise. It was just the sex thing that made Naruto wonder if something was up. That and her strange rituals she have started doing in the bathroom in the morning lately.
Naruto didn't ponder long on what was up with Kurenai this morning, as he would rather go to Ichiraku's to enjoy twenty or so bowls of ramen. When he got there and was about to sit down and order, he was immediately reminded of Kurenai's strange behavior as Tayuya came running up to the ramen shop.
"Shithead! This has got to stop, Kurenai-sensei is unbearable. She is outright rude and fucking mean to everyone. She even refuses to train with us and I fear that Kushina-nee is going to kill her soon!" Tayuya yelled "You have to come talk some sense into her, she only listens to you!" she continued.
Naruto tilted his head in confusion and asked "Since when does the baka-onna listen to me?"
Tayuya sighed "Never mind, just come see for yourself!" she said as she dragged him away from his precious ramen, while Naruto struggled and whined.
At the same time with Team Uzumaki
Team Uzumaki consisting of Kushina, Kurenai, Ino, Midori and Tayuya, had not been functioning well lately. Kurenai was the reason for it as she refused to train. This was the third day in a row that Kurenai ignored Kushina when she told her to train with them.
"Kurenai, if you don't do as I say I will have you removed from this team!" a very angry Kushina yelled at the dark haired woman who sat down, resting her back to a tree. Kurenai frowned and let out a quiet "Hmpf" as she turned away from Kushina and the others.
"Did you just HMPF me!?" Kushina yelled as she stomped over towards Kurenai. Ino and especially Midori were seriously worried. They feared Kushina and Kurenai would get into a real fight soon. That would be extremely scary and dangerous for everyone close by.
Kurenai chuckled "While I regard you slightly above the others since you gave birth to my husband, I find it both funny and slightly insulting that you think you can order me around, Kushina"
Kushina was now close enough that she could tower over Kurenai who was sitting down "It was Naruto who made me the leader, if you have a problem with that, then take it up with him"
Kurenai snorted "There is no reason to bother him with such nonsense"
When Naruto and Tayuya arrived at the training grounds about a minute later, they found both Ino and Midori trying their best to hold back a very angry Kushina.
"What is the meaning of this, mother!?" Naruto yelled at his mom.
"What? Ask her!" Kushina said, pointing at Kurenai "She is impossible, I can't have her on this team!"
When Kurenai saw Naruto, she stood up and smiled "Oh, she is just being over dramatic. But that doesn't matter, all that matters is that you are here, my love"
Naruto found no words as he stared at Kurenai in confusion. The way she acted, terrified him. "Are you okay baka-onna?"
Kurenai smiled sweetly "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because of these weird rituals you have in the morning and now you are all nice and pleasant. You aren't acting like yourself" Naruto said.
"Don't be ridiculous" Kurenai said with a frown while Kushina asked "Morning rituals?"
Naruto nodded "She's been performing some kind of witch craft or tried to summon some kind of demon in my toilet in the mornings. It sounds horrible"
Kurenai gritted her teeth in anger, unknowingly to the others. Kushina's mouth turned into an o as she stared wide eyed at Kurenai.
"We already know that she is fucking witch, just make her stop acting like a damn cunt!" Tayuya yelled.
Kurenai placed her right arm on Naruto's shoulder as she stared into his eyes while speaking to him "You don't have to listen to what these jealous wenches are saying. In this world, only you and me are the ones that matter" as she spoke she held her lower stomach with her left hand. Kushina picked up on that as well.
Naruto turned to Tayuya "Well, there you have it" he said with a shrug as he began walking away. Tayuya, Ino and Midori sweatdropped while Kushina spoke "Wait Naruto" she then grabbed Kurenai and pulled her to the side "Come here Naruto"
"No can do, I haven't had my ramen yet"
"Just get your ass over here now, dattebane!" Kushina yelled.
Naruto grumbled and mumbled as he made his way over to the two women. They were now far enough that they could speak without the others hearing them.
"I know why you are acting so strange, Kurenai. Why didn't you tell me?" Kushina asked.
"I don't know what you are talking about" Kurenai said staring at the ground.
"Are you afraid of how Naruto will take the news?" Kushina asked.
"What news?" Naruto asked.
"Nothing!" Kurenai said "There is no news!"
"Oh for fucks sake" Kushina said shaking her head "Naruto I believe Kurenai is pregnant"
Kurenai didn't say anything, there was no point in hiding it anymore since Kushina had already figured it out. Naruto however, didn't understand anything. He just nodded along, trying to act as if he understood what was going on.
"For how long?" Kushina asked Kurenai who said "I think less than a week, Shizune helped me confirm it three days ago"
Kushina nodded "Well I'm happy for you, although honestly I thought you would be happier about something like this"
"Trust me, I am very happy. It's him that I'm worried about" Kurenai said nodding towards Naruto.
They both stared at Naruto who had no words to tell them.
"Aren't you happy as well?" Kushina asked.
"Oh, well.. Of course, I'm happy for you baka-onna" Naruto said scratching the back of his head.
"You don't know what we are talking about at all are you?" Kushina asked.
"Of course I do, that is I think a woman thing, we should all be very, no extremely happy..." Naruto tried.
"Naruto, there is a child inside Kurenai's stomach.. That's what being pregnant means" Kushina tried to explain.
"Eh, you ate it!?" Naruto yelled.
Kurenai clenched her fist in anger and jammed it on top of Naruto's head "I'm not a damn child eating witch, bastard!"
Kushina nursed her forhead "No Naruto, there is a child growing inside her. Damnit you were the one that made her pregnant, you should at least know this much, ttebane!"
Suddenly the both of them stared in silence as Naruto stared at Kurenai wide eyed "My child?" he asked, receiving a nod from them both. Naruto walked up to Kurenai and said "That's the final piece of the puzzle. Now my legacy is secured" he then kissed Kurenai's forehead before leaving without another word.
Kurenai and Kushina stared at each other in confusion "Did that mean he took it well?" Kurenai asked.
"He seemed happy.." Kushina answered.
With Naruto
With his sword in his hand, Naruto jumped across the village, heading towards the old monkey's place. The time had come, there was nothing left for him to do in Konoha now. It was time for him to secure a nice and peaceful future for his women and soon to be born child. It was time to take care of the Akatsuki and more importantly the Uchiha that is leading the organization.
Naruto arrived at Hiruzen's house and yelled "Old monkey, show yourself!"
Konohamaru, the old monkey's grandson, poked his head through a small opening of the front door "What's up?" he asked.
Naruto stared at the creature, thinking 'Another monkey dressed up in human clothes, how silly'
"Where is the old monkey?" Naruto asked.
Konohamaru pointed to the side of Naruto, where Hiruzen was sitting next to Itachi, staring at the gold fishes in his small pond.
"Keep your voice down, Senju" Itachi said as a greeting.
"I agree with that, why do you always have to be so damn loud, shitty brat!" Hiruzen yelled.
"Good, you're already here, you scum of Konoha" Naruto said to Itachi "We're leaving now"
Itachi nodded "It has to be done"
"Wait, you're taking Itachi with you?" Hiruzen asked.
Naruto nodded "You have nothing to complain about now, right?"
Hiruzen stood up and started pacing around on the porch, looking a bit stressed out "At least take Jiraiya with you"
"No, you and Ero-sennin stays here" Naruto said.
"We shall not fail, Sandaime-sama" Itachi said saluting.
"Don't worry so much, ugly old monkey, we will return soon" Naruto said as both he and Itachi disappeared using a shunshin.
As Naruto and Itachi began heading towards the Land of Rain, Team Uzumaki of Naruto's squad lost two of its members. Kurenai would no longer be training with them and obviously wouldn't go on any missions. Kushina took it up on herself to help Kurenai through her pregnancy and to protect her. Therefore she also left the squad. The team got new members as Jiraiya and the three kunoichi he had in his team, joined the squad. Jiraiya became the new team leader of team Uzumaki, while Konan, Fuu and Karin joined it as regular squad members. Tayuya was promoted to vice captain.
Konoha would have to get used to having Naruto around because it took more than a week until Naruto and Itachi located two Akatsuki members. They found them on a road outside a small village somewhere in the southern parts of the Fire Country.
"This is taking too damn long!" One of them whined. They appeared to be waiting for someone.
"Relax zombie brother number two, we are the ones that are early"
"Call me that again and I'll offer you to Jashin-sama, you walking fish!"
"Walking fish? How original.." Kisame said in a bored tone. His boredom disappeared rather quickly as he saw Itachi appearing in the distance, walking towards them at a slow pace.
"My my, look who it is" Kisame said with a wide grin.
"Huh?" Hidan responded as he had not yet seen Itachi. He then spotted Itachi and began laughing like a mad man "I will offer that damn traitor to Jashin-sama!"
When Itachi was about five meters away from them he stopped and said "You two are coming with me"
Thanks for reading.