Yes, I know, I'm the worst person in the world when it comes to updating. However, I left the last chapter saying that I had an outtake in mind, but I wasn't sure if I was going to write it… well, here it is!
I hope you enjoy it!
"Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture it, or let it slip?"
"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go, you only got one shot, do not miss the chance to blow, opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo!"
I was driving through the streets of Manhattan as Eminem blared his wonderful lyrics through my car speakers. I have a tendency to play my music pretty loudly when I'm driving, which I know is dangerous, but I don't play it loud enough for passersby to hear me, because I don't think they would appreciate some of this man's lyrics as I drive past them. 'Fack' is a personal favourite of mine…
"I think my rubbers comin' off, but oh it's so fucking wet and soft"
However, Lose Yourself seemed like a rather fitting song given my current circumstances. I was on my way to an interview, one that I didn't feel overly confident about, but like he said - 'would you capture it, or let it slip?' Why give up this opportunity? It is for a very well-paid job, and Lord knows my bank account could use a top-up right now.
Okay, okay, to save yourself some confusion I think it's time for a quick backstory of how I got myself into this position…
So, roughly a year ago my dad's battle with the big C came to an end. It was horrible, obviously, and I miss him every day, but there was also a small feeling of relief that he no longer had to live with that pain and he could be comfortable once again. However, for the years before that I was his primary caregiver, and when it all became too much I had to quit my job to be there for him every minute of every day (apart from the nurses etc, I'm not qualified enough for that), which meant that I had no job to go back to once it was all over. I also had no connection to the tiny town we lived in. Sure, it was my hometown and all, but I never liked the place enough to live here by myself. Instead, I took my independence to the next level and decided to do something that I had always wanted to do.
Move to New York.
Don't ask me why this had been a dream of mine, but the urge to go never left, and now I had that chance. I could restart my adult life, get a job and see what happens... but it turns out that adult life is hard, especially in a new place and all whilst you're grieving, so instead of looking for a job, I looked for alcohol. A lot of alcohol.
But now I really need a job, because money does not grow on trees and mine won't last forever. Charlie would have wanted me to use the inheritance that he left me wisely, but also to have fun with it - life is too damn short. I have had fun, I have been wise, and now it's responsible Bella time.
My previous job was as a personal assistant to an editor in a book publishing chain, so I decided to use my talent and experience to go down that line of work. Surprisingly enough those jobs are harder to find than you might think - it seems as though no-one was looking for a PA, or that they are fine with their current one. Dammit. However, luck may have been on my side… There is a housing agency located in many states all around the country called Brandon and Cullen Agencies (B&C for short), whenever you see a 'for sale' sign in someone's yard, more often than not it'll have their name on the sign, so they are doing pretty well for themselves, and when I was searching for jobs recently I saw that they were looking for a personal assistant. Long story short, I received an email asking if I would like to come in for an interview.
So, yes, that is my backstory, and why I could not fuck this up. Not that I felt entirely confident - this is something completely different to what I was used to, but if I messed anything up then I would be straight up shit creek with no way of getting out of there, but I had as much of a chance as everyone else, and I wanted to take it seriously.
There is one thing I have learnt in my time here, and that is how to drive through the crazy streets of Manhattan. I picked a house in a small village, about sixteen miles from Manhattan, called Tuckahoe and driving there was easy-peasy, however my interview is in a skyscraper building just blocks from Times Square. It's not that I often come through this area, but if it's on your doorstep, then why the heck not, right?
Honestly, some of the drivers you encounter on the roads blow my mind. Like, how the hell did you get a license in the first place?
It's called an indicator!
For you to indicate with!
Surprisingly I made it to the office blocks alive, and still with ten minutes to spare before my time slot. So with the extra minutes that I had, I glanced around my new surroundings, took in the parking spaces - majority of them reserved - and the building which literally towered over me. The building appeared to be made entirely out of glass; I'd hate to be the one cleaning bird shit off the top floor windows. Situated above the front doors, in giant, silver block lettering were the words 'Brandon and Cullen' - well, at least I won't have to worry about finding my way back here… if I come back here.
As I entered a welcoming blast of cold air blew over me. We were reaching the end of summer, so the AC was needed. Shiny white stone covered the entire floor of the foyer, and a black runner lead you from the main doors to the reception desk. A lady was on the phone as I approached the desk, but within a couple of minutes she had ended her call.
"Good afternoon, how can I help you today?" she greeted me with a kind smile.
"My name is Isabella Swan. I have an appointment with Mr. Cullen at twelve-thirty?" I don't quite understand why that came out as a question, but I couldn't stop myself.
The lady smiled once again and laughed lightly. I didn't know I was such a comedienne. She typed away at her Apple iMac, did some searching with her mouse, and then looked back up at me. "I'm so sorry, both father and son are working today and so it can be quite confusing working out which one people are here to see." I assumed that that was why she laughed and not because I am a comic genius. "Okay," she finally said, "you will be meeting Edward Cullen on floor nineteen. Here is the code that you will need in order to access said floor." She slide a card over the desk toward me which she had scribbled a six digit number onto. "Simply press the button for number 19, and then enter the code on the screen when it says to do so."
"Thank you very much," I pocketed the card and collected my belongings which had been dropped to the floor.
"Is there anything else I can help you with, Isabella?"
I thought, "er… no, nope; I think I'm good."
"Excellent. I shall inform Mr. Cullen that you are on your way up."
I thanked her silently with a smile and made my way to the elevators. The whole code process was actually fairly simple, and within seconds the metal doors had closed before me. I used the mirrored walls surrounding me to double check that my appearance was acceptable and that I hadn't dropped any food down the white blouse I was wearing. The blouse was clean and white, the black pencil skirt was neat, and my black flats held no smudges or strange marks.
All in all, I'd say it's a success.
Overall there were two things that I was thankful for with that elevator ride. One being the fact that the floor and ceiling weren't made of glass - there is nothing worse than seeing the floor literally disappear beneath you as you travel. Eurgh, it makes your asshole seize up. It's like that scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
The second point is that you aren't made to listen to that God-awful elevator music on your journey. Like, if there is one thing that will lead someone to suicide, it's being made to listen to that shit. Nope, in fact you are left to listen to your own thoughts. And depending on which song is stuck in your head at that time will depend on whether or not you'll enjoy the sound of your own thoughts. Currently my song of the moment was 'MMMbop' by Hanson, so you know we're having a good time in here right now.
Apart from Taco Bell, the quickest way to my heart is with 90's classics.
Keep that in mind, guys.
Unfortunately my Hanson-Bella tribute band had to be put on hold when the elevator arrived at floor 19 and the doors opened right out into a large carpeted area fixed with a sofa to one side, some w/c doors to the other, and a large oak desk straight in front of you. The wall to your left (the one with the sofa) was made of frosted glass, which, I assumed, separated Mr. Cullen's office space to this one.
"Good afternoon, Dear. You must be Isabella?" A frail looking woman stood to greet me from the desk. "Anna had informed me that you were on your way up."
I smiled politely in my response, "it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise. If you wouldn't mind taking a seat here and I'll inform Mr. Cullen that you've arrived." She motioned over to the sofa and then she retreated back to the desk. I couldn't help but wonder whether she was who I would replace… or, y'know, who someone would replace. It could be that she was just here to help cover, or maybe she had had enough of the office job life? Who's to know.
I had my notes sitting neatly on my lap as I waited for Mr. Cullen. I had done some research on the business before today so I knew some facts and figures. For example I knew that this was the only office in the country that had two CEOs working in the same building - Edward, and his sister Rosalie. I didn't find out why they needed two, but I thought it was probably because this was the base of the company and so they needed an extra pair of hands? I don't know. Their father was Carlisle Cullen - co-owner of the business, and seeing what Anna from reception had said, he sometimes works here too.
Bloody hell, talk about keeping it in the family.
I also found out that Edward used to be a pro-boxer but that he had retired from the sport and now he works here, but I wouldn't call myself a sports fan, so I had never watched one of his fights. The other notes I had written down were simply numbers and percentages. I probably didn't need to know them, but I thought it was best to come prepared - it might have made me look better in his eyes.
My stomach was in knots when I heard a door opening from beside me and a man appeared from the separated room. He was, by far, the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on… and that says a lot, because I find every man attractive.
"Miss Swan?"
I stood awkwardly trying not to drop all my papers and automatically stretched my hand our for a hand shake, however he looked at it like it was some foreign object and dismissed my gesture completely.
Okay then…
"This way please."
"Thank you."
I had worked out that this was Edward Cullen, and he may be hot as fuck, but he also seemed rude as fuck, too. Meh, I still wouldn't kick him out the bed for farting.
He said nothing until we had reached his desk and I took the seat in front of it. I hadn't noticed much about his office, apart from the fact that one wall was made completely of glass that looked straight down to the busy road nineteen floors beneath me. All of my attention had actually been on Mr. Rude Cullen, his messy auburn hair, the slight shadow on his jaw and how said jawline could probably cut glass better than my nipples could. Fuck. Me. What a man.
"Thank you very much for seeing me today, Mr. Cullen." I hadn't yet worked out if 'Mr' meant married… but the ringless hand was a positive sign.
Without asking, Edward took the notes I had placed on the table and skimmed through them briefly. "So…" he browsed some more, "what made you apply for the job?"
Thank Christ I hadn't used that paper to scribble down my shopping list, because I'm sure he wouldn't want to see that I needed more tampons and cat food.
"I moved here about ten months ago and it is now time for me to find a job. I previously worked as an assistant and so I was wanting to find something along the same lines."
His face stayed expressionless the entire time. I didn't know that was possible until today. "Why did it take you so long to start looking if you've lived here for almost a year?"
God, he sure liked to grill people. I decide to be honest with him. "Er, my dad sadly passed away not too long ago, and so I took some time to get myself settled into a new state and I didn't want to rush into a job whilst I was still grieving, but now I feel ready to look for something."
"I'm sorry to hear that." He continued to stare at my papers and flipped them from front and back to see all that I had written on there. He then dropped the papers and pushed them back to me. He caught my eye before saying, "Miss Swan, Nicholas Brandon received your application and resume; he was the one who wanted me to see you. You mentioned that you used to work as an assistant, so I want you tell me a little about that."
His boss, the Brandon from Brandon and Cullen, wanted him to see me? Was he impressed by what he read?
"Yes, in my hometown there was a small publishing chain who I started working for after I finished studying English Literature at the University of Washington. I worked there for roughly 3-4 years and in that time I managed to progress and made my way up to being an assistant. I would help them plan meetings and trips, I would pass on any new manuscripts that my boss had to read, but I would also help ship any manuscripts to the publishing house to help begin the next journey. So I am more than capable to handle anything to do with computers or other technology, I also am happy to answer calls or make them. You know, whatever you needed done, I am comfortable to handle it." I started to ramble - I couldn't control the words that slipped through my filter, so I stopped before things got awkward.
"I get that, Miss Swan, but this isn't some small book chain - this is a multi-million dollar business. It is much more than answering a few phone calls and sending off manuscripts."
"I understand that, and with the right amount of coaching, I will be perfect for the job."
Am I begging? Oh, fuck, I think I'm begging.
"I don't have time to coach somebody. If you're not ready today, then you'll never be ready."
I had ruined it. My only chance to get a decent job, and I had ruined it. This gorgeous son of a bitch sure knew how to make you feel two foot tall. But I couldn't give up, I knew I was perfect of this job. So I begged some more.
"I get that you don't have time to coach somebody, but I'm not asking for you to cut your time to teach me. I am hardworking and I put one hundred and ten percent into everything that I do, if I make a mistake then I will own up to it, but it is very unlike me to make a mistake. I am shown how to do something once, and I don't need to be shown again. I promise, that if you hire me for this job, you will never regret your decision."
For the first time since this interview started, Edward's face morphed into an expression - a slight smirk formed on his lips.
"I like your attitude, Miss Swan, but how do I know I can trust you? I have a lady coming later this afternoon for an interview; how do I know that you're better than her?"
"Because this means everything to me. If I was looking for some knock off job that paid well but that was all I was looking for, then I definitely would not make myself look like a fool and beg at your feet like a damn dog. You will soon come to learn that I have a way with words, and I use my talent to make sure I get what I want, which comes in handy when it comes down to a debate and the chance to win it… Do you have debates that you'd like to win, Mr. Cullen?"
Once again, he smirked. "I'll give you that - you certainly do have a way with words, however I cannot say for certain that you'll win this debate." He stood from the desk, and I followed. "Thank you for coming in today, Miss Swan; I will have Mrs. Cope get in contact with you within the next few days."
Unlike before, he actually stretched out his hand to shake mine as we finished the interview. Strange man.
"I really appreciate you seeing me, Mr. Cullen."
"There is a staff canteen down on floor two. If you ask Mrs. Cope she will give you a card which will allow you to enjoy whatever you'd like from there."
Free food? Jackpot!
"Thank you very much. Have a lovely day."
I left feeling very confused. He appeared to be this cold man who acted like he had been through the worst heartbreak possible, but then he would warm up a bit and show this charming side, almost like he didn't want anyone to see it. I also didn't leave feeling like I had won the job, but I felt like there was a high chance. I suppose I just had to wait and find out the answer.
Mrs. Cope gave me the card that Edward mentioned and wished me a lovely day. I made my way down to floor two and followed the signs towards the canteen. Unlike the rest of the building, it didn't seem anything special, however I did notice the different stations - one for soup and salads, the other for hot food.
Basically anything that is free and contains calories is fine with me.
I chose to go for hot food when I noticed that the options were between lasagne or burgers and fries, and so I stood in line for a burger, covered with processed cheese and a greasy patty. After collecting the food, I grabbed a bottle of Coke from the drinks fridge and then handed over the card from Mrs. Cope at the check-outs. It almost felt like high school all over again - it's your first day, you don't know a single soul here, and so you choose a table that has no-one else sitting at it. I was two bites into my burger, however, when a young lady put her tray down in front of me.
"Are you new?" She asked, all whilst taking a sip from her paper cup. "I've never seen you here before." She looked about my age with dark brown hair that stopped just past her shoulders.
"Er, no. I had an interview with Mr. Cullen and he said that I could get some lunch if I wanted to."
"A free lunch?" She asked me that like it was some sort of code.
"And at the end of the interview, did he shake your hand, or leave you hanging?"
What a weird question. Does it matter?
"He didn't at the start, but then shook it when I left."
My new friend practically jumped in her seat and clapped her hands. "Okay! Okay! So, first of all my name is Angela."
I couldn't help but laugh at Angela's excitement. "I'm Bella."
"Nice to meet you Bella. Secondly, I'm asking you all of this because I have a feeling you may have just bagged yourself a job."
"Really? From free food and a handshake?"
Angela popped a tomato into her mouth, "Edward only shakes hands when he secures a business deal, and when I had my interview last year Barbie gave me an FFC (free food card) it's like their secret way of saying 'welcome to the family; make yourself at home'."
All I got from that was, "Barbie?"
"Oh, yeah - it's my nickname for Rosalie. She reminds me of Malibu Barbie."
"Blonde hair and fake tits?"
"Pretty much."
I laughed. I liked this chick. "So you work for Rosalie?"
Angela sighed, "yeah. The job is fine and I like working here, but she can be a piece of work."
"I got that idea from Edward too. He's very cold…"
Angela flapped her hands around, "you'll get used to him. He's actually the nicer of the Cullen children. I can tell that you are lovely that you also won't take any shit from anyone, so I don't see the need to lie - this job is hard. Especially when you're constantly made to run around the city. But from what I know, and from what I have experienced, Edward is a darling compared to the she-devil that I have to work for. His bark is much worse than his bite. I think you'll fit right in."
We continued to talk for the next twenty minutes until Angela announced that her lunch break was over and she had to head back upstairs, but we exchanged numbers before she left so just incase I didn't get the job we could stay in contact.
I headed out to my car with a positive feeling. If everything that Angela just said was true, then I may have found myself a new job, and a potential Bossman.
Thank you for reading. I really missed writing this Bella and her Bossman.
Let me know what you thought.